Switchvox Cloud - How To Change SMS Routes in Switchvox Cloud

Switchvox Cloud - How To Change SMS Routes in Switchvox Cloud

Sangoma introduced free SMS Text Messaging with Switchvox Cloud in version 7.6.3. This feature is automatically available on all SMS-capable phone numbers within the Switchvox Cloud service.

This article describes the standard configuration, which enables the service to “just work” in the manner most users will expect, as well as the process an administrator may take to make changes to the standard text message routing, if needed.

For information on how to use SMS once it is configured, please see Using SMS in Switchvox Cloud.


Standard SMS Configuration for New Switchvox Cloud Service

Most people expect that voice calls and text messages will go to the same user. When new Switchvox Cloud service is ordered, this is how the phone numbers are automatically configured by default: Voice calls and text messages from a given DID (phone number) route to the same extension (user).

However, it is worth noting that Switchvox allows flexibility to change this default configuration. That may be useful if you do not want a user to be able to send SMS text messages, or if you want a text messages to be handled by a different user/extension than the one to which voice calls are routed (for example, when voice calls are sent to an IVR or Call Queue). This is discussed further in the Changing section below.


SMS Behavior with Upgrade to Switchvox Cloud 7.6.3

Time is precious. We have endeavored to make the update to 7.6.3 as seamless as possible for our Switchvox Cloud administrators by automatically implementing the SMS configuration for you.

When your Switchvox Cloud service is updated to version 7.6.3, the SMS routes are automatically configured based on the configuration of the existing voice routes. The resulting behavior matches what is described above for New Service: SMS messages to/from a given DID are automatically handled by the same user that has been receiving voice calls from that phone number. However, there are a couple possible exception scenarios you may need to address:

Scenario 1: If a user is configured to receive direct voice calls from multiple DIDs

Each user may only be subscribed to send and receive SMS text messages from one phone number.

In the event that multiple Incoming DID Routes are sending voice calls to the same user extension, then only one of the DIDs will be configured for SMS text messaging. The DID Route that is higher in the priority list within the “Setup > Incoming Calls” section of the Admin Web Suite will be automatically configured for SMS use by that user. The additional DIDs which are routing to that user will not be automatically configured for SMS. However, this can easily be changed by following the instructions in the Changing section below.


Scenario 2: If a Ranged DID Route exists for Incoming Calls

SMS Rules are not automatically configured based on existing Ranged DID Routes.

Switchvox allows for routing of voice calls using both Single DID Route rules, and also Ranged DID Route rules. All automated configuration of Switchvox Cloud is handled using Single DID Routes. Ranged DID Routes require manual configuration, and are useful in limited scenarios involving bulk number ports. Consequently, this scenario is uncommon.

If your system configuration contains Ranged DID Routes, then the desired SMS Rules for the phone numbers and their respective users need to be manually configured using the instructions below.



Changing the SMS Route Configuration

Configuring a user extension for SMS text messaging is easy in Switchvox Cloud.

First, login to the Admin Web Suite located at mycompany.digiumcloud.net/admin and navigate to the Setup > Incoming Calls > SMS Rules tab. (Note: If this tab is not available, then your service has not yet been updated to version 7.6.3. The administrator of record will be notified when this update is scheduled.)

The SMS Rules tab lists each of the DIDs that is configured for SMS, along with the extension that is configured to send and receive text messages from that phone number. This tab is pictured here:


At the top of the page is the Create SMS DID button. When clicked, a dialog box (shown here) prompts you to fill in the three required fields:


For each SMS DID rule, you enter:

  • DID: Enter the 10-digit phone number associated with your Switchvox Cloud service.

  • Extension: This is the main extension of the user who can send and receive SMS messages using the DID.

  • Provider: Select the only available option, “Digium Cloud Services”.

Existing SMS Rule entries may also be deleted or modified from the list presented.

Please note that each DID and each Extension may only appear once in the overall SMS configuration. A user may only be subscribed to send and receive SMS text messages from one phone number, and each DID may only be routed to one user.

Once a user's extension has an SMS DID associated, they can receive texts that are sent to their DID, and send a text to an external number. SMS messaging is done using the Chat features in the updated Switchvox Desktop Softphone, or within the Switchvox Chat mobile apps on Android and iOS.

If the user has not previously been granted access to the Switchvox Desktop Softphone and wishes to use it for text messaging, then an additional administrator step is required to enable this feature for the user. Please refer to the instructions here, How an Admin enables the Switchvox Desktop Softphone for a User

If the user is already configured to use the Switchvox Desktop Softphone, then they can begin sending and receiving SMS messages right away. For more information, please see Overview of Desktop Softphone Updates in Cloud 7.6.3

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