How to Purchase Support Contracts

How to Purchase Support Contracts

Purchasing support credits for your Sangoma Products is easy and only takes a minute.

Purchasing Support Contracts

  1. Log into the Portal at https://portal.sangoma.com. If you do not have an account, please see How to Create a Portal Account.

    Forgot your password? Click the I forgot my password link if you need assistance.

  2. Click on the Store option in the left side menu.

  3. Click the Product tab in the horizontal row of tabs for the product you want to buy a support contract from.  In our example we will use PBXact UC product.

  4. Pick Support & Warranties from the left nav.

  5. Provide your Deployment ID or Serial number for the product and press Next

  6. The Wizard will inform you of how many packages you would need to purchase to bring the support contract current.  Support contracts must remain in place from original purchase date. So if your last renewal or purchase date of the product is over a year old it will make you purchase the catchup years to get current.

Checkout Process

  • Your shopping cart is shown at the Top right of the screen after adding items from the Store. 

  •  Click on the Your Cart button to and press the Checkout Button to proceed to checkout process

  • Some products need to be tied to a Product Deployment ID. For each item that requires a deployment, you will see a "Search for deployment" drop-down menu.

    • Click Search for deployment.

    • Enter the Deployment ID number or name in order to find a list of matches.

      • Select the desired deployment from the list.
        Double-check your selection, especially if you have deployments with similar names or numbers. A license cannot be moved after purchase. Your license will be assigned to the deployment you select.

Click the Apply to All option if you want to use the same Deployment ID with all licenses in your shopping cart.

  • Products that include support credits such as Hourly Support Credit packages and Support Contracts give you the option to pick if you want the support credits tied to your organization or to create a Support Credits Card that allows a different organization to claim those support credits.  Support Credits belong to a organization not a specific product and can be used across the organization for any support needs as long as the product has a active support. contract.

    • For Organization

      • This will add the support credits to your own organization that you can use for any configuration assistance with any users from your organization. 

        • Please note if you pick your own organization you can not transfer the support credits portion of the purchase to someone else later.  The support credits portion of the purchase can only be used by you.

    • Create Support Card

      • If you pick this option a Support Credit Card will be created and emailed to you that you can than provide to your customer so they can claim the support credits onto their own account.  Review this wiki on how to view all your Support Credits Cards

  • Select your payment method: Credit Card, Wire Transfer, or Check. (If paying by wire transfer or check, instructions will pop up instructing you how to proceed, and orders will not be accepted until payment is made.)

    •  The Quote option allows you to save the order as a quote instead of making the purchase. Proceed with the rest of the steps below, but note that no payment will be made. You can convert the quote to an invoice later by going to Orders → Quotes in your Portal account.


Using a saved credit card?

  • Select one of your saved credit cards from the list and click the Choose Card button.


First time paying by credit card?

  • If this is the first time adding a credit card, you will be prompted to enter the credit card information, including the billing address on file with the financial institution. Type in the information, including card number, name and expiration date. Note: the card type (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) will automatically appear as you enter your number. If the system detects an invalid credit card number, the number fields will be outlined in red and you will need to try again.

  • Next, enter your card security code.

    • If paying by American Express, you will need to enter the four-digit code on the front of the card, as shown below.

    • For other types of cards, click the button to fill in the back side of the card. Then enter your three digit CVV code from the back of the card.

  • Enter in the Billing address associated with your credit card

  • Once you have entered your credit card, click the box to save your credit card information for future purchases with us. Then click the button.


  • Do you have a Reference Number or Purchase Order Number? If yes, click the Yes button and enter a number.

  • Check the box to agree to the Terms and Conditions for all products and services being purchased.

  • Click on the Process Order button to complete your transaction.


How to Open a Support Ticket

See How To Open A Support Ticket for instructions on how to submit your support request.

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