PBX GUI - DPMA Apps-Recording
It will basically work the way the on-demand recording feature code does, the user can start and stop recording at any time by using a phone button. Record button works for Account1 only. For other account record button will remain disabled.
To use the DPMA Apps-Recording functionality we required to install modules i.e res_pjsip_callid.so & res_pjsip_send_info.so which is present in asterisk<Version>-freepbx_asterisk_modules RPM.
First check the asterisk version than Select the RPM to install i.e
Asterisk V13 → asterisk13.21-freepbx_asterisk_modules
Asterisk V16 → asterisk16.8-freepbx_asterisk_modules
Asterisk V18 → asterisk18-freepbx_asterisk_modules
Asterisk V19 → asterisk19.0-freepbx_asterisk_modules
How to Enable on-demand recording
The Record buttons will be available on the phone based on the Extension's "On Demand Recording" permission. For more info please refer:- On Demand Recording
How to set Record button on the phone
Go to "Endpoint Manager → Right Nav"
Click on "Brands→ Sangoma ->D & P series phones→ Select the template that you want add Applications for"
Go to the Models section of the template and select a model.
Click on phone model → Horizontal Soft Keys → Connected → Select the applications (App-Record) → Save Model
Start Recording the call
Pressing the Record button will start the recording and Record button will get replace with Stop Record button.
Stop Recording the call
Pressing the Stop Record button will stop the recording and Stop Record button will get replace with Record button.
How to access the Recorded files from the UI
Goto Reports -→ Call Recordings -→ Select Year and it will be listing the all recorded calls with Type as ondemand