

The Files object is the parent or container object to the File object, Media File Location, and Announcements. Under the Files object, multiple objects can be created. The combination of the Files and File object gives a user the ability to import the .cfg file of a Variant to the IMG 2020 or set the file to be sent as a RAW API message. The Media File Location object is used to set either NFS or local file locations used for announcements. The Announcements object is used to set announcement entries used for treatment element phrases.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > New Files

Maximum Objects

One Files object can be created per Dialogic object

Related Topics and Dependencies

The Files and File object give a user the ability to take a .cfg file which is one file needed when importing a variant to the IMG 2020.


Importing / Exporting Variants

Signaling Variants

Signaling Variant Table

RAW API Message 

The Files and Media File Location object gives the user the ability to set the media files used by the announcements entries.

The Files and Announcements object gives the user the ability to set the announcement entry elements used for treatment phrases.

Announcements - Create a Treatment Table

Announcements - Configure Media

Media File Location


Field Descriptions



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