Webinar 4: VoIP Networking 101
FONdamentals Learning Series
Recorded Webinar part 4: (5/02/14)
VoIP Networking 101
This recorded webinar is focused on new admins to Fonality Systems with the goal of a flawless VoIP Network. We will cover the networking basics required for VoIP IP Phones, and common issues that can make your hair turn grey when working with VoIP.
More advanced features will be covered in subsequent weeks, and will be published in the FONdamental Learning section in the Fonality Knowledge Base
(All have Port Forward capabilities, Firewall capabilities, and QoS)
In order of preference, highest first:
Cisco RVS 180w - Certified for up to 25 devices
Cisco RVS 220w - Certified for up to 50 devices
DLink DIR-655 - used for up to 10 devices
Cisco SRP521w - Certified for up to 25 devices
Cisco SRP541w - Certified for up to 50 devices
Less preferred:
DLink DSR250n - Certified for up to 25 devices
DLink DSR500n - Certified for up to 50 devices
Keywords (DO NOT REMOVE):
webinar,Webinar,FONdamental,FONdamentals,fondamentals,fondamental, fundamentals,Fundamental,VoIP, VOIP, VoIP networking, voip, networking, voip networking 101