Handling Legacy Backups

Handling Legacy Backups

The goal is to meet the desired ability to use a backup generated in FreePBX 13 or 14 and Restore it in to the 15 module.

  • Detect if backup is from 13, 14 or 15.

  •  Parse out files and directories

  • Parse out database dumps

  • Parse old manafest

  • Send raw information to modules through FreePBX\modules\Rawname\Restore()→processLegacy($pdodbconn, $data, $tablelist, $unknowntables, $tmpdir);

The module can pull as needed from the temporary database and do whatever it wants with the data by using the passed pdodbconn.

$data['manifest'] is the backup file manifest and contains a file list.

$data['astdb] contains the astdb dump if it exists.

If we didn't see a table in the module.xml maybe because it was removed or ??? it will go in to the "unknowntables"

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