Phone Features Options
If you make a change here:
Digium Phones: changes will be applied automatically within a few moments. Or, you have the option to Sync Contacts, which applies your changes immediately.
Polycom phones: you may need to reboot your phone.
Phonebook for Rapid Dial Keys (RDKs)
Choose the Phonebook to be used as contacts on your phone's RDKs.
This can be used by Digium Phones, and by Polycom phones with a Phone Feature Pack. A Polycom phone may need to be rebooted.
Enable Line Keys for Rapid Dial
If this is YES, the unused Line Keys on your phone are used as RDKs. If it is NO, then your RDKs begin at the top on the right side of your phone.
This is only for Digium Phones.
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