Fonality - How do I import users / extensions?

Fonality - How do I import users / extensions?


Import Steps

  1. Go to the "add user" menu under "Users / Extensions"

  2. Click the link titled "I want to import changes or additions using a comma separated (.csv) file"

  3. You will need a .csv (Comma Separated Values) file (see: Creating a CSV file)

  4. Click "Browse..." and find the .csv file that was created in step 3.

  1. Click "Import Users" and the import process will begin.  A status message will display for each step of the process and update you on the overall progress complete.

 Creating a CSV file

  1. Open your spreadsheet software and create a new page or sheet.

  2. You will need 10 columns.  The first row in your spreadsheet may be a header, but is not necessary.

  3. Here is an example of what your spreadsheet may look like:

  1. The first row is a header, which lists the fields available.  The full list of fields are as follows (red fields must be filled in, with certain exceptions):

    1. Extension

    2. First Name

    3. Last Name

    4. Web Username

    5. Password

    6. Description

    7. Email

    8. IM

    9. Mobile

    10. Device MAC Address (Leaving this empty will create a voicemail-only extension.  Keyword "virtual" will create a user assigned to a -virtual device-.  See Import Rules.)

  2. Use the "Export" or "Save As..." feature of your spreadsheet to create a .csv file.


Sample CSV

Here is a sample CSV file that can be used:

Be sure to put your valid MAC addresses at the end.  First line is ignored (column headers). 


Import Rules

  • Device MAC Address:

    • No spaces.

    • Device MAC address must match an existing MAC address, or use the keyword "virtual".

    • Keyword "virtual" will create a user assigned to a so-called "-virtual device-", which isn't a physical phone.  Useful if you want to assign users/extensions to devices in the future.

    • Optionally, if you leave this blank, a voicemail-only extension will be created.

  • Extension:

    • You may not move an extension from one user to another.
      Example:  If extension 7002 was already assigned to Jason Flynn (jmflynn), then the import shown in the "Creating a CSV file" screenshot above would fail, because the username/password does not match.

  • First & Last Name:

    • Names may not contain apostrophes.  Spaces are OK in between words, but no trailing spaces (no spaces at the end).

  • Password:

    • Password must be at least 8 characters long, contain an uppercase letter, and at least two numbers.  Underscores are OK.

  • Error-checking is done prior to import to ensure the file format is valid and import data can be reconciled with your existing system.

  • All imported CSV files will be saved to aid Fonality support in troubleshooting any problems you may encounter.

  • Imports cannot be undone nor reverted.



  • Update an existing user's information:
    If the Web Username and Extension exist and match, the remaining fields will update the user and/or extension information.

  • Add another extension to an existing user:
    If the Web Username exists and the Extension does not, a new extension will be created for the user.

  • Create a new user and extension:
    If the Web Username and Extension do not exist, then a new user and a new extension will be created, and associated.



i.) A CSV import job already exists for this server. Please contact support about this issue.

There must be no spaces following the MAC address.  Avoid trailing spaces on all fields.

ii.) There was an error uploading the CSV file to the server. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.

Click on "Users/Extensions: add user" tab again, and then click on "I want to import changes or additions using a comma separated (.csv) file" to refresh the page.
"Import New File" should work now.

iii.) Not enough user licenses(voicemail) to perform CSV import.

Make sure that every extension has a MAC address, or the word "virtual".  This must be in the 10th column of the spreadsheet - column J.

iv.) Device does not exist.

Look at the line number reported.
Make sure that the MAC address contains all UPPERCASE letters.  Check carefully for typos or reversed letters/numbers (e.g. 8969 vs. 8696). 

Also check for errors involving the letter "O" instead of the number "0"; 00O4F2123456 (wrong) looks very similar to 0004F2123456 (right).



The following information may only be applicable to older versions of the CSV import

We recommend testing with one extension first if using any of the following suggestions.

  • To switch an existing user extension from a device to a no-device user extension, use the keyword "virtual" in the Device MAC Address (field #10).

  • Reassigning a device from one extension to another will cause the prior extension to become a -virtual device- user extension.

    • Example:  Extension 7011 is associated with SOFTPHONE001 device.  The CSV contains 7003 which has the Device MAC Address set to "SOFTPHONE001".  After import, extension 7003 would be associated with SOFTPHONE001 while extension 7011 would be set to voicemail-only.

  • For convenience when updating *existing* extensions, the Device MAC Address (field #10) may be left blank.  If the extension exists, then it is updated without changing the device it is associated with.  If the extension does not exist, then it is created as a voicemail-only (virtual) device.


Additional Resources


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