Zapier Integration Via Switchvox Event Triggers

Zapier Integration Via Switchvox Event Triggers


What is Zapier

Zapier is an online platform that helps you automate workflows by connecting the different apps and services you use in actions called “Zaps”.  Zaps allow you to automate these tasks without having to build an app to Switchvox integration yourself.  

How does Switchvox Integrate?

Zapier and Switchvox integrate via a relationship that leverages the Event Trigger functionality within Switchvox to send HTTP POST messages with information about an event to a web-based application aggregator; i.e., Zapier!

Zapier Plans

Switchvox integration with Zapier requires a paid subscription to Zapier as only the paid capabilities include the use of a Zapier webhook connection - the type of connection that Zapier requires in order to receive data from Switchvox.  Zapier also provides different levels of pricing plans that include differing amounts of Zaps and tiers of application availability.  More information on Zapier pricing is available here.


Integrating Switchvox with Zapier

At its core, Zapier is made up of things called Zaps.  A Zap is a combination of 2 things: a Trigger and an Action.  In our case with Switchvox, a Zapier Trigger is information sent to Zapier after an event has taken place on your Switchvox system.  Switchvox will send this information to Zapier by creating an event in Switchvox’s event triggers, then tie that information into another disparate web application, such as Google Sheets.


Let's build a ZAP!

After you have signed up with Zapier and selected your desired paid version (Remember Switchvox integration requires Zapier capabilities that only exist in the paid plans).  Once you are logged into the Zapier dashboard click on “Create Zap”


Setting up a Zapier Trigger:

Trigger setup will be your first step in integrating Switchvox with Zapier.  This trigger will create a unique URL which you will populate in the Switchvox Event Triggers Event Specific URL of your choosing.  This will allow Switchvox call detail variables to be sent to Zapier via this URL.


Here we will name our Zap and choose a Trigger:

  • Select “Webhooks by Zapier” as your trigger methodology.


Next we will choose the Trigger Event type:


  • Select Catchook followed by Continue


Now Zapier will provide us with our Catch Hook URL.  Note and copy this URL as we will add this to our Switchvox Event Trigger in our next step:


  • Copy the URL and set to the side for now and select continue

Adding the Trigger URL to Switchvox Event Triggers:

Once you have copied the Catch Hook URL we will now input that URL into the Switchvox Event Triggers page. Navigate to Tools >> Switchvox Event Triggers and select the Event Specific URL you wish to use.  I have selected Incoming Call Event:


  • Be sure to include a ? between the URL and the variable string.

  • I have chosen to include the URL variables of Caller ID Number, Caller ID Name and Extension in my variable string.

Test our Trigger:

Once I have saved my desired Switchvox Event Trigger, let's make a call and test what we have done so far.

  • Here we can see a successful test and the information formatted as we intended.  

Setting up a Filter:

Switchvox Event Triggers will be providing the above information on all answered call events that match said Event Trigger.  In Some cases you may not wish to send every event to Zapier, so in our next step we will deploy a filter action to our Zapier Zap.


Now let's configure our filter.

  • Here we will configure the filter to only process messages Where the called EXT query string only matches EXT 1002 (the called EXT)


Testing our Filter:

Success!  Now that we have our Switchvox Integrated with Zapier and filtering on only specified parameters let's put it to work!


Adding an Integration:

In the next few steps we will take the information provided by our Switchvox Event Triggers and put that info in a Google Sheet row!

First we will continue with our actions and select Google Sheets


Next, we will determine what action we would like to take in our Google Sheet

  • Here we will be creating a new spreadsheet row containing our defined call data


As we move on, we will determine what Google Account our Sheet is associated with


  • It is important to note Zapier is a Secure Partner with Google and your credentials are safe

  • Further you can always remove Zapiers permissions to the Google Account within Google's settings.


Here we will configure what we will be adding to our spreadsheet

  • Drive

    • Here we will select the Google Drive the spreadsheet is included in

  • Spreadsheet

    • This field defines the Spreadsheet that should already be created

  • Worksheet

    • If using different worksheets within a spreadsheet, define that worksheet name here

  • CID Name and CID Number

    • These fields will be the unique columns created within the spreadsheet where the corresponding querystring variables will be updated


Now let's test and turn on our ZAP!

Once we turn on our ZAP the overall flow of your Zap will be displayed in the Zapier Dashboard as follows


That's It!  We have created a Zap!




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