DPMA Apps-Visual Voicemail


The Voicemail application lets you quickly see who left you voicemails and gives you the ability to choose what messages to listen to first. When enabled, this visual voicemail app can be accessed by pressing the voicemail hard key on the phone if one is available. 

Enable Visual Voicemail

This setting can be found in a Sangoma brand D& P phone template's Options tab.

  • Voicemail Application - Uses the DPMA Apps voicemail app. 

  • Standard Voicemail - Uses the native voicemail application.

Viewing Voicemails

  • This icon one the phone LCD screen will indicate that you have unread voicemail and how many.

  • Press the voicemail hard key on the phone.

  • From here you can see all voicemail messages and use the navigation button to scroll. The following will be displayed on this screen.

    • ▶ will indicate unread messages

    • Name and number of who left the message.

    • Length of voicemail message.

    • Date/Time for the message

Listening to Voicemails

You can press the Play/▶ button to listen to your voicemail.

  • Here you will see the Play screen with other options.

    • Rewind :- Rewind the voicemail

    • FFwd :- Fast forward the voicemail.

    • Pause :- Pause the voicemail

    • Done :- It will stop the voicemail, which is being played.

Other Voicemail Options

  • Call Back :- It will dial the same number from which you have received the voicemail.

  • Details :- Display all the details of voicemail.

  • More :- If you press the More button, additional options will appear.

    • Delete :- Delete the Voicemail

    • Forward :- Forward the voicemail to another user.

    • Move :- Move the voicemail to different folder

    • More:- Additional options

      • ToggleRead :- Toggle this voicemail from unread to read or vice versa

      • Folders :- Switch between the folders.

      • Refresh :- Refresh the voicemail listing.  

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