Sunsetting Switchvox Mobile Softphone

Sunsetting Switchvox Mobile Softphone


The Legacy Softphone for Mobile App is No Longer Supported


As of Switchvox version 8.0.1, the legacy Switchvox Softphone is no longer supported at all.

Versions prior to 8.x: the Legacy Switchvox Softphone for iOS and Android is still available for those who are already using it and have not yet transitioned.

The supported mobile softphone app is Sangoma Talk. For features such as Status and Visual Voicemail on your mobile device, use the Sangoma Chat app for iOS and Android.

The Legacy mobile softphone is no longer supported. The Legacy mobile softphone, the Switchvox Softphone, is not available for Switchvoxes that are not already using it. However, a system that has the Legacy Mobile Softphone (Switchvox Softphone) assigned to any user can continue to use the app, including assigning it to other users. 

Switchvox 8.0 (upcoming)

The legacy mobile softphone, Switchvox Softphone, is no longer supported at all.

Switchvox 7.8.2 or Later

In Switchvox 7.8.2, the Legacy Mobile Softphone (Switchvox Mobile Softphone) is no longer available as a phone type if it is not already in use. If however one or more extensions were assigned the Legacy Mobile Softphone prior to 7.8.2, then the Legacy app is still available for use by any extension.

If you are using 7.8.2 or later, and you still use the Legacy Mobile Softphone, each phone user should have either the Legacy mobile softphone or the current mobile softphone (Sangoma Connect Mobile in the app stores).

You do not have to transition all of your users at once, but you should transition all of your users as soon as possible.

Switchvox 7.6.2  - 7.8.1

In Switchvox versions 7.6.2 through 7.8.1, Sangoma Connect Mobile and the Switchvox Mobile Softphone are available to assign to a phone user:

  • One phone user can use both Connect Mobile and the Desktop Softphone, and the softphones can be used on their Main or Additional phone extensions.

  • Assign either Sangoma Connect Mobile, or Switchvox Mobile Softphone. One phone user should not have Connect Mobile and Switchvox Mobile.

  • Both mobile apps can be used on the same Switchvox as you transition to Connect Mobile, but one phone user should use either Connect Mobile or Switchvox Mobile. Please review the network configuration and firewall settings information to ensure you can serve both apps. See How to Set Up and Manage Switchvox for Sangoma Connect Mobile.

It is possible to assign both Connect Mobile and Switchvox Mobile to one person. For a user who already has Switchvox Mobile, you can create an Additional Phone extension and assign Connect. In that case, both apps can be configured on the person's mobile phone. However, we do not recommend that you operate that way.

We recommend that you change the Switchvox Mobile assignment to Connect Mobile, and have the user configure Connect and delete Switchvox Mobile. That way, Connect will ring on incoming calls without the user having to change their call rules, and it avoids the complication of having two Switchvox phones on the same mobile device.  

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