HUD Release Notes

HUD Release Notes

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Version History


HUD Web v1.4.6 - 04/19/17

Functional Changes

NEW! - HUD Applications section 

  • Create new app tray (navigation) icon for HUD Applications

  • Create new center column section for HUD Applications

  • Record-All application - launchable from the HUD Applications section - new browser tab

  • Report Scheduler - launchable from the HUD Applications section - new browser tab

  • Paperless FAX - launchable from the HUD Applications section - new browser tab

Users will still need to login to their respective accounts - SSO will not be available for this launch. 


HUD Softphone v1.2 - 06/19/17

 HUD Softphone Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where certain special characters in a user's chat history could prevent HUDWeb from loading


HUD Web v1.4.5 - 03/14/17

HUD Web Bug Fixes

  • Video Collaboration: Scheduled meetings become 8 hours before of their scheduled time

  • Lost incoming and outgoing ring sound and also sometimes lost chat sounds as well

  • Transferring unanswered call from HUDn doesn't work


HUD Softphone Functional Changes

  • HUD Softphone - Add Call - Users now have the ability when on a call to Add a second call; puts first call on hold and displays the dialed to place a second call.

  •  HUD Softphone - Update the Service Application window to user experience between Service app and Dial Pad app. 


HUD Softphone Bug Fixes

  • HUD Softphone - Cannot Log Out - Add option under Prefs drop down

  • On Mac, When I Quit HUDn and re-launch HUDn, it it forces me to reauthenticate

  • Seeing slight delay with spinning wheel, when I try to make a call on HUDn Mac

  • "Your HUD Softphone is registered on another computer" warning message goes beneath the HUDn dialer screen on first computer.

  • HUD Softphone - Cannot Paste into interface

  • HUD Softphone - Alert Interaction Update

  • HUD Softphone - Remove Legacy Plugins/Extension

  • False trojan/malware detections for HUD_Softphone_installer.msi and idle.exe

  • HUD Softphone - DTMF Screen - Unbold font

  • HUD Softphone - Mac Installer Issue

  • HUD Softphone - Authentication Issues

  • If I delete hud_db.json file, next hudn launch gives softphone update notification.


HUD Web v1.4.4 - 12/15/16

Functional Changes

  • NEW! - Create HUD Softphone Application

  • Remove any plugin dependencies that currently exist in HUD Web

  • Add ability to download HUD Softphone Application from HUD Web. 

  • Create new Preferences Modal

    • Remove Preferences from Center Column (ME)

  • Remove Second Device Warning from HUD Web Notifications

  • Create HUD Softphone installers for Mac and Windows

  • Add web notifications to FF and Safari (like Chrome)

  • Remove the HUD Notification to download/update plugin

  • Display warning to user if logged into HUD Softphone on another machine



  • Remove the ability to search my own extension from Universal search.

  • The transfer search field overlaps the search result.

  • When you click on the Call icon from a contact who joined Conf, it doesn't open anything.

  • Seeing a broken page when I click on missed notification after deleting the team

  • Conf room text is not inline.

  • The call icon under the Recordings tab makes a call to yourself.

  • HUD Softphone : Call ring is heard Only once on Caller side while establishing a call from Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer

  • When you make a call back from Voicemails,Recordings or from Call back notifications, Recent is not updated on caller end

  • For an external call, I am seeing mismatch with colors.

  •  Call Later Not Working Correctly

  •  On IE - Fileshare images are stretched in the chat window

  • When user doesn't have permission to view the conference room, then user should not be allowed to Dock that room or Disable the Join button on the docked area.

  • Answered queue call transfer to VM doesn't work

  • If there is more than one contact under "Unable to Join", then "Try All" button for conference is not working as expected.

  • Showing incorrect timestamps for chat notifications in certain situations.

  • ** Unable to highlight the sent messages to Copy them on Chrome Version 54 (cannot select chat history)


HUD Web v1.4.3 - 10/26/16

Functional Changes

  • Remove the Audio Player from the Navigation

  • New Voicemail and Recording User Interface

    • Add Inline Line Audio Controls to VM and Recordings - users will now see the audio controls with each VM or Recording

  • Voice mail can be downloaded directly from HUD Web, not just the CP

  • Unanswered Queue Call Transfer - Incoming queue calls that have not yet been answered may be transferred by those with permissions to do so

  • Users on Windows 10 that are using Skype as well as Internet Explorer 11 as their browsers will no longer have the displays of Skype and the browser conflict

  • New Avatar User Interface - all user avatars have been made round instead of the previous “soft” square.

    • Users without an avatar image will be shown with their initials

  • The "Repost" option will no longer appear in hover-over menus or anywhere else in HUD Web

  • Favicon Notification Badge for all browsers -notifications for missed calls, voicemails and chats will add a count to the browser Favicon.

  • New Transfer User Interface - When users click on the "Transfer" button in their Call Controls, they will see a new UI that allows for transfers to both internal and external numbers

  • New Drag And Drop Transfer

    • New user interface

    • Allows users to transfer via drag and drop and select destination (e.g. mobile, VM, etc)

  • Termination and disablement of call logs within HUDWeb

  • Refresh the user experience for the Recents section of HUDw




  • Call alignment in the "Calls" tab of the Queues section has been improved

  • There will no longer be visual conflicts when a user utilizing HUD Web also uses the Click-to-Dial plugin

  • Call controls will still come up when a user places or takes a call, but now only when they have set their location to Softphone

  • When a group in HUD is deleted by its owner, the team deletion notification in HUD will now be accompanied by a standard audible HUD chat notification

  • An issue was fixed where, when a search through the text entry box in the Favorites tab found no results, the next search would then also show no results even if they should exist

  • The resizing bar for items in HUD's dock section has been properly placed

  • When a call has ended, digits pressed during the call will disappear from the "Place A Call" box

  • Corrected an issue with Chrome browsers where blue outlines appeared when toggling selections in the Agent logout drop down box

  • Fixed Microsoft .NET Framework errors popping up with HUDweb running

  • User avatars will now properly display when those users appear in groups or queues

  • Fixed Internet Explorer issue where conference member searches sometimes presented undesired results by starting the search before all desired search text/numbers could be fully entered

  • Fixed an issue where a user's department name was not showing up in the information shown within the My Account tab

  • When users without HUD permissions try to use HUD, they will now be presented with an "Invalid License" error message

  • Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer where longer chat entries on conference call tabs were not being completely displayed

  • Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer where longer chat entries from Groups chats when seen on the Members tab were not being completely displayed

  • Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer where the visual appearance of the user location seen under the Me tab was not displaying properly

  • Fixed an issue in Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers where Queue name searches did not always find the results that should have been available from the search

  • When the user location is set to @Office, HUD will no longer show controls for speaker and microphone volume levels which are only used for calls taken or made via the users computer

  • When a user is connected to two calls, only the one that is active will show up that way, while the one on hold will show as being on hold

  • Users that were added via HUD mobile and then showed up with blank user information in HUD can now be edited or deleted within one's HUD contacts

  • In the groups section, all users will show under "All" tab, while only those users not associated with a group will appear in the "General" tab

  • A change made to a queue agent's name will no longer blank out that person's name in the queue but will instead update their name with the change that was made

  • When using a Firefox browser, call logs will include both "duration" and "type" options in the selections that can be toggled

  • Abandoned queue call notifications will display the name of the queue where that took place

  • Fixed an issue with Microsoft Edge and Chrome browsers where button icons on the very top tab bar in HUD were not working

  • Internet Explorer browsers can properly activate new calls by clicking on a call in the "Recent Calls" window

  • Fixed an issue where calls between linked servers that were on hold and then taken off hold sometimes did not stop playing hold music

  • Fixed an issue where call recordings from previous years were not showing up under My Recordings section of the Calls & Recordings tab

  • Fixed a cosmetic bug where the color encircling the user avatar for conference calls was not correct

  • When dragging a call into a conference room via HUD, the call will always go into the conference room that was selected

  • When moving where the cursor hovers from one user to another, the new user's information will appear more quickly in place of the previous user's information

  • When a user has listened to a voicemail, the count of untouched voicemails for them will decrease appropriately

  • Fixed an issue where checking the Voicemails tab within the Calls & Recordings tab was showing different numbers for unlistened-to voicemails, depending on which filter was being used to display them

  • Improper missed voicemail notices will no longer sometimes be triggered when users check their voicemails

  • When a user is viewing a conference call's conference room info, the record button will not appear for them if they have not joined that conference room's call, even if they have recording rights

  • When a user drags and drops a call over to an External Contact, the call will be transferred as selected

  • Fixed an issue where a "9-" appeared before some numbers in the To and From fields in users' call logs

  • Outbound call notifications now appear as "Outbound" rather than "OutBound"

  • When someone using either Chrome or Firefox clears their cache, their HUD Web Queues tab's information will no longer be blanked out by that action

  • Mac users will no longer have their web phone's registration affected when they change the volume

  • Outbound call notifications now appear as "Outbound" rather than "OutBound"

  • Users who do not have permissions to see others' call details can no longer call those details up by examining the call details of their own calls and clicking on the other users on the call

  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the Internet Explorer browser where the sorting arrow seen next to the Duration information under the Calls & Recordings tab was misaligned

  • The user's own contact name and avatar will properly display on their own HUD as part of the information seen when transferring a call into a conference room

  • Fixed an issue affecting the ability to search for contacts based on their email

  • Fixed an issue with Firefox browsers where the search bar in the Chat tab for individual Chats was appearing incompletely

  • When sharing files, the sender of the file will now also be given an audio cue to notify them of the file sharing action taking place

  • When a user without permissions to transfer other users' calls clicks on another user's call, they will not be shown the transfer command button

  • When users are no longer on a conference call they will not be able to send or receive chats through the conference call room's chat messaging tool

  • The contact from incoming call is not added under Recent.

  • Department and Team's voicemail tab is named "Voicemail", While other area named it as "Voicemails"

  • When checked on "Show when app is in focus" and open chat window already, chat sound doesn't work

  • Shared files with long names (approx 43 characters) hide the Timestamp.

  • Newly docked groups don't have a default height

  • Conference call "Join by phone" option does not work if number includes hyphens

  • Click-to-dial plugin breaks transfer UI

  • Moving a docked item out-of-bounds does not change the cursor

  • Conferencing button should be greyed out when "Steal calls from others' extensions" perm is removed.

  • Recent tab (left column) is not updated for incoming call starting from 2nd call when the call is made with New Call field.



  • Users can share OneDrive files via the Clip icon in the Chat window

  • Users can share Box files via the Clip icon in the Chat window

  • Users can share Google Drive files via the Clip icon in the Chat window

  • Users can share files from their computers or Dropbox via hovering their cursors over the avatars for other users or groups in HUD Web

  • Users can share Dropbox files via Chat in HUD Web

  • New Usage Analytics functionality



  • When hovering over another user's avatar in a Chat and then clicking the fileshare icon, the fileshare interface will now properly appear

  • When using Internet Explorer and clicking on the Clip icon to share files, access to the fileshare interface will now properly appear 


HUD Web Hotfix - 05/05/16

 [No part of this release affected direct customer experience]

HUD Web v1.4.1 - 05/03/16

Feature Adjustment :: Voicemail Tab
Adjustments were made to the appearance of the user voicemail tab in HUD Web

Feature Adjustment :: Error Messages
Adjustments were made to the appearance of network error messages from HUD Web

Feature Adjustment :: User Interface
The appearances of users' names, avatars, and queue status in HUD Web were adjusted for better alignment

Feature Adjustment :: User Interface
The appearances of users' names and their status in the Contacts panel were adjusted for better alignment

Feature Adjustment :: User Interface
When placing or answering a call, HUD Web now automatically brings up the user Call Control options

Feature Adjustment :: Chrome Compatibility
When using Chrome and accessing HUD Web, users no longer receive soft phone plug-in notifications and alerts

Feature Adjustment :: Edge Compatibility
When using Microsoft's Edge browser and accessing HUD Web, users no longer receive soft phone plug-in notifications and alerts

Feature Adjustment :: User Interface
When users do not have queue permissions they will no longer see the Remove Queue option in their interface

Feature Adjustment :: User Interface
The information presented when users' hover menu appears has been simplified

Bug Fix :: Chrome Compatibility
Fixed issue with appearance of docked gadgets in the HUD Web dock

Bug Fix :: HUD Web Alerts
Fixed behavior of HUD Web desktop alerts while user's have a call on hold

Bug Fix :: HUD Web Dock
When scrolling, gadgets in the HUD Web dock no longer get picked up and pulled along with the scrolling action

Bug Fix :: HUD Web User Email Field
HUD Web will now always show the correct user's email to the user in the field for their email address in HUD Web

Bug Fix :: HUD Web Alerts
HUD Web alerts will not appear for users when they have disabled them within their own HUD Web user settings 

Bug Fix :: User Permissions
User permissions for Barge, Monitor, or Whisper functions within HUD Web will properly be removed when taken away from a user

Bug Fix :: User Interface
Text within the user interface will not overlap other text in it

Bug Fix :: Internet Explorer Compatibility
The appearance of the time/clock in the Recent Calls information is now properly aligned

Bug Fix :: Chrome Compatibility
The appearance of the time/clock in the Recent Calls information is now properly aligned

Bug Fix :: Internet Explorer Compatibility
The drop-down selection for logging all users out of a queue now properly displays in the Chat window of HUD Web

Bug Fix :: User Chat Status
The appearance of a user's status in the Chat window of HUD Web will now show lengthy status statements without them being cut short

Bug Fix :: Firefox Compatibility
The drop-down selection for logging all users out of a queue now properly scrolls through selection options

Bug Fix :: Call Transfer Appearance
The full extension number of a destination extension in a call transfer will be shown for call transfers

Bug Fix :: Chrome Compatibility
Chrome can display/use special characters when presenting HUD Web alerts

Bug Fix :: HUD Web Group Tab
Calls displayed on users' Group tab in HUD Web will show only once without duplication

Bug Fix :: Call Center
Total Number of Agents information in HUD Web's Call Center information will display the proper number of agents currently logged in

Bug Fix :: Call Barging
Call options for those barging a call will now properly appear on the call control bar

Bug Fix :: Call Recording
Recordings will display the duration of a call being Recorded, starting from 00:01 onward

Bug Fix :: Conference Calls
Conference calls on linked servers will clear upon completion, even when a user without conference room permissions is invited to and takes part in the call

Bug Fix :: Avatar User Information
When hovering the browser cursor over a user in HUD Web, their phone number will properly be displayed in their avatar's pop-up information fields

Bug Fix :: Call Transfers
Calls transferred by using the Call Management window will properly transfer

Bug Fix :: Chat
The location of the "Send" button in HUD Web's Chat window will always display in a fixed position

Bug Fix :: Voicemail Transcription
Voicemail Transcriptions will properly appear without users first having to refresh their HUD Web browser window

Bug Fix :: Click to Dial
The appearance of the information within the Call Management pop-up window will be correct for users who have Click to Dial installed

Bug Fix :: Voicemails
Outgoing voicemails that have been completed will show up in the various call reporting tools within HUD Web

Bug Fix :: Chrome Compatibility
The Preferences window will appear properly when using Google Chrome as the browser for HUD Web

Bug Fix :: Browser Compatibility
Update/Install messages for HUD Web Plug-Ins now properly time out and go away after their initial appearance

Bug Fix :: HUD Web Alerts
When users refresh their browser window, HUD Web will not erroneously issue an alert to warn them against opening more than one window for HUD Web use

Bug Fix :: Internet Explorer Compatibility
Dragging the user Mute/Speaker bar now works properly

Bug Fix :: Integration Interface
An incorrect Start Time error message seen when using Video Collaboration will no longer occur

Bug Fix :: Integration Interface
Users cannot access the Integration Interface if they lack the necessary license

Bug Fix :: Video Collaboration
Meeting information for users whose usernames are internet domain names will now appear properly when using HUD Web Video Collaboration

Bug Fix :: User Alerts
Users who do not have an email set for them will receive alerts to provide that in situations where having email information set is first required for the use or access of certain HUD Web features

Bug Fix :: Firefox Compatibility
Firefox users who change their timezone to one not based in the USA will see that change properly updated

Bug Fix :: Video Collaboration
When there have been more than 31 meetings held of a given type, all day/date/time information for further meetings will appear properly

Bug Fix :: Video Collaboration
When updating a meeting's information on the first of any month, scheduling of that meeting will properly update


HUD Web v1.4 - 01/07/16

Feature Adjustment :: Call Center Tool
The data point that presented Total Calls for a queue in the Call Center tool has been replaced with a data point for the Longest Hold Time in the queue.

New Feature:: Chat/Call Pane
The Recent Tab in the Chat/Call pane now has Timeline and Grouped filtering options available.

Feature Adjustment :: Call Center Tool
The Queue icon no longer presents status info for a given agent/user when it is hovered over by a cursor. 

Feature Adjustment: Me Tool
The Busy Ring Back feature has been removed from the General tab in the Me tool. Instead, now that functionality is actively available to all users.

Feature Adjustment:: Tool Tray
The functionality of the Tool Tray at the top has been somewhat simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: Chrome Compatibility
The soft phone for HUD when using Chrome has had its preferences options simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: Chat/Call Pane
The Chat/Call pane’s All tab functionality has been somewhat simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: Tool Tray
Tool Tray icons each now have fixed positions.

Feature Adjustment :: Chat/Call Pane
The Chat/Call pane Groups tab functionality has been somewhat simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: Me Tool
Preferences available to users under the General tab of the Me tool have been simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: Me Tool
The options for Location found on the Me tool’s tab have been simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: Loading Page
HUD’s loading page now uses a spinning wheel to indicate loading rather than a progress bar.

Bug Fix :: Firefox Compatibility
Firefox use of HUD will now only present the characters that have been typed into it. If the character order of something typed into HUD matches hexadecimal language, HUD will instead only present those characters that were specifically typed, rather than the corresponding hexadecimal equivalent.

Bug Fix :: Chat/Call Pane
The Call Log tab found in the Chat/Call pane can now properly adjust the number of logged calls that it presents to the amount specific by the user.

Bug Fix :: Chat/Call Pane
A greater number of files can be visibly confirmed as being shared when initiated via the Chat/Call pane.

Feature Adjustment :: Chat/Call Pane
A minor aesthetic change was made to the New Call field.

Bug Fix :: Chat/Call Pane
Calls received via HUD then put on and taken off of hold can now always be properly ended by using the End button on the Chat/Call pane.

Bug Fix :: Chat/Call Pane
The functionality of the Groups tab of the Chat/Call pane was simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: Chat/Call Pane
The functionality of the Recent tab of the Chat/Call pane was simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: Me Tool
User experience of the Me tool while on a call has been simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: HUD GUI
Minor adjustments have been made to the aesthetic of the HUD graphical user interface.

Feature Adjustment :: Calls & Recordings Tool
The Voicemails tab of the Calls & Recordings tool now only displays received voicemails.

Feature Adjustment :: Me Tool
The functionality of calls being actively recorded and seen in the Me tool during those calls has been simplified.

Feature Adjustment :: HUD GUI
An adjustment was made to the functionality of scroll bars in HUD’s graphical user interface.

Feature Adjustment :: HUD GUI
Multiple desktop alerts can now appear in HUDs graphical user interface.

Feature Adjustment :: Chat/Call Pane
A minor adjustment was made to the functionality of file sharing when in group chat.

Bug Fix :: Internet Explorer Compatibility
Cut and paste functions now work in all chat windows when using Internet Explorer with HUD.

Bug Fix :: Chat/Call Pane
Calls made to mobile devices now appear not just in the Calls & Recordings tool’s Call Log tab but also in the Call Log tab of the Chat/Call pane’s Chat tool itself, the one which opens when chats are initiated.

Bug Fix :: Chat/Call Pane
Files shared and then deleted under the Chat tab of the Chat/Call pane’s chat pop-up window will show as deleted upon deletion rather than waiting until the next page refresh to be confirmed.

Bug Fix :: Calls & Recordings Tool
Group voicemails or pages received now show the group name rather than the extension for the group when appearing in the call log of the Calls & Recordings tool.

Bug Fix :: Chat/Call Pane
HTML files shared under the Chat tab of the Chat/Call pane’s chat pop-up window will now be selected and highlighted when then clicked upon to open the Preview window.

Bug Fix :: Chat/Call Pane
The Progress bar, that appears when users share files under the Chat tab that opens from the Chat/Call pane, will now disappear upon completion of the file being shared, rather than waiting until the next page refresh to go away.

Feature Adjustment :: Search Tool
Global search capability of the Search tool has been improved.

Feature Adjustment :: Chat/Call Pane
The number of emojis that can be recognized and represented when used in chats via HUD has been slightly expanded.

Feature Adjustment :: Me Tool
A user wishing to change their HUD avatar picture may now also do so by dragging and dropping the desired picture file onto their current avatar picture within the Account tab of the Me tool.

Feature Adjustment :: Chat/Call Pane                                       
When a user deletes a Contact or Group the action also removes it from appearing in the right-side docking sandbox if it has been in use there. This can only be done with Contacts or Groups that the specific user had themselves created.


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