PBX GUI - EPM-LDAP with Sangoma P Phones
LDAP Settings
This is for all Sangoma’s Px Series Phones
LDAP integration offers the ability to do lookups of contacts from your LDAP server (Active Directory or OpenLDAP for instance).
Access LDAP Directory Search from the DPMA Contacts app
Setting up LDAP Directory on your Phone
Go to the End Point Manager in your PBX and select the Sangoma brand in the menu.
Click on D & P series phones.
Choose the template applied to your Px Series phone.
Click on the LDAP menu tab at the top
LDAP Settings are dependent on your LDAP server type and configuration.
LDAP Name Filter - LDAP attribute to get the first name. The default is "givenName".
LDAP Last Name Filter - LDAP attribute to get the last name. The default is "sn".
LDAP Search Filter - Filter to use when searching. Default is
Sample Search Filter – If you want to list only the contacts that have phone numbers.
LDAP Server Address - URL used for LDAP connections. For example ldap://hostname
LDAP Base - LDAP DN at which to start the search. Example dc=domain,dc=local.
LDAP Username - Username is required to access the LDAP server.
LDAP Password - Password required to access the LDAP server.
LDAP Max Hits - Specifies the maximum number of search results to be returned by the LDAP server. The larger the number, the slower the lookup. The default is 50.
LDAP Dial Strings - Specifies where LDAP will provide dial strings. Without these parameters, LDAP contact list doesn’t show contact numbers, it shows only contact names.
ID - The attribute type configured in the LDAP server.
Label - The name assigned to the specific attribute type ID.
Click on Save, Rebuild Config(s), and Update Phones.
You can access the LDAP App via DPMA Contact Apps or from the Px Series phone's Main Menu under Applications.
For P370
Press the Contacts button on your Px series phone and click on Directory to view LDAP contacts.
To Setup DPMA Contact App, Please Follow : Contacts App
Here is an example : Telex is an ID set in LDAP Dial String.
Select any Contact then press the Show Button
With the Dial option, we can dial the contact number.