IMG 1010 - TCAP-CNAM Configuration - SS7 to SIP



Initial Configuration:

The procedure below explains how to configure the IMG for feature F-1662. Verify the following entities are configured before proceeding:

Configure these initial objects before proceeding to the procedure below.

When configuring the CNAM feature with SS7 Redundancy, verify the SS7 stack which utilizes the GCL services is configured on the primary SS7 node.

Configure the SS7 Stack and enable TCAP and SCCP on the stack.

An SS7 stack must get configured. The CNAM feature will utilize each SS7 stack that has SCCP and TCAP enabled. Follow instructions below to configure a stack to be used by the CNAM Query feature.


  • Right Click on the Physical IMG object in the object tree of ClientView and select New Signaling. See IMG 1010 - Signaling Object .

  • Right Click on the Signaling object created and select New SS7. An SS7 StandAlone object will get created. See IMG 1010 - SS7 Signaling Object.

    • Right Click on the SS7 StandAlone object created and select New SS7 Stack. An SS7 Stack Pane will get created. Enter the SS7 Stack information such as point codes etc. See IMG 1010 - SS7 Stack. To configure the IMG to execute a CNAM Database Query, enable SCCP and TCAP signaling in the stack. Select ANSI from drop down menu of both the SCCP and TCAP fields. See screen capture below:

If configuring a service such as CNAM or MWI on multiple IMG nodes, the SS7 Stack ID's cannot be configured with the same ID. For example, when configuring an IMG Node 0 with stack ID's 0 and 1 then any other IMG Nodes configured under any Logical Node can not have any of the stacks configured with the same ID's (0 or 1). By doing so, the TCAP services cannot be configured.

  • The IMG will allow configuring up to 4 stacks for the CNAM Query feature. Configure any other stacks needed.

    • Right Click on SS7 Stack and select New SS7 Link Set. Enter an Adjacent Point Code. See IMG 1010 - SS7 Link Set.

    • Right Click on SS7 Link Set and select New SS7 Link. Using drop down menus, enter an Interface - Offset, Channel, SLC and any other information regarding the SS7 Link. See IMG 1010 - SS7 Link.

    • Right Click on SS7 Link Set and select New SS7 Route. Enter the DPC. See IMG 1010 - SS7 Route.

    • Right Click on the SS7 Stack Object created above and select New SCCP/TCAP and the SCCP/TCAP pane gets created. No configuration is done within this pane. This pane will allow you to configure other objects that have to do with SCCP/TCAP. See IMG 1010 - SCCP/TCAP link for more information on this pane.

    • Right Click on the SCCP/TCAP object and select New Subsystem Number. Select a Subsystem Number and SSN Name from the drop down menu. The Subsystem Number Status is by default set to 'Prohibited'. Using the buttons just below the Subsystem Pane, hit 'Allow' and the status will change to 'Allowed'. See IMG 1010 - Subsystem Number.

    • Right Click on Subsystem Number and select New Adjacent Translator. Select from drop down menu the Adjacent Point Code that will be used for the CNAM database. The point codes in drop down menu are point codes from the DPC of the Route ID. See IMG 1010 - Adjacent Translator

Configure GCL Services for SIP to TCAP Interworking:

  • Right Click on the Logical IMG Object and select New GCL Services. See IMG 1010 - GCL Services.

  • Right Click on GCL Services object and select New SIP - TCAP CNAM. In the Subsystem field select from drop down menu the stack that was created earlier. See IMG 1010 - SIP - TCAP CNAM . See screen capture below. :

CNAM services are limited to total number of TCAP SS7 stacks configured.

 Configure incoming SS7 Channel Group:

Configure the SS7 Channel group that will utilize the CNAM Query feature.

  • Right click on Dialogic IMG EMS, and select New Routing Configuration.The Routing Configuration Pane gets created. See IMG 1010 - Routing Configuration Object.

  • Right Click on the Routing Configuration Object and select New Channel Groups. See IMG 1010 - Channel Groups.

  • Right Click on Channel Groups pane and select New Channel Group. A Channel Group Pane appears. Enter the following:

    • Name for this Channel Group

    • Select SS7 from drop down menu in the Signaling Type field.
      See IMG 1010 - Channel Group for more information on configuring the rest of this pane.

  • Right Click on the Channel Group just created and select New ISUP Group. In the OPC-DPC field of the object created, select the correct OPC/DPC from the drop down menu. This drop down menu will display all the SS7 stacks configured. Select from the list, the correct origination and Destination point codes. See IMG 1010 - ISUP Group

  • Right Click on the ISUP SS7 Server object and select New Circuits. Select the IMG Name along with the specific span/channels. See IMG 1010 - Circuit Group.

Configure outgoing SIP Channel Group:

Configure the outgoing SIP channel group. This channel group will be the channel group the calling party number will go out on.

  • Right Click on the Routing Configuration Object and select New Channel Groups. See IMG 1010 - Channel Groups 

  • Right Click on Channel Groups pane and select New Channel Group. A Channel Group Pane appears. Enter the following: 

    • Name for this Channel Group

    • Select SIP from drop down menu in the Signaling Type field.
      See IMG 1010 - Channel Group for more information on configuring the rest of this pane.

Configure an External Network Element:

The external network element being configured below is the gateway that the call will eventually be sent to. The external network element can be either an external gateway or the IMG itself. The procedure below describes configuring an external gateway.

  • Right Click on Dialogic IMG EMS and select New External Network Elements. An external network elements object appears. No configuration needs to be accomplished under this object. This object is a placeholder for multiple External Network Elements.

  • Right click on External Network Elements and select New External Gateways. An external gateways object appears. No configuration needs to be accomplished under this object. This object is a placeholder for multiple External Gateways.

  • Right Click on the External Gateways object and select New External Gateway.

    • Enter a name for this Gateway.

    • Select SIP under the 'Gateway Signaling Profile' field

    • Enter an IP address for this gateway. See External Gateway link for more information on configuring this object. See screen capture below:

Configure an IP Network Element:

Go back to the SIP channel group and configure an IP Network element that the SIP channel group will communicate with. This IP network element will be the Gateway that was just configured above.

Right Click on the SIP Channel group created above and select New IP Network Element. An IP Network Element will appear. The 'IP Network Element' field will have the external gateway just created above. Select the Gateway configured above. See screen capture below.

Configure the CNAM Service under SIP Channel Group:

  • Right Click on the SIP Channel Group Pane and select New GCL Service. The pane that appears will have the CNAM service that was configured above under GCL services. Select the correct service from drop down menu. Below is screen capture of the service pane created.


  • This completes the outgoing SIP channel group configuration. The configuration is now complete. Below is screen capture of the ClientView tree created while configuring this feature.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - TCAP CNAM Database Queries

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