Types of Queues

Types of Queues

These are the six possible call distribution strategies for your Queue:

  • fewest total calls:  Agents are rung according to who has received the fewest total calls.

  • least recently answered: Agents are rung according to who has waited the longest since last answering a call.

  • ring random user: Agents are rung in a random order.

  • ring all: All agents are rung. The first to pick up gets the call.

  • round robin (circular hunt): Agents are rung according to the order they are listed in the queue.

  • round robin with memory: Just like round robin, except the ringing begins with the agent right after whomever received the last call.

HINT: Hold your mouse over the blue ? mark superscripted at the end of Queue Type to view this list at any time.


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