Implementing Backup


The new FreePBX backup now allows each module to handle their own data.  To see modules that implement the new backup you can run the command: fwconsole bu --Implemented

Technical Debt

Please note in 15 the backup and restore methods are removed. Please remove these from the modules BMO class. They are unimplemented.

The Files

Implementation uses 2 classes. One class for each purpose.

  • rawname/Backup.php

  • rawname/Restore.php

Skeleton Files

You can copy these from the backup directory then change the module name as required.

[root@freepbx blacklist]# pwd /usr/src/freepbx/blacklist [root@freepbx blacklist]# cp ../backup/examples/Backup.php.template Backup.php [root@freepbx blacklist]# cp ../backup/examples/Restore.php.template Restore.php [root@freepbx blacklist]# sed -i 's/__MODULENAME__/Blacklist/g' Backup.php [root@freepbx blacklist]# sed -i 's/__MODULENAME__/Blacklist/g' Restore.php

The Code



<?php namespace FreePBX\modules\Recordings; use FreePBX\modules\Backup as Base; class Backup Extends Base\BackupBase{   public function runBackup($id,$transaction){     //$this->FreePBX   } }



<?php namespace FreePBX\modules\Recordings; use FreePBX\modules\Backup as Base; class Restore Extends Base\RestoreBase{   public function runRestore(){     //$this->FreePBX     //$this->tmpdir   } }


  • The namespace should be FreePBX\modules\Rawname

  • This module uses FreePBX\modules\Backup as Base


Backup.php and Restore.php both implement a backend logger which you can utilize as such:

If $level is not set then the default level will be used which is INFO, you can also use the following levels:








  • INFO


Backup Module Variables

By default the class inherits:

  • $this→FreePBX: The FreePBX BMO Object

  • $this→backupObj: The Backup BMO Object

Backup Module Methods

Backup configuration methods

  • addConfig: Used to add a single configuration to the configs array

  • addConfigs: Used to add configuration as an array

  • addDependency: Add a single dependency for this module

  • addDirectories: Add multiple Directories

  • addFile: Add Single file to Files List

  • addSplFile: Similar to addFile except you can use splfile info to generate what you need

Backup Overridable methods

  • runBackup: This is where your main logic goes. This method is called when a backup is requested

Backup Helper Methods

  • dumpAll: Dumps all relevant settings into a multidimensional array

  • dumpAdvancedSettings: Dumps Module's Advanced Settings into an array

  • dumpFeatureCodes: Dumps module's feature codes into an array

  • dumpTables: Dumps module's database tables into an array

  • dumpKVStore: Dumps module's Key Value store entries into an array


Restore Module Variables

By default you will have access to:

  • $this→FreePBX: The FreePBX BMO Object

  • $this→backupObj: The Backup BMO Object

  • $this→tmpdir: Where files are extracted to

Restore Module Methods

Restore configuration methods

  • getConfigs: Get the configurations as a multidimensional array for said module

  • getFiles: Gets the file list for said module

  • getDirectories: Gets the list of directories

  • getDependencies: Gets the list of dependencies for said module

  • getVersion: Get's the version of the module being restored

Restore Overridable methods

  • runRestore: This is where your main logic goes. This method is called when a restore is requested

  • reset: Typically during restore modules are "reset" by uninstalling and reinstalling the module by executing the reset() method. You can override this in your own class to prevent the default action or perform other actions

Restore Helper Methods

  • importAll: This function expects a multidimensional array in the format returned from the backup method dumpAll()

  • importAdvancedSettings: This function expects an array in the format returned from the backup method dumpAdvancedSettings()

  • importFeatureCodes: This function expects an array in the format returned from the backup method dumpFeatureCodes()

  • importAstDB: Expects a multidimensional array in the format of key => children => child => value

  • importTables: This function expects an array in the format returned from the backup method dumpTables()

  • importKVStore: This function expects an array in the format returned from the backup method dumpKVStore()

  • addDataToTableFromArray: This is used by the importTables() method above

Legacy Restore

Restore legacy methods are added to the same Restore.php class file as the 15+ restore. They do not conflict.

Legacy Restore Configuration Methods

  • getVersion: Get's the version of the module being restored

Legacy Restore Overridable methods

  • processLegacy: Process Legacy Method used by other modules

  • reset: Typically during restore modules are "reset" by uninstalling and reinstalling the module by executing the reset() method. You can override this in your own class to prevent the default action or perform other actions

Legacy Restore Helper Methods

  • restoreLegacyAll: Simply send this method the $pdo handler for the temporary database and it will run through all functions below and try to determine what needs to be restored

  • restoreLegacyDatabaseKvstore: Simply send this method the $pdo handler for the temporary database and it will run through only the database and kvstore methods below and try to determine what needs to be restored

  • restoreLegacyDatabase: Simply send this method the $pdo handler for the temporary database and it will run through only the database methods below and try to determine what needs to be restored

  • restoreLegacyFeatureCodes: Simply send this method the $pdo handler for the temporary database and it will run restore only the legacy feature codes

  • restoreLegacySettings: Simply send this method the $pdo handler for the temporary database and it will run restore only the legacy advanced settings

  • restoreLegacyKvstore: Simply send this method the $pdo handler for the temporary database and it will run restore only the legacy key/value store

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