Sangoma Send - Campaign Guide

Sangoma Send - Campaign Guide


There are 6 steps in creating a Campaign.


The sections below provides the instruction for completing each of the steps to create or edit a campaign.


  • Contacts must be added. For more information reference Send Contacts guide.

  • Mailing List - If a Mailing list is planned to be used, the mailing list must have been previously created. For more information reference the Send Mailing List guide.

  • Segments - If a Segments are planned to be used, the segments must have been previously created. For more information reference the Send Segments guide.

Note: Please ensure that any SMS Number, used in this campaign is properly registered with the The Campaign Registry (TCR). If the number is not associated with an active campaign in The Campaign Registry(TCR) may be block by the cell service carrier. For more information on The Campaign Registry and our available tools visit our Campaign Registry knowledge base by clicking HERE.


This is the first step in creating a Campaign. In this step you will define the Name, Category and Audience for the campaign.

  • Name You Campaign: Enter the unique name for this campaign.

  • Campaign Category: Select from the list a category for this Campaign.

  • Choose Audience: Select from the list who will be sent this Campaign. The selection list will include all Mailing Lists, Segments and Tags.

  • Click the ( NEXT > ) button to continue to the next step.



In this step you select the Communication Channel/Method for this campaign.

  • Choose Channel: Click the Check Box next to the Communication Channels you want to use. The available options are based on the selected Audience in the previous step.

  • Select DID: IF SMS is selected as a Communication Channel, Select a DID/Phone Number that will be used to send the campaign SMS message.

  • Click the ( NEXT > ) button to continue to the next step.

Note: Messages sent from the selected SMS Number, may be block by the carrier, if the number is not associated with an active campaign in the Campaign Registry. For more information on the Campaign Registry nd our available tools visit our Campaign Registry knowledge base by clicking HERE.

Note: Messages sent from the selected SMS Number, may be block by the carrier, if the number is not associated with an active campaign in the Campaign Registry. For more information on the Campaign Registry nd our available tools visit our Campaign Registry knowledge base by clicking HERE.



In this steps you define the message to be sent to the recipients.

  • SMS: This is the Text/SMS message that will be sent to recipients. This message will only be sent to recipients that have a valid SMS Phone Number in the Contacts details.

  • Email: This is the subject and message body of the email message that will be sent to recipients. This message will only be sent to recipients that have a valid Email Address in the Contacts details.

  • Variables: Variables are used to add context and personalize a message. Here is an example use of variable:
    Hi {{firstname}} {{lastname}}! You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to receive communications from {{category}} campaigns.

    • see a list variables that can be used click the SEE ALL VARIABLES button to the right of the Campaign Text header.

    • To add a variable to the subject or message Type a left bracket I.e. { and a list of available variables will be displayed. Select the desired variable and it will be add to your message.

  • Unsubscribe Link: Check this box if you want to provide the recipients the option to unsubscribe to this Campaign.

  • Allow Response: Check this box if you want to provide the recipients the option to respond to this Campaign.

  • Click the ( NEXT > ) button to continue to the next step.



This step allow you to configure the message to match your desired branding.

  • Follow the step below to adjust the different sections of the Branding page.

  • After all changes have been completed, click the ( NEXT > ) button.

Apply Defaults

Click the ( APPLY DEFAULT ) button to apply your default Branding.

Set As Default

Click the ( SET AS DEFAULT ) button, if you have added or updated any Branding and want to set them as the default Branding.


This section allows for changing the logo displayed in the Reminder form.

  • Click the ( X ) icon to remove the existing logo.

  • Click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon and upload and add a new logo.

Title Color and Font

This section allows for adjusting the color and font of the Title.

  • Click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Click the ( SAVE ) button when changes are complete.

Response Buttons Color

This section allows for adjusting the color of the Buttons.

  • Click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Click the ( SAVE ) button when changes are complete.

Link Color

This section allows for adjusting the color of the links based on the actions taken.

  • Click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Click the ( SAVE ) button when changes are complete.



This step is used to adjust the content of the Response.  Follow the steps below to configure the response form.

  • Response Title - Adjust the Title of the Reminder form. 

  • Response Explainer - Add an explanation on how to respond. 

  • Response Actions - Adjust the response actions that the person can take.

    • Click the ( + OPTION ) button to add an additional response button.

      • Button Label - Enter a name for the button.

      • Redirect - You can redirect the recipient to a URL or Phone Number when they click on the button.

      • Click the SAVE button when you are done.

    • Hover over a button and click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon and adjust the Button label.

    • Hover over a button and click the ( X ) icon to remove an existing response button.

  • Footer - These are the link that are presented at the bottom of your forms. You can define up to 4 footers.

    • Click the ( + LINK ) button to add an additional link.

      • Define the name displayed for the link.

      • Enter URL or Phone Number for the link.

      • Click the SAVE button when you are done.

    • Hover over a button and click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon and adjust the Button label.

    • Hover over a button and click the ( X ) icon to remove an existing response button.

  • Customer Feedback - Enter a Confirmation Title and Optionally a Conformation Message.

  • Preview - This is a preview of what the recipients will see.

  • Click the ( NEXT > ) button to continue to the next step.



This is the final step. In this step you can Test the campaign, Save as draft or Schedule when the campaign is to be sent out.


  • Click the ( TEST ) button at the bottom of the page, then you will be prompted for the following:

    • Destination - Enter a email or phone number where the test message will be sent. The email and phone number are testing destination and therefore are not required to be in your contacts.

    • Category - The category will default to the campaign’s category but can be changed for testing purposes.

    • lastname - Enter a test last name.

    • firstname - Enter a test first name.

    • Campaign Name - The campaign name will default to the campaign’s campaign name but can be changed for testing purposes.

Send options

  • Send now - Send the notification now.

  • Schedule for later - When this option is selected you will be prompted to enter a Date and a Time to send the notification.

  • Make it recurring - When this option is selected you will be prompted for the following:

    • Interval - Enter the number of times you want to send this notification.

    • Frequency - Select how often the notification should be sent: (Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, or Daily)

    • Schedule start on - Enter the Date and Time the notifications should start being sent.

    • All recurring messages should include the opt-out/unsubscribe link.

  • Save as draft - Select this option if you want to:

    • Complete the notification at a later time.

    • Save as a template.

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