IMG 1010 - Log Files

IMG 1010 - Log Files



Log Files (/opt/dialogic/common/log)

All log files are stored on the GCEMS server and are located at /opt/dialogic/common/log directory. Each day at approximately 00:30 (12:30 am) the complete log file directory is zipped up and rolled over into a directory labeled zipfiles. The zipfiles folder is located in the /opt/dialogic/common directory. At this point, a new suite of log files are created. The newly created files in the log directory will then re-start accumulating data for that day. Below is a short description of each of the log files that are created in the log directory and a description of what information is on each file. There should never be more than the current days log files in the /opt/dialogic/common/log directory. If the GCEMS process is stopped and restarted the previous logs for that day are renamed and moved to the /opt/dialogic/common/backup folder. The backup folder, config folder, & stats folders are also archived each day with the log folder at approximately the same time the log directory is backed up.

In software version 10.5.0 an object named Support was added to the ClientView GUI. This object was created to ease log file management. The Support object can be accessed under the Dialogic IMG EMS object in ClientView. This object will allow the user and/or our technical support personnel to create a compressed file containing log files, config files and other files that the user can select. Once these files have been created they can be sent to our technical support personnel to view and use as a troubleshooting mechanism. See IMG 1010 - Collect Log File Button for more information


IMPORTANT NOTE - Do Not delete log files unless asked by our technical support personnel. We may ask for a copy of them in case of a failure of some sort. The log files can't be re-created if they have been deleted.


 The following logs are created by the IMG Processes at run-time

Log File

created by...

Log File

created by...










SwitchManager, DataManager, CommManager, GateManager







 Adminmgr (AdminMgr.log)

AdminMgr manages the login process for users. Each event is logged with a Timestamp of date and time each user logged in and out to either ClientView or AdminManager.

alarm.log (alarm.PID.log, PID is the process ID of the GateManager)

The alarm.log file logs all the actions taken by GateManager during the configuration of the IMG. The alarm.log file logs the text of any alarm conditions that occur on the IMG. Below is example of Alarm.log file for a span alarm.

Nov 10 2008 11:38:18      Inform: Positive Ack from ServiceStateConfig on line  - Msg data=00 0a e0 60 00 Nov 10 2008 11:38:18      Inform: Sending ServiceStateConfig from line  to node 0x00... Nov 10 2008 11:38:18      Inform: Positive Ack from ServiceStateConfig on line  - Msg data=00 0a e0 70 00 Nov 10 2008 11:38:18      Inform: Sending ServiceStateConfig from line  to node 0x00... Nov 10 2008 11:38:18      Inform: Circuit :Node 0: Span Alarm: On Span 3(0x03), Carrier Group Alarm or span dead - network status: Rcvng Red; Sndng Red(AIS); Rcvng AIS;


Each time the Backup File Manager runs, any files moved, archived, or deleted are recorded in this log file.


The ClientView.excelsw.errors log file displays information about errors or warnings that occur in ClientView. A popup is displayed in ClientView with the same information when the event occurs.

EventLog (EventLog_PID.csv, PID is the process ID of the DataManager)

This file is generated by DataManager to record all IMG alarms which are also sent to EventView. Events that would be logged to an EventView client will be logged in this file independent of whether an EventView client is running or not. The events are stored in a comma-separated format, one line per event. The file can be opened using Microsoft Excel®. When imported to Microsoft Excel®, a typical entry may appear as follows:

Time & Date





Time & Date





12:01:01 11/11/2008




IMG Control Link is Up

12:01:01 11/11/2008




IMG Control Link is Up

12:01:02 11/11/2008




HostAlarm(Software Version Matched)

12:01:02 11/11/2008




HostAlarm(Software Version Matched)

12:01:02 11/11/2008




HostAlarm(Software License Verified)

12:01:03 11/11/2008




HostAlarm(Software License Verified)

The following example EventLog.csv shows some span alarms that occurred during the resetting of the IMG

11:38:18 11/10/2008 ,Span,Major,0,  **Major: Circuit :Node0: Span Alarm: On Span 3(0x03), Carrier Group Alarm or span dead - network status: Rcving Red :Snding Red(AIS);Rcving AIS;

maintenance.log (maintenance_<process>.PID.log, PID is the process ID of one of the processes below)

The maintenance log files include the following:

  • maintenace_CommManager.PID.log

  • maintenace_DataManager.PID.log

  • maintenace_GateManager.PID.log

The maintenance log files are created for each of the GCEMS processes. Information such as environment variables, licensing, communication data, and software versions are just a small portion of the information that Switchmgr offers in these log files.


For the maintenance_app.PID.log, the outstanding message limit is 6552 per application. A warning is printed by the API when the key wrapping occurs: "App has more than 6553 outstanding messages, message collision may occur!".

socket log (socket.PID.log, PID is the process ID of the CommManager)

Logs all the API messages going between the IMG and the GCEMS. The socket log file includes the following abbreviations:








Logical Node ID


Socket IP address



The following example socket log shows an inbound and outbound message. The first line is the API messaging from X1->H which is from the IMG Node 1 to the Host. The second line is a message from H -> X1 which is a host acknowledgement

Jan 11 2002 12:59:57 X1[]->H : 00 ab 00 38 01 00 10 01 00 05 00 01 01 01 00 00 Jan 11 2002 12:59:57 H->X1[] : 00 ab 00 38 01


Logs the results when starting the GCEMS process. It will log which processes have started and which have failed.


Logs the results when stopping the GCEMS process. It will log which processes have stopped and which have failed.

statmgr.log (PID is the process ID of the DataManager)

This file is generated by the DataManager to record all statistics file creation activities. Statistics Information is written to multiple comma separated value files which are generated in the /opt/dialogic/common/stats directory. The location of where the information is written can be changed by editing the environment variable SK_STATS_DIR.

XMLClient_JAVA_dmPIDxxx_CIDxxx.log (XMLClient_xxx_DMpidyyy_CIDzzz.log)

This file is generated by DataManager to record all interactions between DataManager and its clients (ClientView and EventView) and is in XML format. The file names are:

  • XMLClient_Internal_DMpid00404_CID001.log – logs internal messages sent by DataManager to itself for processing.

  • XMLClient_JAVA_DMpid03848_CID005.log – logs messages sent from ClientView or EventView to DataManager for processing along with any responses from DataManager and indication of state change by DataManager or the clients.

The 5 digits after DMpid reflect the process ID of the DataManager that the client is connected to.

The 3 digits after CID is a unique client identifier assigned to each client of a particular instance of DataManager.

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