Vega Gateways - Hotline
The following describes how to configure an Analogue Extension to a remote analogue handset using two Vega gateways. This application typically connects the remote handset in another office building to the analogue PBX. There would be 1 Vega 50 FXO gateway to connect to the "local" analogue PBX and one Vega 50 FXS gateway located in the other office building to be connected to the remote analogue handset. The two Vega gateways would be linked via an IP network connection typically a VPN link the Vegas will send call traffic over the network link using SIP signalling and RTP for media packetization.
Analogue PBX will require EXT 2001 through 2004 to be made remote (and connect to the gateway Vega 1)
Vega1 is the FXO gateway & has IP address -
Vega2 is the FXS gateway & has IP address -
Analogue handsets would be simply standard analogue handsets.
Vega Gateway 1 FXO Configuration
NOTE The Vega would be used such that each analogue PBX line is connected to one Vega FXO port. The calls from one phone system to another will always IP PBX should be set up to treat each extension as a individual line to the PBX.
STEP 1: Log into the Vega gateway1 using the WebUI interface. The default user is admin and password is admin.
STEP 2: As the Vega gateway WebUI loads up the Status page as shown below. Once the page has finished select the "Quick Config" menu option as shown below:
STEP 3: The WebUI will present a warning message please read the message and then select "Continue" on the screen below.
STEP 4: Once the Quick Config UI has loaded should select the Basic Tab.
NOTE This is where the country localisation and IP address configuration is specified. NOTE You must specify the correct country or the Vega will not be able to recognize the network tones for you Telephone lines |
STEP 5: Once the Basic config is completed should select the VoIP tab. The screen shot below highlights the most important fields.
Proxy Domain name this is normally the IP address or Hostname of the SIP PBX we are sending calls to and receiving calls from.
NOTE Vega 1 will be send SIP traffic to Vega 2 in this way only need the proxy address needs to be defined.
Proxy Address this will be the IP address of Vega 2 in the example this would be
Registrar address Not used
Outbound Proxy Not used
Registration mode Must be set to Off
STEP 6: The parameters to be configured by Quick config are complete
select the "Submit" button.
NOTE The Quick Config Submit creates a popup Click "OK" on the next window to apply the settings.
NOTE The save process creates a popup window select "Continue" on this window.
STEP 7: Next goto the Expert Config>Dial Planner web page and select to modify the "To_SIP" dial plan profile.
STEP 8: The next step is to modify the To_SIP profile. The standard To_SIP profile has a single entry sending all calls from analogue interfaces to SIP. This profile will forward calls from the Analogue PBX extension to the remote handset via the Vega FXO through SIP and out to the Vega FXS gateway.
Source - enter "IF:0201,TEL:"
"IF:0201" defines that a call arriving at the first FXO port. As the call comes from a POTS extension there will be no telephone number to capture.
Destination - enter "IF:9901,TEL:2001"
"IF:9901" defines the SIP interface to send the call that matches the source expression,
"TEL:2001" defines that the call from PBX extension 2001 will be sent to Vega 2 with the DID 2001 which Vega 2 will use to route the call Vega 2 FXS port that corresponds to the remote handset
STEP 9: The next step is to configure the Dial plan for calls from the PBX 2 to PBX 1. This is the important section which defines the Vega behaviour while calling the analogue PBX 1 extension.
Navigate to Expert Config > Dial Plan. From the available Profiles select "modify" for the "To_FXO" profile.
STEP 10: Once the page has finished loading the Plan IDs will be modified to configure FXO port to send PBX dial tone back to the pots handset connected to the FXS gateway IP-PBX caller.
"FXO_01" - this entry defines the behaviour for the first FXO port for calls from Vega 2 to Vega 1.
Source - enter"IF:99..,TEL:2001"
"IF:99.." defines that source call from any SIP interface
"TEL:3001" defines the call that will originate from extension 3001 from Vega 2 & PBX 2.
Destination - enter "IF:0201,TEL:"
"IF:0201" defines the first FXO port as the destination for calls from FXS1 on Vega 2 (remote handset) -
-this will connect the SIP call directly to the analogue PBX extension and then send the PBX dial tone.
This defines the SIP - FXO behaviour in only one direction - SIP -->Analogue PBX.
Be sure to select the "Submit" to confirm the configuration changes ready to be applied and saved to the Vega
STEP 11: This completes the configuration for Vega gateway 1 - make sure the config is submitted to the Vega, this concludes the Vega Configuration please select the "save" and "apply" to commit the configuration back to the Vega.
Vega Gateway 2 FXS Configuration
This Vega gateway would be used to connect the remote analogue handset/extension to SIP from Vega Gateway one. used. When the remote extension goes off hook a SIP call will go to Vega 1 and the appropriate extension will go off hook sending PBX dial tone back to the Vega extension.
STEP 12: Log into the Vega gateway 2 using the WebUI interface. The default user is admin and password is admin.
STEP 13: As the Vega gateway WebUI loads up the Status page as shown below. Once the page has finished select the "Quick Config" menu option as shown below:
STEP 14: Once the Basic config is completed select the "VoIP" tab. The screen shot below highlights the most important fields.
SIP Domain: Not used. This is normally the IP address or Hostname of the SIP PBX we are sending calls to and receiving calls from.
Proxy Address: This will be the IP address of Vega 1 (eg
Outbound Proxy address Not used
Registration mode Must be set to OFF
STEP 15: Once the VoIP config is competed select the "FXS" tab. A screenshot below gives the example of an FXS tab with default configuration.
Enabled?: This determines if the port/extension is enabled, unused ports should be disabled
Enable Caller-ID generation:This turns on the generation of caller-id - for incoming calls CallerID will be sent to the POTS handset as a burst of tones.
Numeric Caller-ID: Defines the telephone number that is sent as Caller ID for outbound calls from the extension
Textual Caller-ID: Defines where applicable the textual name of the Caller ID name for outbound calls from the extension
Telephone number(s) to route...: Defines the dial plan routing to this extension (eg 2001 through 2004)
Registration and Authentication ID: Not Used
Authentication Password: Not used
STEP 16: The parameters to be configured by Quick config are complete - select the "Submit" button.
STEP 17: Next goto the Expert Config>Dial Planner web page and select to modify the "To_SIP" dial plan profile.
STEP 18: The next step is to modify the To_SIP profile. The standard To_SIP profile has a single entry sending all calls from analogue interfaces to SIP. This profile will forward calls from the Analogue PBX extension to the remote handset via the Vega FXO through SIP and out to the Vega FXS gateway.
Source - enter "IF:0101,TEL:"
"IF:0101" defines that once the handset at FXS port 1 goes off hook route call based on the destination parameters.
Destination - enter "IF:9901,TEL:2001"
"IF:9901" defines the SIP interface to send the call that matches the source expression,
"TEL:2001" defines that the call from PBX extension 2001 will be sent to Vega 1 with the DID 2001 which Vega 2 with which Vega 1 will know to route the call FX) port1 and so to the correct port on the analogue PBX.
Be sure to select the "Submit" to confirm the configuration changes ready to be applied and saved to the Vega