IMG 1010 - Call Trace - Setup and Configuration

IMG 1010 - Call Trace - Setup and Configuration



Call Tracing is configured through GCEMS and ClientView applications and give the IMG the ability to capture and log call traces for intervals from 1 to 4320 minutes (72 hours). The call traces created can be used to troubleshoot call issues such as call failures etc. There are two steps to configuring the Call Tracing functionality. First, NFS must be configured with to capture the call trace and send it to the appropriate directory on the server GCEMS server. Second the Call Tracing object in ClientView must be configured for each IMG that the call trace will be taken from.

By Default, the first part of the procedure which is configuring NFS mount points etc are all automatically configured through a script when GCEMS software is installed. If GCEMS and ClientView applications are not loaded, stop and install these two applications. Once GCEMS and ClientView are installed, then proceed below. The procedure below describes how to verify that this was accomplished during installation.

Verify NFS Mount:

The procedure below used Red Hat Linux Enterprise 5. The screen captures and procedure may vary if different versions of Red Hat are going to be used.

  • Open the 'NFS Server Configuration' pane by going to System > Administration > Server Settings > NFS.

  •   This will open the screen below. Verify that the call tracing entry has been created. If Call Tracing is not one of the entries then call tracing entry must be created. See for information on creating the different entries in NFS.

  • Once it is verified that NFS is configured for Call Tracing then the NFS Service will need to be started. Open a terminal window and as a Super User and enter the commands below. The commands below will start the NFS service and configure it to restart whenever GCEMS server is rebooted.

#/sbin/service nfs start        (Start the nfs service)

#/sbin/service nfs status     (Verify whether nfs is running or not)

#/sbin/chkconfig nfs on       (Configure nfs service to restart after a reboot of GCEMS)

#/sbin/chkconfig nfs --list   (Verify that runlevels 3,4 and 5 are all on.)

Example:  nfs                0:off     1:off     2:on     3:on     4:on     5:on     6:off

  • Once call tracing is configured on NFS and the NFS service has been started, the configuration of the Call Tracing object can be done.

Configuration using ClientView

The procedure below describes the steps needed to configure and begin a call trace session of the IMG's GEL (Generic Event Logger). The Call Tracing Feature logs the events from the IMG into a File with a maximum log time of 4320 minutes (72 hours). Once the time configured elapses, the logging will stop.

Note: The fields in the Call Tracing Object do not automatically update. The user must Update the status of the Call Tracing GUI by periodically hitting the Update Status button in the ClientView GUI to view the latest statistics

  • To create the Call Tracing Object, right click on the IMG Name icon which represents the Physical IMG and select New Call Tracing and a Call Tracing Pane is created as displayed below

  • Click in the Call Tracing Period field and enter a value between 1 and 4320 minutes (72 hours). This is the total amount of time the IMG will be logging the GEL events.

  • Enter a time in minutes into the Roll-over interval field. The time entered will be the length of time the IMG will log a call trace for. At the end of the configured interval, the call trace log file will be saved into the /opt/dialogic/calltracing directory and a new call tracing file will be created. For example, if the Roll-over Interval is set to 1 minute as in the screen capture above then the call trace log file being generated will be closed after 1 minute of logging and a new file will be generated. A new log file will be generated every minute for 60 minutes which is the configured Call Trace Period Interval. To enter a time, click in the Roll-over Interval field and enter the Roll-over Interval in minutes.

  • The Call Tracing directory by default is set to the same directory that was set in NFS Server described above. This can be changed by entering a different path during the configuration of the object. If directory path is changed here then it must also be changed in NFS Server

  • Once all fields have been populated, right click on the Call Tracing Object in the Object Tree and select Start/Reset Call Tracing. This will kick off the logging of the Call Trace. Note that the monitoring fields (yellow fields) will start monitoring the Call Tracing Status and display time remaining stats. Below is screen capture of a Call Tracing Pane that has been running for approximately 12 minutes.

Call Trace Example

The information below describes call trace logging and monitoring functionality as it pertains to the screen capture above.

  • The Call Tracing is set to run for 4320 minutes which is 72 hours.

  • The Log File being generated in will roll-over and create a new file every 2 minutes. Below is screen capture of the calltracing directory after the Call Tracing feature has been running for 12 minutes. Note that a new file is created every 2 minutes.

  • Call Tracing Status field: To display the latest Call Trace Status value, the 'Update Status' button must be pressed. Below are the various states.
    Disabled (Default) - Call Tracing Gel is not running.
    Enabled - Call Tracing Gel is running and is being logged to file in Call Tracing Directory field.
    Error Writing to System Log File - Cannot write to log file. Possible NFS problem or a file has been changed.
    Timer Expired - The Call Tracing Session has completed. This field will have a value of 0 displayed.

  • Call Tracing Time Remaining - The number of minutes left in this Call Trace session. In order to display the latest value, the Update Status button must be pressed.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Call Tracing

IMG 1010 - Call Trace - Log File Overview

Additional Information:

  • To keep the call tracing log directory from filling up, each day the log files created are archived in /opt/dialogic/common/backup.

  • The Roll-Over feature is disabled by entering a value of 0 in the Roll-Over minutes field.

  • Updating the Roll-Over interval will restart the Roll-Over timer. This allows the user to disable or extend the timer as needed.

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