Release 2.2 SP3.1 - An Overview of Features

Release 2.2 SP3.1 - An Overview of Features


FR11314 SCTP Timers Per Association

Brief Description:

This feature adds configurable SCTP Timers Per Association. Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

M3UA Sigtran Link 

FR13536 ISUP Explicit Call Transfer

Brief Description:

This feature adds configuration for SS7 Explicit Call Transfer (ECT), allowing for effective TDM resource utilization. Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

ISUP Explicit Call Transfer 

FR14356 tel URI for ISDN to SIP Call Interworking

Brief Description:

This feature adds tel URI for ISDN to SIP Call Interworking. When enabled, a receiving ISDN call would be interworked to SIP with the outgoing SIP INVITE using tel: URI. Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

tel URI

SIP_ISDN Interworking

FR16756 Dialogic-Calling-Number-NOA VSA

Brief Description:

This feature adds a new Vendor Specific Attribute (VSA) to the RADIUS Access request message sent to the remote RADIUS server. The new VSA being added is labeled Dialogic-Calling-Number-NOA (VSA #153) and is the Nature of Address of the Calling Party Number that is present in the incoming call. If the Calling Party NOA parameter is changed due to translations, the Called Party Number sent to the RADIUS Server is the initial Called Party Number coming from the incoming call. Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

RADIUS - Dialogic VSA's 

FR18297 ISUP/SIP Additional Calling Party Information Interworking

Brief Description:

This feature adds configuration for Additional Calling Party Information Interworking. When an incoming SIP INVITE message contains the X-DLGC-Add-Call-Info: custom header, and the feature is enabled, SIP module will interwork the Additional Calling Party Information value to be sent out in the outgoing SS7 IAM. The Additional Calling Party Information parameter present in the IAM message will always be interworked to SIP module. According to its configuration, SIP will decide to add the X-DLGC-Add-Call-Info: custom header into the outgoing INVITE. Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

SIP to SS7 ISUP Interworking  

FR18456 RAM Drive Management Modifications

Brief Description:

The latest modifications to the RAM drive management on the IMG 2020 help in preventing the RAM drive to fill up to the maximum capacity. If there is no more space available on the RAM disk then many of the database access will fail and a reboot of the system is required to get the system operational. There were two main issues that were identified where this situation occurred.

The first one deals with the temporary file used to save the configuration file to the SD card. These temporary files were not properly erased and would accumulate on the RAM drive and eventually fill up all of the space. This would happen if there were many saves made to the configuration file. The modification simply removes the temporary files once the configuration file has been saved to the SD card.

The second situation concerns the events database. There were no limits to the size of this database. This principally happened when there were errors reported by the spans such as slip conditions. The events database would simply fill up the whole RAM drive and a reboot would then be necessary. The modification sets a limit of 5000 + 500 events stored in the events database. This means that when the events database reaches 5500 entries, the 500 oldest entries are removed from the database to bring back the database to 5000 entries.

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