Fonality - Download queue call recordings - How do I?
** It is important to note that you are responsible for the lawful use of our technologies, including call recording. Click here for more information.
Fonality provides the means for downloading recorded calls via the PBXtra 's Admin Panel, however, some customers have a great number of queues and many recordings. Using the Web-Based Management interface to download recordings for archival use would be very tedious.
These detailed instructions are provided with the following disclaimer:
Fonality only provides support for the management interface and the PBXtra itself. These instructions have passed Fonality support peer review before being posted here, however, they are neither endorsed nor supported by Fonality. In short, before proceeding have confidence in your skills: use at your own risk.
To record all calls from a call queue
Call queue recording is accomplished through the Web-Based PBXtra Administrator's Management interface under A.C.D. --> recording. The number of calls to be recorded must be assigned by selecting each member of the call queue under 'Create New Recording' and selecting 'User' from the drop-down menu. The number of calls to be recorded is then selected under 'calls' up to a maximum of 100 calls.
100 Calls is the database maximum number of calls and it is cumulative.
To reset the database and, thereby, reset the number of allowable future calls to be recorded the user must be selected under A.C.D. --> recording selecting the 'User' and resetting the number of calls under 'Calls'. This process will reset the call recording database to zero.
To retrieve call recordings from the PBXtra for archival purposes
First the root name and password must be set on the PBXtra .
Login to the server using username: ip and password: ip.
When the Fonality options page is displayed, select Option 11 'Set Root Password'.
The password should be easy to remember and difficult guess. Fonality advises using at least a combination of characters and letters in a string a minimum of eight characters.
Keep your root password available but secure.
Once the root password is set the user must connect into the PBXtra from another location. This is accomplished using an application such as Winscp freely available at:
Once this application is installed on another computer, on the same local network, the user must connect into the PBXtra using the IP address of the PBXtra and logging in using the root password that was earlier set.
Once the user is logged into the PBXtra the files may be downloaded to the remote machine and saved for archival use by the following steps:
Create a directory/folder on local computer
Connect to the PBXtra
Identify and select the target directory/folder (created in step 1) on the local machine. If using WinSCP the local machine will be on the left.
Identify and select the source directory/folder: /var/spool/asterisk/monitor on the PBXtra . If using WinSCP the source machine will be located on the right.
Download the desired files to be archived.
NOTE: You can also email these attachments off site in the same manner you would send any file via email. Open your email client, create a new message, click ‘attach’ or the paper clip icon, and select the file from the pop-up window. Click ‘ok’ or ‘attach’ and finish the message. Send and you’re done!