Wanpipe Tools Compilations failed (Driver installation issue)
Wanpipe Tools Compilations failed (Driver installation issue)
If the Wanpipe driver fails to install, and you see:
" !!! WANPIPE Tools Compilation Failed !!!
Possible solution:
Wanpipe header files were not installed properly
in /usr/include/wanpipe directory
Please contact Sangoma Tech. at 905 474-1990" |
Possible reason:
-> Missing Wanpipe requirements
Please click on the following links to verify all requirements met:
-> Telephony Card System Requirements
-> Not using the latest telephony card device driver, located here: Telephony Card Driver Download
-> If you have verified the requirements and you still experience the issue, then the reason would be indicated inside the setup_drv_compile.log located in the source directory of the wanpipe driver location:
i.e: /usr/src/wanpipe-7.X.X/setup_drv_compile.log
If you cannot diagnose the reason for error in the setup_drv_compile.log, please contact Sangoma support at support.sangoma.com