Phones - Handset Display

Phones - Handset Display

Icons and Text in the Display

All functions and settings available to the handset user are shown as icons and text in the display. The icons and text in the display indicate functions and settings to which you have access.

The picture below shows a typical idle screen that displays the time and date, display name (which is set on the web interface of the basestation), registration number, and handset name which is set locally on the handset. This active area is also the area for a dialog window text if there has been a missed call, or if an action needs to be confirmed.


In the softkey bar at the bottom of the idle screen it is possible to access from the left: Contacts and Central Directory.

The status bar at the top of the idle screen is always visible in all screens. This displays icons which give the user information about signal strength, missed call, new voicemail message, phone lock, key lock, sound off, time, and battery status. These icons are shown and explained shortly in the following:

 "Signal strength" icon is always visible in the upper left corner. The number of green bars are displayed according to the strength of the signal.

 "Battery" icon is always visible in the upper right corner, and shows how much battery that is left on the handset.

 "Full battery" icon is displayed when the handset is fully charged.

 This battery icon is displayed when there is 20% to 32% battery left on the handset.

 "Low battery" icon is displayed when there is 10% to 20% battery left on the handset.

 "Missed call" icon is displayed in the status bar, and indicates that there has been a missed call which can be seen in the call list.

 "Voicemail message" icon is displayed in the status bar when there are voicemails that have not been listened to. This icon remains until the voicemail has been listened to.

 "Sound off"/"Silent" icon is displayed in the status bar when silent mode is enabled on the handset.

 "Keylock" icon indicates that the keypad is locked, and the user needs to long-press the *-key to be able to use the handset again.

 "Do not disturb" icon is displayed in the status bar when this feature is enabled; in this case the handset does not react on any incoming calls.

"HD" icon is displayed during a call if the quality of the call is “High Definition”, using the g.722 codec.


Menu icons

All the menus available on the handset are displayed when the menu key is pressed from the idle screen. The available menus are seen in the screen below.

The status bar at the top of the display is always displayed independent of which menu is selected, and the softkey bar shows the possible options to select in every menu. In the active area of the screen, the name of the selected menu is displayed at top, and the available menus to select are displayed. During navigation across the different menus the highlighted icon moves to indicate where the navigation key is. The menu icons are as follows:

The "Contacts" menu contains all names/numbers in the local phonebook.


The "Central directory" menu contains all names/numbers in the central directory of the system. This is set up in the web interface of the basestation.


 The "Calls" menu contains call lists and call times.



 The "Connectivity" menu contains options to register/deregister the handset and network options.


The "Settings" menu contains personal handset settings such as time/date, language, handset name, etc.

The "Audio settings" menu contains personal handset settings for the audio profile such as ring volume, ring melody, etc.

Keys and Buttons

Navigation Keys/Selection Key

Use this key when navigating in menus, and to move the cursor when writing some text or a number. The navigation keys are used for stepping left/right and up/down when navigating in the menus. When selecting or entering a menu use the selection key in the middle of the navigation keys. This key is also used when entering the activity menu from the idle screen. During a call, the up/down keys adjust the volume and the left key enables/disables the mute function.


The handset has two softkeys located just beneath the display, and the function of each one is indicated by the text in the display just above each softkey according to the respective screen.

Off-hook Key

The Off-hook key is used for answering an incoming call or dialing a number either directly from the idle screen, or from the contact list, call list, or central directory. Pressing this key in the idle screen opens the call list, and pressing the key during a call activates the speaker mode.

On-hook, and On/Off Key

The On-hook key is used for disconnecting calls and returning to the previous menus when navigating in any menu. A long-press will switch the handset off, and a long-press when the handset is switched off will switch the handset on.

Speed Dial Keys

Any key from "2" - "9" can be set as a speed dial key. A long-press on any of these numbers when the handset is in the idle screen can be set to a shortcut to call any contact in the contact list or in the F-Key list.

The Keypad

The keypad is used when entering a name or number.  The sketch below shows the available characters on the handset.

NOTE: Depending on the selected menu language, other characters may be available. Therefore the character order may differ from the table above.

Idle Mode and Number Input Mode

When in the idle screen a short press on a key enters the digits 0 - 9 and the characters * and #.

In number input mode, a long-press on 0 generates a +.

In Text Input Mode

While in text input mode a short press on a key 0 - 9 displays the first available character on that specific key. The marked character is then selected after a timeout or when another key is pressed.

By pressing the * key it is possible to change the text to be upper/lower case or only numeric (Abc, abc, ABC, or 123).

Use the 0 key to add a space in the text.

Silent Mode from # Key

By long-pressing the # key when the handset is in the idle screen, the handset will switch to silent mode and a "Sound Off" icon will be shown in the status bar. To turn off silent mode, long-press the # key or enter the "Audio settings" menu to disable silent mode.

NOTE: Please note that all audio settings, except from the silent mode option, will be greyed out when the handset is in this silent mode. 

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