Error while stopping driver
You may try to stop wanpipe with "wanrouter stop" and see the following:
Shutting down device: wanpipe1Shutting down wanpipe1 interface: w1g1
        wanconfig: WAN device wanpipe1 did not shutdown
                 : ioctl(wanpipe1,ROUTER_DOWN) failed:
                 :     16 - Device or resource busy
        If you router was not running ignore this message
 !!    Otherwise, check the /var/log/wanrouter and
        /var/log/messages for errors |
This means that the Sangoma Wanpipe Driver is still being used by Asterisk/FreeSWITCH and cannot be stopped, just yet.
To resolve this issue and to be able to stop Wanpipe, you must first stop the application above using wanpipe (i.e. Asterisk/FreeSWITCH)
If you have verified nothing on your system is still using Wanpipe, you may force wanpipe to stop:
-> wanrouter stop all