Extend API Methods
These are the Extend API methods that are used to integrate a Switchvox user and their calls with your web-based business application.
User Methods
Name | Description |
Get information about the extension making the API request. Easy way to get account_id for an extension. | |
This method fetches the token that can be set in the Cookie header of HTTPS requests for authentication. Cookie authentications is a lighter weight alternative to digest authentication on every request. | |
Fetches the software version from the PBX. | |
Searches the call logs on the PBX system for an account. | |
Get a list of Additional Phone extensions for an account. Previously, an 'additional phone' was referred to as a 'converged device'. | |
Creates a call between two extensions or an extension and an external number. |
Admin Methods
Name | Description |
Retrieve simple information about extensions. | |
Search extensions and retrieve simple extension information. | |
Get info about a SIP extension. |
General Information