Driver Overview Statistics
When debugging Sangoma boards, wanpipe driver, Asterisk and/or Freeswitch, one always has to start debugging wit lowest layer.
As per the OSI Network Model
Starting with the Lowest layer and move up to the HighestLowest layer is the Physical layer (T1/E1)
Highest layer is the Application (Asterisk/FreeSWITCH/Custom App)
Framer Statistics
Command: wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Ta
Note: Can be run for any wanpipe interface listed in "ifconfig" (refer to Glossary below)
More information is located on Wanpipe Alarm Statistics page
Rx Level
must be -2.5db
If Rx Level is not -2.5db there is a cable issue
Line, Bit and Out of frame errors.
Make sure they are not incrementing.
If incrementing, the clock on the T1/E1 line is bad.
One can try to configure wanpipe port to MASTER clock.
However the telco is suppose to provede the clock
Echo Canceler Statistics
Command: wan_ec_client wanpipe1 stats
Note: Can be run for any started wanpipe device listed in "wanrouter status"
H.100 errors
The echo canceler is expecting a clean stable clock.
The echo canceler clock is supplied by the T1/E1 line.
If the clock coming from the line is not up to spec the echo canceler chip will increment the H.100 errors.
FPGA Sync Errors
Command: ifconfig w1g1
Note: Can be run for any wanpipe interface listed in "ifconfig" (refer to Glossary below)
Look for rx and tx overrun errors
Make sure they are not incrementing
If the FPGA detects an out of sync condition, the DMA buffers will be flushed and DMA process restarted.
This is critical in order to keep T1/E1 DS0 synchronization.
Otherwise, timeslot shifting could occur, where timeslot 1 data is on channel 5, etc....
This condition will also be logged in system syslog file. (usually located in: /var/log/messages)
Fifo Overrun Errors
Overrun statistics are described in Wanpipe Debugging Section
Wanpipe Interfaces
Wanpipe driver registers a wanpipe network interface for every wanpipe port/span created.
Wanpipe interface starts with letter "w"
Eg: w1g1 - wanpipe1 group1
w2g1 - wanpipe2 group1 .
Wanpipe network interfaces show io and error statistics.
IO statistics include: rx and tx data packets
Error statistics include: dma errors, overruns and packet corrupts.