Phones - XML Browser Popup

Phones - XML Browser Popup


The XML Browser Popup configures weather the "loading" popup is displayed when using XML-API Phone Apps.

Setting XML Browser Popup option

  • You can set the XML Browser Popup option using the PBX EndPoint Manager.

  • Go into End Point Manager in your PBX and select the Sangoma brand in the menu. 

  • Click on the template in End Point Manager that you want to modify. 

  • Click on the Options menu tab at the top

  • XML Browser Popup allows you to Display, or Hide the Popup.

  • You now need to update the phone configuration file. The three options at the bottom of the template are:

    • Save Template- This will only save your changes into the PBX database. It will not write out new config files for the phones that are using this template as mapped in the Extension Mapping section of End Point Manager.

    • and Rebuild Configs- This will save your changes to the PBX Database and will also write out new config files for the phones that are using this template as mapped in the Extension Mapping section of End Point Manager. The phones will need to be rebooted in order to retrieve the changes.

    • and Force Update- This will do both the "Save Template" and the "and Rebuild Configs" options above, and it will also immediately update any phones that are mapped to use this template and currently registered to the PBX, with no need to reboot the phones.


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