PBX GUI - Oracle Connector Manual
That will help you to use Oracle Connector Module.
This module is a SPM add-on connecting your SPM to Oracle Hospitality.
On your right page, you have a menu :
Create four class of service to be used by Oracle Connector module beginning per SPM- (e.g : SPM-LIMITED, or SPM-Local...) . Class of Service
Create some charge to be used by room type and billing rates. Configuration
Create a room type. Room type
Add one room with this room type. Adding Room (From the Oracle Server, the room number is the extension number).
Create some billing rates entries. Billing Rates
Setting up Customer Ticket information. Define Customer Ticket
Create some Maid Services entries. MaidServices
On this page you will see all the rooms and some information
Room Status |
Moving the mouse on , that will show further information like this:
= Extension unreachable.
On top of table, you will see some information about the state of the connection, if there's any requests in pending, or failed requests.
Icon | Action | Describing |
Process Up | The process oracle_connector is running | |
Process Down | The process oracle_connector is stopped, or down. | |
Oracle answered | Oracle server has answered to Oracle connector | |
No answer from Oracle Server | We are waiting any answer from Oracle server. |
Oracle Server : You must to enter the Oracle server with its ip address or host name.
Port : Set the port used by Oracle server.
Key Word : is used for the authentication process with Oracle server.
If empty, there's no authentication process used.
If you need to use the authentication process, you must to enter a key word like for example: MyOwnKey
Returns this after submitting:
Copy the key with the mouse, and send this one to the Oracle admin. e.g: r1vw8Evmg3FtV6nyzJnjyw==
Note: Don't delete it, because a new one will be generate and it will be different. Oracle server will lock your access. If you have made a deletion, send the new key word to the Oracle administrator before any connection.
Keepalive : Is used to detect if the Oracle answers with LS request every 5mn (300 seconds). If no answer, the link could be disconnected.
Action : You can Start, Restart, Stop the process.
If you select Restart, then a LE request will be send to the Oracle server for inform it that it must to shutdown the link as well.
If you select Stop, then the process will stop immediately without request to the Oracle server.
Sync Database is used to synchronize the database from Oracle server.
It must be performed after a fresh install, or in a emergency case.
Press on the button and wait the end of sync.
It can take several minutes..
Through Console:
fwconsole oracle stop
fwconsole oracle start
fwconsole oracle restart
fwconsole oracle sync
Class Of Service : is used to provide some call restriction to the rooms.
You must to create four Call of Server beginning per SPM- in your Call of Service module.For more information, click on the following link: Class of Service-Admin Guide
Send emails to customers: You can allow or disallow the sending of emails to customers for any events.
Subject & Body customer ticket: is used to customize the customer ticket which will be send to the customer when chech-in.
A PDF will be attached in the email. (Set the content in SPM / General menu).
Show buffer: is used to check the buffer content in the case where you will have a problem. For example:
If there's a bad formatted request.
Each Oracle request is enclosed by STX / ETX ASCII code. If something is broken, the buffer might be corrupted.
This status will be disabled in same time with keepalive. Just for avoid to flood the logs.
Open SSH console and launch this command line : fwconsole dbug , and you will see the buffer content.
Clear Buffer will appear in close of Submit button.
Press on it to clear it and the buffer will be clean.
The page is not dynamic, If you want to display the new states, please reload the page manually.
That will show the event of the day.
You can apply a filter to search whatever you want (A room, a guest name, a time... etc).
Pending Requests.
Almost all incoming or outgoing request is stored in a FIFO folder and is immediatly removed when this one is execute.
When a request has been sent to the Oracle server and this one doesn't receive its response, then this request is renamed with .~rd extension file instead of .ord.
You can resend this one clicking on the arrows near the trash on the right of the table.
If you think the request is not important, then you might press on trash to delete it.
To remove all request at once, just click on the button above the table :
Note: Only on Oracle Connector module!!
Side SPM (Sangoma Property Manager)
Once the Oracle operating mode selected, you will have this menu.
It's the same like Oracle Connector module, excepted that you cannot check the buffer, clear it, accede to the pending requests, accede to the panel and logs.
You need to return back to Oracle Connector module and accede to those features.
Note: To add the rooms, just need to create one room type and add the rooms with this model. Whatever the type of room here.
Also, create one tax value.
They are not synchronized from Oracle server anyway.
Oracle manage the prices, taxes, and other else.
Operating Mode
Customer ticket
You can use some tags to improve the customer tickets.