Phones - LDAP

Phones - LDAP



This is for Sangoma IP Phones

Using LDAP with Sangoma IP phones


LDAP integration offers the ability to do lookups of contacts from your LDAP server (Active Directory or OpenLDAP for instance).

To start let’s define some terms:

LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is an application protocol used over an IP network to manage and access the distributed directory information service.

Setting up LDAP Directory on your Phone

  • Go into End Point Manager in your PBX and select the Sangoma brand in the menu.

  • Click on the template that you want to change a ring tone for.

  • Click on the LDAP menu tab at the top


  • Filters and other settings are dependent on your LDAP server type and configuration.


  • LDAP Name Filter - This is the filter to use to acquire the name based on a number.

    • (&(telephoneNumber=*)(sn=%))

    • sn=% will search on surname

    • cn=% will search on common name

    • givenName=% will search on first name

  • LDAP Number Filter - This is the filter to use to acquire the number based on a name.

    • (&(telephoneNumber=%)(sn=*))

  • LDAP Server Address - The IP or FQDN of the LDAP server.

  • LDAP Port - The port to access the LDAP server on.

    • 389 - default LDAP port

  • LDAP Base - This is the starting search location.  At the most simplest, you would use dc for your domain

    • dc=domain,dc=local - for a domain of domain.local

  • LDAP Username - Username required to access the LDAP server.

    • Leave blank for anonymous access

  • LDAP Password - Password required to access the LDAP server.

    • Leave blank for anonymous access

  • LDAP Max Hits - Specifies the maximum number of search results to be returned by the LDAP server. The larger the number, the slower the lookup.

    • 50 is the recommended value.

  • LDAP Display Name - Specify the name attributes of each record which are to be returned in the LDAP search results.

    • cn - common name, most common

  • LDAP Search Delay - Wait time before search in milliseconds

    • 200 is the recommended value.

  • LDAP Protocol - Protocol version to use

    • Version 3 recommended, but version 2 is more common

  • LDAP Lookup for Incoming Call - On incoming call, search LDAP for name

  • LDAP Sorting Results - Sort results

  • LDAP Name Attributes - A list of name attributes to be returned in the LDAP search results.

  • LDAP Number Attributes - A list of number attributes to be returned in the LDAP search results.

  • You now need to update the phone configuration file. Your three options at the bottom of the template are:

    • Save Template- This will only save your changes to the PBX database. It will not write out new config files for the phones that are using this template as mapped in the Extension Mapping section of End Point Manager.

    • and Rebuild Configs- This will save your changes to the PBX database and will also write out new config files for the phones that are using this template as mapped in Extension Mapping section of End Point Manager. The phones will need to be rebooted in order to retrieve the changes.

    • and Force Update- This will do both the "Save Template" and the "and Rebuild Configs" options, and will also immediately update any phones that are mapped to use this template and currently registered to the PBX, with no need to reboot the phones.

Setting Up LDAP Button on your Phone

Line Keys Setup

End Point Manager will help you set up the Line keys for your Sangoma Phones, based on the phone family:



Line Key Types

Depending on the phone family type, Line keys can be set up in End Point Manager either for S-Series or P-Series with the following options.


  • Line Key Types:

    • BLF- ("Busy Lamp Field") - Monitors another extension or feature code that has state information on your PBX. The state is indicated by the BLF button.

    • Call Park- Used for one-touch Call Parking.

    • Conference- Configures a conference button to allow 5-way conference calling.

    • DTMF- Sends DTMF digits while on a active call, such as having the system dial a feature code while on a active call.

    • Hold- Places the caller on Hold.

    • Intercom- Causes the dialed extension to answer using Intercom Calling/Auto Answer instead of ringing.

    • LDAP- Button to Launch LDAP directory

    • Line- Sets up a line key. Each phone needs at least one line key.

    • MultiCast Paging- Starts a page to a specific MultiCast address.

    • Record- Toggles on-demand call recording. Requires the user to have on-demand recording permissions in the PBX.

    • Redial- Redials the last number.  

    • SpeedDial- Dials the programmed external number.  

      • To insert pauses, use a comma.  Each comma adds a 500ms pause when dialing.  

      • If you want to create a speed dial that dials a number and then waits for the user to enter more digits on the keypad you would use a + at the end of your speed dial such as *80+ would dial *80 when you press the speed dial button and then wait for you to enter more digits.

    • Transfer-Transfers a call to a new recipient.

    • Voicemail- Dials the voicemail system, allowing the user to check voicemail.

    • XML API- Provides access to the specified Phone App.


Configuring Line Buttons


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