FAQ - Click to Dial

FAQ - Click to Dial


Q: Is this different from FONCall?

A: Yes, Click to Dial is built to be compatible with the top 4 browsers and is new from the ground up.  If you still have FONCall installed, it should be removed before attempting to install Click to Dial.


Q: How much does this cost?

A: Nothing


Q: Do I need to have a phone to make this work?

A: Yes, Click to Dial operates off of your main extension, it is not a self contained softphone. Location awareness will come in a future update.


Q: How do I get updates?

A: An update URL is included with each plugin and will be updated when a new package becomes available.  Alternately, you can check this site for details.


Q: Will my call be logged if I dial with Click to Dial?

A: Yes, your call logs will be available within the CDR records of your Fonality system.


Q: Do I need HUD running to use Click to Dial?

A: No, Click to Dial operates independantly of HUD.


Q: Can I use this on... (browser that is not IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari)?

A: No, the Click to Dial plugin is built specifically for the 4 browsers listed.


Q; I want to dial from Outlook, will this plugin help with that?

A: Good news, a plugin for Outlook is coming soon, but at this point Click to Dial is for browsers only.


Q: What number formats does this support?

A: For North America - nxx-nxx-nxxx, nxx.nxx.nxxx - does not support numbers with spaces

For international (xx) xxxx xxxx

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