Backup Information
UI Backup
UI Restore
fwconsole class
Modules display in a table for selection. Modules are shown based on the presence of a backup/restore class
Optionally modules can set a restore settings in the same table
modules may use BMO hooks for pre and post hooks.
modules may use BMO hooks to add log handlers. Currently there is no external system for this. Technically I guess a pre-restore hook...
In addition Files can be placed in a folder either default /home/asterisk/backup OR set an environment variable to set the directory with a special comment on top
Restore can be done from the cloud (filestore), Local cache or upload. I am thinking about allowing URL on the commandline
You can currently pass a encoded backup config on the command line. I am thinking about a hidden modal in the UI that can create a backup from this text block
I need a secure way to pass filestore credentials maybe as a pre-restore function
Restore UI
Restore UI allows for remote,local and uploaded files.
Restore takes the file and pulls it's manifest (done without any heavy filesystem calls)
The information is parsed to a confirmation screen where they confirm the restore.
Voicemail Backup (probably through module settings)
Backup UI:
Mailbox(es) to backup (multiselect)
Restore UI:
Mailbox(es) to Restore (multiselect)
overwrite greetings?
Backupfile Quick Info:
The backup is a GZ compressed php archive (PHAR)
You can view the contents with the tar command: tar -tvzf file.tar.gz
The manifest is stored as metadata so it can be pulled without needing to extract the file.
You can view the manifest on a file with fwconsole bu --manifest=file.tar.gz
The backup has 2 directories
modulejson where the text data is stored
files which acts as a root and files are stored relative to files.