Business Voice - FAQ's
Ring Group Questions
Q. My customer's environment does not lend itself to Parking and Paging for call pickup. Is there another way the system can attempt to get calls delivered to a group of workers?
A. Using Ring Groups in lieu of Park and Page is a viable option.
Set up a Ring Group including everyone that is expected to answer transferred calls.
Set "Display ring group name to members in incoming calls?" to YES
Set the Failover of the Ring Group to the receptionist.
Transfer the outside caller to the Ring Group giving everyone in the group the opportunity to answer the call. If the call goes unanswered it rings back to the receptionist. The name of the Ring Group is displayed to the receptionist allowing him to respond accordingly.
StarBox Questions
Q. Can I register all the phones as remote phones, then if I were to have a failure on the StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN, would all of the phones still work?
A. No. Generally if a StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN goes down, it's due to a power or Internet failure. Changing the phone configuration wouldn't matter as without the StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN being online, the phones wouldn't work. In the event that there is a hardware failure, while it is theoretically possible, due to general networking issues, we cannot support more then one remote phone at any given location. This becomes a hosted model with no way to control voice quality. However, in the unlikely event that a failure occurs, you can always swap out the damaged StarBox® Voice Optimized SD-WAN with a dealer demo or backup unit and have the customer back up quickly.
General Questions
Q. Is there a charge for Star2Star conference calling?
A. Conference Calling is free for all users on the Business Voice systems. As outside callers join the bridge, the customer can use up to as many lines they have on their contract at no extra charge. If they go over that amount, they are billed $0.25/minute per caller.
Q. Why are calls forwarding to cell without Find Me / Follow me enabled?
A. n the event that an incoming call is received for your extension and our Data Center cannot reach your phone because of an internet outage, local network problem or any other reason, if you have a number in the ‘phone number’ field (found in the portal under Individual Phone Settings / User Info), we will try to complete the call to that number if you do not have FM/FM set. It may have been entered for you when your Reseller set up your portal. If you’d rather have calls go to your voicemail remove the number, click Save Changes, and then click Save Changes to System. If you would rather have calls use FM/FM settings please configure appropriately, click Save Changes, and then click Save Changes to System.
See also Find Me / Follow Me Message Options
Q. Why don’t calls come to my cell phone when the internet is out? I have a cell number set in "User Info"
A. When the Sangoma Data Center cannot reach your phone, with a call trying to ring your extension directly (a ‘personal’ call), from a DID or extension dial from a menu, we will call your supplemental number i.e. your cell phone. However, if your extension would be ringing as part of a Queue call or a Ring Group, the call path will be controlled by the Incoming Call Routing and subsequent failover actions instead.
Q. How long can I keep my voice mail messages?
A. The system automatically deletes messages that are more than 90 days old. However, to keep messages indefinitely, save them in the Archived folder. Refer to #4 in the Voicemail Guide. Messages in the Archived folder are not automatically purged. Refer to #4 in the Voicemail Guide. Messages in the Archived folder are not automatically purged.
Q. Is there a way to prevent the local system from being overwhelmed with calls and limit the amount of 'bursted' calls I receive?
A. It is not possible to completely eliminate bursting however the system can be configured to control call delivery. This is accomplished with the use of Sangoma CX. With all inbound traffic directed through a Sangoma CX Queue, all calls originate in the Star2Star data center.
Only calls answered by an agent in the office are delivered to the office making it impossible for the local concurrent calls to exceed the number of agents.
Bursted calls can be controlled by limiting the number of callers per queue using the Max On Hold setting and configuring the queue Failover to a brief message asking the customer to call back later.
Q. Where Does Star2Star Ship the Replacement Equipment When an RMA is Requested?
A. The Star2Star Technical Support Group (TSG) will obtain the ship-to address from you at the time that the RMA is requested. The item can be shipped to the reseller location or directly to the customer.
Q. Where can I find the International calling?
A. Click here to view the Business Voice International Calling rates .