Inclement Weather Warning IVR
This IVR allows you to record a weather announcement for inclement weather. It then sets a global variable that can be implemented in the main IVR.
Step 1:
For the inclement weather announcement, create a sound in the Sound Manager.
In Sound Manager, create a Folder to store your custom sound file.
Tools > Media > Sound Manager
Create: Folder
Folder Name: Inclement Weather Announcement
Create a sound file. See the 'How to create a sound file?' article, or complete the following steps.
Sound Name: inclement_weather
Folder: Inclement Weather Announcement
Step 2:
Create an IVR for recording the inclement weather announcement. Name it "Record Announcement IVR" and then add the following IVR Actions.
Record Sound
General Settings:
Stop Recording after seconds of silence: 10
Stop Recording after total minutes: 5
Create a new variable: inclement_weather_warning
Store Recorded Sound in Sound Manager
Locate your customer sound file.
Folder: Inclement Weather Announcement
Language: Call Language
Sound to Play: inclement_weather
Recorded Sound to Store: inclement_weather_warning
Set Variable
Create a new variable: bad_weather
Set to value static value of: 0
Record Digits
Beep before recording: YES
Stop recording after this many digits: 1
Select an existing variable: bad_weather
Set Global Variable
Create a new Global Variable: BAD_weather
Set to the value of Variable: bad_weather
Conditional Clause (Adding this action is optional. If you don't like the recording, then set the global variable to 0 and start over. Or it can be used to turn off the inclement weather warning message. In this case, it is used to turn off the inclement weather warning.)
If bad_weather Equals 0
Then Go to IVR Menu: Hangup
At Entry Point: IVR Menu Beginning
Step 3:
Create the IVR that plays the announcement. Name it "Inclement Weather Warning IVR" and then add the following Actions.
Play Sound
Folder: Inclement Weather Announcement
Language: Call Language
Sound to Play: inclement_weather
This sound is interruptible: NO
Send to Voicemail
Send to Voicemail at Extension: xxx (Where xxx is the general voicemail box extension.)
Step 4:
Add the Global Variable in your Main IVR. See the 'How to use get global variables in Main IVRs' article.