
Fonality Smart Start Overview Video


Fonality Smart Start Installation Process

When a customer purchases Fonality Connect, the installation process is handled by our Customer Care team.  Customer Care will guide you through the Smart Start Installation process to ensure a successful installation and transition to Fonality Connect.

The two stages of the Smart Start Installation process are:

Phase 1: Design and configuration

Smart Start begins with the Configuration Wizard.  The Configuration Wizard will gather information about your configuration preferences and deliver it to the Customer Care team. This is a critical step in the process; please fill out the information completely. Customer Care will then configure your server based on the information gathered from the Configuration Wizard. Once complete, your server will be configured and tested within 48 hours for quality assurance. No action is required on your part during the configuration and testing.

To schedule your first setup and training appointment, use the ‘Schedule Setup Appointment’ button in Smart Start.  It will become available once the Configuration Wizard has been completed.


Phase 2: Setup and training

During your initial setup and training appointment, your assigned Customer Care representative will guide you through the installation of the phones and any further configuration. They will also begin the training process, however additional setup and training appointments may be necessary depending on available time. Fonality Customer Care setup and training appointments typically last 1-2 hours.


Online Training

The option to attend an online video training is also available in Smart Start. Click on ‘Online Training’ button in Smart Start to access the online training module. You can also send the online video training links to any users you want trained on your new phone system, User Control Panel, or HUD. The ‘Online Training’ button becomes available once you have completed the Configuration Wizard.


Total time from receiving equipment to successful setup is estimated at 5-10 business days, but is dependent on your speed of response.


If at any time you have questions, please call Customer Care at (877) FONALITY option 5 or (877)366-2548 option 5.


End User Installation Guide

Click here for the Connect End User Installation Guide.


Network Configuration Guidelines

Click here for the Connect network Configuration Guidelines.



Click here for the Customer Care FAQ.



Click here for troubleshooting tips for your Fonality Connect phone system.


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