PBX GUI - Oracle Connector command lines.

PBX GUI - Oracle Connector command lines.

The command lines below can be used if the PBX system doesn't work correctly.
Indeed, in some cases, if you decide to change the outbound routes for any reason, you will break the CDR requests to the Oracle Server.
The Oracle Connector module could not find the new value for the ourbound route.

Applying some cmd lines can be helpful to know if the configuration is good or bad.

  1. fwconsole oracle roomlist

  2. fwconsole oracle roomlist --logs

  3. fwconsole oracle checkbr

  4. fwconsole oracle checkbr --logs

  5. fwconsole health

  6. fwconsole oracle model

  7. fwconsole oracle model --repair

  8. fwconsole roomreset


(1) fwconsole oracle roomlist

Return the list of the rooms with some details.

Two cases to get an issue.

(2) fwconsole oracle roomlist --logs

Samething but the result goes to the logs file.

The option: --logs will send the result to the file: oracle_connector.log


(3) fwconsole oracle checkbr

The commande line can be used to check the outbound route.


If the result is not conform. You can try to use fwconsole oracle checkbr or the other command lines to figure out where the issue comes from.

(4) fwconsole oracle checkbr --logs

Samething but the result goes to the logs file.

(5) fwconsole health

fwconsole roomlist and fwconsole checkbr has been merged and gives the samething with a single commande line.

(6) fwconsole oracle model

Shows the type of room. Only one model (type of room) must be present for Oracle Connector.


(7) fwconsole oracle model --repair

Repairs the issue with the rooms.

(8) fwconsole roomreset

Flush the rooms in the database and reset the config for the outbound route and models as for the first install.
However, the settings with the Oracle Server are still present like for example, the ip address, the CoS ...Etc

WARNING! This command line removes all rooms, you need to sync data from oracle server with: fwconsole oracle sync


Additional feature

Now, a job will be executed every night and you will see the result in the oracle_connector.log



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