Business Voice & CPaaS SMS Campaign Registration (10DLC) User Guide
Table of Contents
Teamhub SMS Campaign Registry app can only be used for the Business Voice, and CPaaS platforms.
For CommUnity, Switchvox and SIPStation please use the following: Sangoma 10DLC Registration
Any message transmitted via our platforms regardless of use case or phone number type (e.g., long code, short code, or toll-free) will be considered by The Campaign Registry (TCR) to be an Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging.
Per the rules of The Campaign Registry (TCR), Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS and MMS message traffic may not be delivered to US-based end user mobile devices unless the message traffic is properly registered as a campaign.
Before starting a Campaign Registry, we recommend you review the following articles.
It is also recommended that during the campaign creation, you utilize this checklist.
How to access our Campaign Registry apps.
Currently, there are 2 Campaign Registry apps.
If you are using a CommUnity, Switchvox, or SIPStation SMS app you must register your campaign using, and therefore use the CommUnity, Switchvox, and SIPStation SMS Campaign Registration (10DLC) User Guide.
If you are using the Sangoma SMS app inside TeamHub or other CPaaS apps, access Sangoma SMS Campaign Registry apps as follows:
From TeamHub - Click Home, then select the SMS Campaign Registry app,
From Sangoma Apps - click Here, Login using your TeamHub credentials, then select the SMS Campaign Registry app.
Brand Registration
From the Number & Campaign Registration menu on the left, Click Brands.
Click the CREATE BRAND button and complete the following steps.
TCR charges for each Brand Registration attempt regardless if it is approved or not. Therefore please ensure that you have the following information available before starting the registration process.
Legal Company Name (exact match, properly spelled, consistent with your Internal Revenue Service records)
Warning: If you have changed your business/legal name you may need to submit the appropriate IRS forms to ensure your company name and EIN are aligned.
BDA or Brand name
Business Type (Public, Private, Not for Profit, Government)
Country of Registration
Federal Business ID (9-digit EIN for US-based customers, Corporation # for Canadian-based customers)
Business Address (consistent with your Internal Revenue Service or taxation records)
City, State/Province, and Postal Code
Business/Industry vertical or classification
Business website (If available)
Stock symbol & Exchange (Public companies only)
Primary Business telephone number (may be used for verification purposes)
Contact email address
Contact First and Last Name (Optional)
Each user is only able to register a single brand.
Once TCR has approved and registered your Brand, the information cannot not be changed. To change any Brand information requires removal of the previously registered Brand and a re-submission of the updated Brand.
Company Information
Enter the following information, then Click the NEXT > button.
Legal Company Name - This must be an exact match, properly spelled, consistent with your Internal Revenue Service records
DBA or Brand Name - This is a required field as some providers require a DBA. If the DBA and Legal Company Name are the same, enter the Legal Company Name in this field.
What Type of Legal form is this business
Country of Registration
EIN - Federal Business ID (9-digit EIN for US-based companies, Corporation # for Canadian-based companies)
EIN or Tax Number ID Issuing Country - US or Canada
Alternative Business ID Type - Select the Type
Alternative Business ID - Enter the DUNS, GIIN, or LEI number
Company Address
Enter the following information, then Click the NEXT > button.
Enter the Address, City, State, Postal Code, that is consistent with your Internal Revenue Service or taxation records.
Website - Business website.
Vertical - Business/Industry vertical or classification.
Stock Symbol - Public companies only.
Stock Exchange - Public companies only (Select None if this is not a public company).
Contact Information
Enter the following information.
Contact Email Address - Support email address.
Contact Phone Number - Primary Business telephone number (may be used for verification purposes).
First Name & Last Name - Contact name (Optional).
Terms & Conditions - Click the link and review the Terms & Conditions. If you agree, then Check the Checkbox ( “☐ I agree to the Sangoma Terms & Conditions”).
If you are positive everything is accurate and are ready to register the Brand, Click the CREATE button.
Brand Registration
TCR charges for each Brand Registration attempt regardless if it is approved or rejected. Therefore you will be charged a fee for each registration attempt. Please ensure that the information entered above is correct before continuing.
After Clicking the “CREATE" button in the above step, the following is displayed and requires you to agree to be billed for the registration fees based on the Brand information entered above. If you agree, click the AGREE button.
Create Brand You are about to create a Brand. This is subject to a one-time registration fee. Select the “Agree” button below will confirm this purchase and your account will be charged on the next billing cycle. Cancel AGREE |
Delete a Brand
Note: A brand cannot be deleted until all related campaigns have been deleted.
Click the Trash Can (🗑 ) icon.
When prompted, confirm deletion.
From the Number & Campaign Registration menu on the left, Click Numbers. Any previously purchased number(s) will be displayed.
Port an existing number
Click the PORT MY NUMBER button.
The Port Number Request form will be displayed.
Enter the number to be ported.
Select either Business Voice or Community based on the voice solution you are using.
Click the SUBMIT button.
You will receive an email confirming your request was submitted.
The Sangoma Porting team will get back to with in a couple of days.
Purchase a new number
Click the BUY A NUMBER button in the top right corner of the page to open the Buy a Number page.
Select the desired State, City, and Area Code.
Select one or multiple available numbers.
Terms & Conditions - Click the link and review the Terms & Conditions. If you agree, then Check the Checkbox ( “☐ I agree to the Sangoma Terms & Conditions”).
Click the BUY NUMBER button.
After the BUY NUMBER button is clicked the following is displayed and requires you to agree to be billed for the fees related to purchasing the selected new number(s). If you agree Click the AGREE button.
Buy a Number
You are about to purchase a telephone number from Sangoma. Selecting the “Agree” button below will complete the number purchase. Once any free period connected to the number expires the account linked to the number will be charged Monthly for the purchase.
The purchased number(s) will be displayed on the Numbers page and be available to be used for Campaigns.
Add or Edit a Help Message
Enter the message you want to send after a user texts HELP to the number.
From the Numbers page, select the New Message or Edit Message icon to the right of the desired number.
Enter the desired Help Message.
Click the SAVE MESSAGE button.
Delete A Number
From the Numbers page, click the Trash Can (🗑) icon to the right of the desired number.
When prompted, confirm deletion.
Manage Campaigns
From the Number & Campaign Registration menu on the left, Click Campaigns.
From the Campaigns page, you can:
Create a new Campaign by following the Create a Campaign steps below.
Assign a number to an existing campaign by clicking the “ASSIGNED PHONE NUMBER(S)” dropdown in the row of the desired campaign, and then select the desired number. For more info reference the Assign Numbers to Campaign section below.
Delete and existing campaign by clicking the Trash Can ((🗑) icon to the right of the desired number.
Create a Campaign
Click the CREATE button in the top right corner of the page.
Select a Brand from the drop down.
Click the NEXT button in the bottom right corner of the page.
Campaign Details
Enter the Display Name and the Campaign Description.
Click the NEXT button in the bottom right corner of the page.
Use Cases
Select the volume of SMS messages that will be sent from the Brand on a daily basis.
After making the selection the Low or High volume use case selection pop-up will display.
Use Case Low versus High Volume
Select up to 5 use cases.
Click the NEXT button in the bottom right corner of the page.
Low Volume For Brands that have multiple use cases and only need a very low messaging throughout (e.g.: test or demo accounts, small businesses, etc). Choosing this option if mixed types of general use are required. Choosing this option will allow you to send less than 1000 messages per day and less than 75 SMS per minute. You Can pick up to 5 use cases. ☐ 2FA ☐ Account Notification ☐ Customer Care ☐ Delivery notification ☐ Fraud Alert Messaging ☐ Higher Education ☐ Marketing ☐ Polling and voting ☐ Public Service Announcement ☐ Security Alert | High Volume For Brands that require messaging campaigns to be sending out between 1000 - 10,000 SMS per day, with a frequency of and no more than 240 SMS per minute. These messages can belong to one or multiple of the following use cases. You Can pick up to 5 use cases. ☐ 2FA ☐ Account Notification ☐ Customer Care ☐ Delivery notification ☐ Fraud Alert Messaging ☐ Higher Education ☐ Marketing ☐ Polling and voting ☐ Public Service Announcement ☐ Security Alert |
Sample Messages
We suggest that sufficient information be provided when registering a campaign. This includes a FULL, formal description, 2 message templates and a full description of the subscriber opt-in/opt-out process.
Sample Messages - Enter 2 samples of what the messages will be that are sent via this campaign.
Message Flow - Also known as call to action (CTA), the message flow describes how a customer opts in to a campaign, thereby giving consent to the sender to send messages.
Before defining the Message Flow, we recommend you review the Message flow section of the 10DLC Campaign Registration Guidelines | Message flowarticle.Click the NEXT button in the bottom right corner of the page.
Warning: The most common reason for campaign verification rejection is an insufficient Message Flow.
Before defining the Message Flow, we recommend you review the Message flow section of the 10DLC Campaign Registration Guidelines | Message flowarticle.
Subscriber messages
Warning: Impermissible content types
Per CTIA’s Messaging Principles and Best Practices May 2023 guide, among other content, impermissible topics include:
Sex, Harm, Alcohol and Drugs, Firearms, Tobacco.
Subscriber Opt-In Message - Provide an Opt-In confirmation message and a method to opt out.
(Example: Thank You for contacting us. Send STOP to opt out of receiving future messages of this type.)
Subscriber Opt-Out Message - Provide an Opt-Out confirmation message and a method to opt back in.
(Example: You have been removed from future messages of this type. Send START to rejoin).
Subscriber Help Message:
{brand}: To get help at {embedded link}. To unsubscribe, send STOP to this number.
Embedding Link - If embedded links are included in any of the messages, Click the Checkbox.
Warning: Short URLs
Per section 5.3.2 of CTIA’s Messaging Principles and Best Practices May 2023 guide, the use of URL shorteners is not permitted.
Embedded Phone Number - If embedded Phone Numbers are included in any of the messages, Click the Checkbox.
Terms & Conditions - Click the link and review the Terms & Conditions. If you agree, then Check the Checkbox ( “☐ I agree to the Sangoma Terms & Conditions”).
Click the CREATE button in the bottom right corner of the page.
Assign Numbers to Campaign
Once you have created a campaign you must assign the SMS number to send and receive messages.
For the desired Campaign, in the ASSIGN PHONE NUMBER(S) FIELD click the dropdown and select one or more numbers.