Fetch simple information about the extensions on your system. If you need a full list of all the extensions on your system please use switchvox.extensions.search.
See the Constructing Requests page to learn how to use arguments in requests.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
extensions | required | integer |
| List of extensions |
account_ids | required | integer |
| List of account_ids |
Requests information about extension 104 and extension 207.
<request method="switchvox.extensions.getInfo">
Returned information about 104, but extension 207 doesn't exist so no information is returned.
<response method="switchvox.extensions.getInfo">
<extension number="104" status="1" can_dial_from_ivr="1" account_id="1110" display="David Podolsky" date_created="2009-02-10 14:18:16" type="sip" type_display="SIP Extension" first_name="David" last_name="Podolsky" email_address="dwp@switchvox.com" template_id="1" template_name="Default" />
Error Codes
See the Error Code Formatting section to see the xml structure when an error is returned.See the Generic Error Codes section to see a list of general fault codes that may be returned.
Code | Description |
10000 | Missing extensions or account_ids |
10010 | Invalid extension (%NUMBER%). Extensions may only contain digits or *. |
10012 | Invalid extension (%NUMBER%). Extension must be between %MIN% to %MAX% characters in length. |
10013 | Invalid number of parameters. At least one of the following parameters is required : (extensions,account_ids) |
10014 | Invalid account_id (%ACCOUNT_ID%). Account_ids may only contain digits. |