Phones - A20, A22 and A25 TXT Configuration 2.3.2
TXT Configuration
This section describes the formatting and options available when creating text-based configuration files for provisioning Asterisk A20, A22 and A25 phones.
The configuration elements provided in this section are subject to change between Asterisk A-series phone firmware releases.
A Complete TXT Configuration Example
<<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0002
WAN Subnet Mask :
WAN Gateway :
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :
Enable DHCP :1
Use Vendor Class ID:0
Vendor Class ID :Asterisk
DHCP Auto DNS :1
DHCP Auto Time :0
DHCP Option 100-101:1
ARP Cache Life :10
Enable PPPoE :0
RTP Initial Port :10000
RTP Port Quantity :200
SNTP Server
Second SNTP Server
Enable SNTP :1
Time Zone :-32
Location :3
Time Zone Name :UTC-8
Enable DST :1
DST Fixed Type :2
SNTP Timeout :60
DST Min Offset :60
DST Start Mon :3
DST Start Week :5
DST Start Wday :0
DST Start Hour :2
DST End Mon :10
DST End Week :5
DST End Wday :0
DST End Hour :2
Language :0
Push XML IP :
Enable Call History:1
Active Uri IP :
Boot Completed Url :
Reg On Url :
Reg Off Url :
Reg Failed Url :
Offhook Url :
Onhook Uri :
Incmoing Call Url :
Outgoing Call Url :
Call Active Url :
Call Stop Url :
DND On Url :
DND Off Url :
Always FWD On Url :
Always FWD Off Url :
Busy FWD On Url :
Busy FWD Off Url :
No Ans FWD On Url :
No Ans FWD Off Url :
Transfer Url :
B Transfer Url :
A Transfer Url :
Hold Url :
Unhold Url :
Mute Url :
Unmute Url :
Missed call Url :
IP Change Url :
Idle to Busy Url :
Busy to Idle Url :
All Pswd Encryption:0
Dial by Pound :1
BTransfer by Pound :1
Onhook to BXfer :0
Onhook to AXfer :1
Memory Key to BXfer:0
Xfer On Conf Onhook:0
Dial Fixed Length :0
Fixed Length Nums :11
Dial by Timeout :1
Dial Timeout value :5
Dialpeer With Line :0
Accept Any Call :1
IP Dial Prefix :.
Auto Switch Call :0
--Port Config-- :
P1 Enable DND :0
P1 DND Mode :0
P1 Call Record Type:0
P1 Enable Force Rin:0
P1 Mute Ringing :0
P1 CWaiting Tone :1
P1 Ban Dial Out :0
P1 Ban Empty CID :0
P1 Enable CLIP :1
P1 CallWaiting :1
P1 CallTransfer :1
P1 CallSemiXfer :1
P1 CallConference :1
P1 AutoAnswer :0
P1 No Answer Time :20
P1 Warm Line Time :0
P1 Hotline Num :
P1 Auto PickupNext :0
P1 Busy No Line :0
P1 Auto Onhook :1
P1 Auto Onhook Time:3
P1 DND Code :1
P1 Busy Code :2
P1 Reject Code :3
P1 Caller Name Type:0
P1 Enable Intercom :1
P1 Intercom Mute :0
P1 Intercom Tone :1
P1 Intercom Barge :1
P1 Use Auto Redial :0
P1 AutoRedial Delay:10
P1 AutoRedial Times:10
P1 Call Complete :0
P1 Hide DTMF Type :0
P1 Talk DTMF Tone :1
P1 Dial DTMF Tone :1
P1 Psw Dial Mode :0
P1 Psw Dial Length :0
P1 Psw Dial Prefix :
P1 Enable MultiLine:1
P1 Allow IP Call :1
P1 CHolding Tone :1
P1 Number Privacy :0
P1 Privacy Rule :
Transf SDial :0
Enable Code Plan :0
Country Code :
Area Code :
Transf DTMF Code :
Hold DTMF Code :
Conf DTMF Code :
--Code Plan List-- :
P1 rule :
Signal Standard :11
Enable MWI Tone :1
Play Egress DTMF :2
Onhook Time :120
G729 Payload Len :1
G723 Bit Rate :1
G722 Timestamps :0
VAD :1
Ring Type :2
Dtmf Payload Type :101
Headset MIC offset :3
Headset spkr offset:7
Sidetone GAIN :1
EHS Type :0
RTP Keep Alive :0
Session Report :0
Interval Report :0
Interval Period :60
MOS-LQ Warning :40
MOS-LQ Critical :25
Delay Warning :150
Delay Critical :200
Phone Report :0
WEB Report :0
--Port Config-- :
P1 General Spk Vol :5
P1 General Mic Vol :3
P1 Headset Vol :5
P1 Ring in Headset :0
P1 Auto Headset :0
P1 Headset Ring Vol:5
P1 HandFree Vol :5
P1 RingTone Vol :5
P1 Voice Codec1 :G722/8000
P1 Voice Codec2 :PCMA/8000
P1 Voice Codec3 :PCMU/8000
P1 Voice Codec4 :G729/8000
P1 Voice Codec5 :
P1 Voice Codec6 :
--Alert Info Ring--:
Alert1 Text :
Alert1 Ring Type :1
SIP Port :5060
STUN Server :
STUN Port :3478
STUN Refresh Time :50
SIP Wait Stun Time :800
Extern NAT Addrs :
Reg Fail Interval :32
SIP Pswd Encryption:0
Strict BranchPrefix:0
Enable Group Backup:0
Enable RFC4475 :1
SIP invite strict :1
Notify Reboot :0
SMS direct Enabled :0
SMS Save Enabled :1
SMS Ring Enabled :1
CSTA Enable :0
--SIP Line List-- :
SIP1 Phone Number :
SIP1 Display Name :
SIP1 Sip Name :
SIP1 Register Addr :
SIP1 Register Port :5060
SIP1 Register User :
SIP1 Register Pswd :
SIP1 Register TTL :3600
SIP1 Enable Reg :0
SIP1 Proxy Addr :
SIP1 Proxy Port :5060
SIP1 Proxy User :
SIP1 Proxy Pswd :
SIP1 BakProxy Addr :
SIP1 BakProxy Port :5060
SIP1 Enable Failbac:0
SIP1 Signal Crypto :0
SIP1 SigCrypto Key :
SIP1 Media Crypto :0
SIP1 MedCrypto Key :
SIP1 SRTP Auth-Tag :0
SIP1 Local Domain :
SIP1 Always FWD :0
SIP1 Busy FWD :0
SIP1 No Answer FWD :0
SIP1 Always FWD Num:
SIP1 Busy FWD Num :
SIP1 NoAnswer FWD N:
SIP1 FWD Timer :5
SIP1 Ring Type :0
SIP1 Hotline Num :
SIP1 Enable Hotline:0
SIP1 WarmLine Time :0
SIP1 Pickup Num :
SIP1 Join Num :
SIP1 NAT UDPUpdate :2
SIP1 UDPUpdate TTL :30
SIP1 Server Type :0
SIP1 User Agent :
SIP1 Keep AUTH :0
SIP1 Session Timer :0
SIP1 S.Timer Expire:0
SIP1 Enable GRUU :0
SIP1 DTMF Mode :3
SIP1 DTMF Info Mode:0
SIP1 NAT Type :0
SIP1 Enable Rport :1
SIP1 Subscribe :0
SIP1 Sub Expire :3600
SIP1 Single Codec :0
SIP1 Strict Proxy :0
SIP1 Direct Contact:0
SIP1 History Info :0
SIP1 DNS Mode :0
SIP1 XFER Expire :0
SIP1 Ban Anonymous :0
SIP1 Dial Off Line :0
SIP1 Quota Name :0
SIP1 Presence Mode :0
SIP1 RFC Ver :1
SIP1 Signal Port :5060
SIP1 Transport :0
SIP1 Enable ChgPort:1
SIP1 TLS Version :0
SIP1 Use SRV Mixer :0
SIP1 SRV Mixer Uri :
SIP1 Long Contact :0
SIP1 Auto TCP :0
SIP1 Uri Escaped :1
SIP1 Click to Talk :0
SIP1 MWI Num :
SIP1 CallPark Num :
SIP1 Retrieve Num :
SIP1 MSRPHelp Num :
SIP1 User Is Phone :1
SIP1 Auto Answer :0
SIP1 NoAnswerTime :5
SIP1 MissedCallLog :1
SIP1 SvcCode Mode :0
SIP1 DNDOn SvcCode :
SIP1 DNDOff SvcCode:
SIP1 CFUOn SvcCode :
SIP1 CFUOff SvcCode:
SIP1 CFBOn SvcCode :
SIP1 CFBOff SvcCode:
SIP1 CFNOn SvcCode :
SIP1 CFNOff SvcCode:
SIP1 ANCOn SvcCode :
SIP1 ANCOff SvcCode:
SIP1 Send ANOn Code:
SIP1 Send ANOffCode:
SIP1 CW On Code :
SIP1 CW Off Code :
SIP1 VoiceCodecMap :G722,G711U,G711A,G729,G726-32,G723
SIP1 BLFList Uri :
SIP1 BLF Server :
SIP1 Respond 182 :0
SIP1 Enable BLFList:0
SIP1 Caller Id Type:4
SIP1 Syn Clock Time:0
SIP1 Use VPN :1
SIP1 Enable DND :0
SIP1 Update Reg Exp:1
SIP1 Inactive Hold :0
SIP1 Enable SCA :0
SIP1 Sub CallPark :0
SIP1 Hoteling Event:0
SIP1 Sub CC Status :0
SIP1 CSTA Number :
SIP1 Feature Sync :0
SIP1 Req With Port :1
SIP1 Enable Mute :0
SIP1 VQ Name :
SIP1 VQ Server :
SIP1 VQ Server Port:5060
SIP1 VQ HTTP Server:
SIP1 Unreg Reboot :0
SIP1 Flash Mode :0
SIP1 Use Tel Call :0
SIP1 Content Type :
SIP1 Content Body :
SIP1 Deal 180 :1
Priority :0
Enbale Priority :0
--Mcast Addr-- :
MCAST1 Port :0
MCAST1 Name :
MCAST1 Host :
PPPoE User :user123
PPPoE Password :password
PPPoE Svc Name :ANY
PPPoE IP Address :
Web Port :80
Web Server Type :0
Https Web Port :443
Enable MMI Filter :0
Web Authentication :0
Default WEB User :0
--MMI Account-- :
Account1 Name :admin
Account1 Password :789
Account1 Level :10
Enable VLAN :0
Enable diffServ :1
LLDP Transmit :1
LLDP Refresh Time :60
LLDP Learn Policy :1
CDP Enabled :0
CDP Refresh Time :60
Singalling DSCP :-1
Voice DSCP :46
VLAN ID :256
Signalling Priority:0
Voice Priority :0
VLAN Recv Check :1
Enable PVID :1
PVID Value :254
DHCP Option Vlan :0
MGR Trace Level :0
SIP Trace Level :0
Trace File Info :0
Enable Watch Dog :1
Enable Memory Info :0
Enable Syslog :0
Syslog address :
Syslog port :514
Enable In Access :0
Enable Out Access :0
Menu Password :789
KeyLock Password :123
Fast Keylock Code :
Enable KeyLock :0
KeyLock Status :0
Emergency Call :110
LCD Title :Asterisk
LCD Constrast :5
LCD Luminance :1
Backlight Off Time :30
ScrnSaver Wait Time:0
KeyLock Timeout :0
Enable Power Led :0
SMS MWI Power Led :0
Miss Call Power Led:0
Talk Dial Power Led:0
Ringing Power Led :0
Mute Call Power Led:0
Hold Power Led :0
Time Display Style :0
Phone Model :A25
FuncKey Page Num :2
Blf Default type :0
Alarm Clock :0,,1
Disable CHN IME :0
Disable Dial Search:0
Redial Enter CLog :1
Date Display Style :0
Date Separator :0
Enable Pre-Dial :1
Default Line :0
Enable Default Line:0
Enable Auto SelLine:1
Agent Username :
Agent Password :
Agent Number :
Agent Sipline :0
Agent Status :0
Agent Status Reason:
--BW Calllogs Conf-:
BWCLog1 Title :
BWCLog1 Username :
BWCLog1 Password :
BWCLog1 SipLine :0
--BW Directory Conf:
BWDir1 Title :
BWDir1 URL :
BWDir1 Username :
BWDir1 Password :
BWDir1 SipLine :0
--LDAP Config-- :
LDAP1 Title :
LDAP1 Server :
LDAP1 port :389
LDAP1 Authenticate :0
LDAP1 Version :3
LDAP1 Calling Line :0
LDAP1 Enable Search:0
LDAP1 Base :
LDAP1 Username :
LDAP1 Password :
LDAP1 Tel Attr :telephoneNumber
LDAP1 Mobile Attr :mobile
LDAP1 Other Attr :home
LDAP1 Displayname :cn
LDAP1 Filter Name :
LDAP1 Filter number:
--Xml PhoneBook-- :
XML-PBook1 Name :
XML-PBook1 Addr :
XML-PBook1 Auth :
XML-PBook1 Policy :0
XML-PBook1 Sipline :0
Phonebook Groups :
--Function Key-- :
Fkey1 Type :2
Fkey1 Value :SIP1
Fkey1 Title :
--Soft Dss Key-- :
SoftFkey1 Type :0
SoftFkey1 Value :
SoftFkey1 Title :
Ui font Color :0xFFFFFF$0x444343
Ui Title Color :0x000026$0x4f79a7
Ui Softkey Color :up:0x5e6f85$0x485972@ down:0x00$0xffc83b
Ui List Color :0x00$0xa9c1c9
Ui Balloon Color :0x00$0x6c7b8d
Ui Second Color :odd:0xc9d9eb$0x9fc0e3@ even:0x356291$0x7296bb@ select:0x34373c$0xe2a917@ interval:0x4478ae@ LSKbgc:0x6b84aa
Ui ScrnSaver Color :0x00$0x808080
Vqm Display Order :
DSS Home Page :0
Desktop Softkey :history;contact;dnd;menu;
Talking Softkey :hold;xfer;conf;end;
Ringing Softkey :accept;none;cfwd;reject;
Alerting Softkey :none;none;none;end;
XAlerting Softkey :xfer;none;none;end;
Conference Softkey :hold;none;split;end;
Waiting Softkey :hold;xfer;conf;end;
Ending Softkey :repeat;none;none;end;
DialerPre Softkey :delete;save;send;exit;
DialerCall Softkey :delete;history;send;exit;
DialerXfer Softkey :delete;xfer;send;exit;
DialerCfwd Softkey :delete;none;cfwd;exit;
Desktop Click :history;status;paccout;naccout;menu;
Dailer Click :pline;nline;none;none;none;
Call Click :pcall;ncall;voldown;volup;none;
Desktop Long Press :status;none;none;sdial;reset;
Softkey Mode :1
Softkey Exit Style :1
Enabled :0
Voice Codec :PCMA
Enable Server Rec :0
Enable PBX Rec :0
Server Addr :
Server Port :0
Type :0
Download Username :
Download Password :
AP Pswd Encryption :0
FDPS Enable :1
Config File Name :
Config File Key :
Common Cfg File Key:
Download Server IP :
Download Protocol :0
Download Mode :0
Download Interval :1
DHCP Option :66
Save DHCP Opion :0
DHCP Option 120 :0
PNP Enable :1
PNP Port :5060
PNP Transport :0
PNP Interval :1
Save Provision Info:0
Download CommonConf:1
Download DeviceConf:1
Check FailTimes :5
update PB Interval :720
Clr PB B4 Import :0
Trust Certification:0
Enable Auto Upgrade:0
Upgrade Server 1 :
Upgrade Server 2 :
Auto Upgrade intval:24
VPN mode :2
L2TP User Name :
L2TP Password :
L2TP Negotiate DNS :1
Enable VPN Tunnel :0
VPN Server IP :
VPN Server Port :80
Server Group ID :VPN
Server Area Code :12345
Xsup User :admin
Xsup Password :admin
Xsup Enable :0
Xsup AuthMac :01:80:C2:00:00:03
Xsup UseDefaultMac :1
ACS Server Type :1
ACS UserName :admin
ACS Password :admin
CPE UserName :dps
CPE Password :dps
CPE SerialNumber :
TR069 Auto Login :0
TR069 Tone :1
Enable TR069 :0
Periodix Interval :3600
Area Code :020
TLS Version :0
Top Level Elements
<<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0002
Each element is populated with a value.
Top Level Elements
Option | Values | Description |
Version | String | If the phone is configured for auto provisioning and it successfully loads this configuration, the version string will be displayed on-screen. |
WAN Subnet Mask :
WAN Gateway :
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :
Enable DHCP :1
Use Vendor Class ID:0
Vendor Class ID :Asterisk
DHCP Auto DNS :1
DHCP Auto Time :0
DHCP Option 100-101:1
ARP Cache Life :10
Enable PPPoE :0
RTP Initial Port :10000
RTP Port Quantity :200
SNTP Server
Second SNTP Server
Enable SNTP :1
Time Zone :-32
Location :3
Time Zone Name :UTC-8
Enable DST :1
DST Fixed Type :2
SNTP Timeout :60
DST Min Offset :60
DST Start Mon :3
DST Start Week :5
DST Start Wday :0
DST Start Hour :2
DST End Mon :10
DST End Week :5
DST End Wday :0
DST End Hour :2
Language :0
Push XML IP :
Enable Call History:1
Active Uri IP :
Boot Completed Url :
Reg On Url :
Reg Off Url :
Reg Failed Url :
Offhook Url :
Onhook Uri :
Incmoing Call Url :
Outgoing Call Url :
Call Active Url :
Call Stop Url :
DND On Url :
DND Off Url :
Always FWD On Url :
Always FWD Off Url :
Busy FWD On Url :
Busy FWD Off Url :
No Ans FWD On Url :
No Ans FWD Off Url :
Transfer Url :
B Transfer Url :
A Transfer Url :
Hold Url :
Unhold Url :
Mute Url :
Unmute Url :
Missed call Url :
IP Change Url :
Idle to Busy Url :
Busy to Idle Url :
All Pswd Encryption:0
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
WAN Mode | DHCP, STATIC, PPPOE, Defaults to DHCP | Sets the method of network access for the phone. Defaults to DHCP. |
WAN IP | IPv4 Address | Shows (DHCP / PPPOE) or sets (STATIC) the IPv4 address of the phone. |
WAN Subnet Mask | IPv4 net mask | Shows (DHCP / PPPOE) or sets (STATIC) the IPv4 net mask of the phone. |
WAN Gateway | IPv4 network gateway | Shows (DHCP / PPPOE) or sets (STATIC) the IPv4 network gateway of the phone. |
Primary DNS | IPv4 Address | Shows (DHCP / PPPOE) or sets (STATIC) the primary DNS server of the phone. |
Secondary DNS | IPv4 Address | Shows (DHCP / PPPOE) or sets (STATIC) the secondary DNS server of the phone. |
Enable DHCP | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | Enables or disables DHCP network configuration request. Defaults to 1. |
Use Vendor Class ID | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Configures the phone to send DHCP Option 61, Vendor Class Identifier. Defaults to 0. |
Vendor Class ID | String, Defaults to Asterisk | Sets the Vendor Class Identifier of the phone. Defaults to Asterisk. |
DHCP Auto DNS | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | Configures the phone to accept DNS servers provided by DHCP. If disabled, the phone will use the DNS servers defined by the PrimaryDNS and SecondaryDNS net configuration elements. Defaults to 1. |
DHCP Auto Time | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Configures the phone to set its time and SNTP server based upon receipt of DHCP Option 42. If disabled, the phone will use the NTP server as defined by the SNTPServer date configuration element and time as defined in other date configuration elements. Defaults to 0. |
DHCP Option 100-101 | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not set its clock according to time as provided by DHCP Options 100 and 101. Defaults to 1. |
ARP Cache Life | Integer, in minutes, Defaults to 10 | Specifies the lifetime, in minutes, of a cached ARP entry. Defaults to 10. |
Enable PPPoE | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Configures the phone to perform PPPoE authentication in order to retrieve its network configuration. Defaults to 0 |
RTP Initial Port | Integer, Defaults to 10000 | Sets the starting RTP port used for calls. Defaults to 10000 |
RTP Port Quantity | Integer, Defaults to 200 | Sets the number of RTP ports to span across before recycling. Defaults to 200. |
SNTP Server | IPv4 Hostname, Address, Defaults to | Sets the phone's primary SNTP server. Defaults to |
Second SNTP Server | IPv4 Hostname, Address, Defaults to | Sets the phone's secondary SNTP server. Defaults to |
Enable SNTP | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not attempt to synchronize its clock to the defined SNTP Server |
Time Zone | -44, -40, -38, -36, -32, -28, -24, -30, -18, -16, -14, -12, -10, -8, -4, 0, 4, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 32, 35, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 56, Defaults to -32 | Sets the time zone for the phone as follows: (UTC-11) Samoa, -44 Defaults to -32. |
Location | Integer, 0-4, Defaults to 3 | Sets the daylight savings time location for automatic setting as follows:None - 0 |
Time Zone Name | String, Defaults to UTC-8 | Sets the name of the time zone in UTC format. Defaults to UTC-8. |
Enable DST | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not adjust its clock for Daylight saving time rules. Defaults to 1. |
DST Fixed Type | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 2. | If set to 0, the phone will not attempt to automatically set daylight savings times. If set to 1, the phone will attempt to automatically set daylight savings times. If set to 2, the phone utilizes manually configured logic to know when to set daylight savings time modes. |
SNTP Timeout | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 60 | Sets the time period at which the phone should re-sync its clock to the configured SNTP server. Defaults to 60. WE SHOULD MAKE THIS MUCH LONGER |
DST Min Offset | Integer, in minutes, Defaults to 60 | Sets the number of minutes to offset when the DST rule is in effect. Defaults to 60. |
DST Start Mon | Integer, 1-12, Defaults to 3 | Sets the month, by calendar, beginning in January, at which the DST rule should start. Defaults to 3. |
DST Start Week | -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Defaults to 5 | Sets the week, where -1 is the last week, at which the DST rule should start. Defaults to 5. |
DST Start Wday | Integer, 0-6, Defaults to 0 | Sets the week day, where Sunday is 0, at which the DST rule should start. Defaults to 0. |
DST Start Hour | Integer, 0-23, Defaults to 2 | Sets the hour at which the DST rule should start. Defaults to 2. |
DST End Mon | Integer, 1-12, Defaults to 10 | Sets the month, by calendar, beginning in January, at which the DST rule should end. Defaults to 10. |
DST End Week | -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Defaults to 5 | Sets the week, where -1 is the last week, at which the DST rule should end. Defaults to 5. |
DST End Wday | Integer, 0-6, Defaults to 0 | Sets the week day, where Sunday is 0, at which the DST rule should end. Defaults to 0. |
DST End Hour | Integer, 0-23, Defaults to 2 | Sets the hour at which the DST rule should end. Defaults to 2. |
Language | 0, en, cn, tc, nl, fr, ru, it, es, jp, bg, slo, cat, eus, de, es_l, pt, cz, gl, in, ma, hu, ar, uk, Defaults to 0 (English) | Sets the phone's default language as: Arabic - ar Defaults to 0, English (en). |
Push XML IP | IPv4 Hostname or address | Sets the IPv4 Hostname or address of an XML PUSH server that will transmit XML to the phone. |
Enable Call History | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not record call log entries. |
Active Uri IP | String | Specifies the IP address of the remote server sending commands to the phone. |
Boot Completed Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it completes the boot process. |
Reg On Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it completes a SIP registration. |
Reg Off Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when SIP registration is disabled. |
Reg Failed Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when SIP registration fails. |
Offhook Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when the phone is taken off-hook. |
Onhook Uri | String | Specifies the URI the phone should contact when the phone is placed on-hook. |
Incmoing Call Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it receives an incoming call. |
Outgoing Call Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it makes an outgoing call. |
Call Active Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when an incoming call becomes an active call. |
Call Stop Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when a call is ended. |
DND On Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when DND is enabled. |
DND Off Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when DND is disabled. |
Always FWD On Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when Call Forward Always is enabled. |
Always FWD Off Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when Call Forward Always is disabled. |
Busy FWD On Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when Call Forward Busy is enabled. |
Busy FWD Off Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when Call Forward Busy is disabled. |
No Ans FWD On Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when Call Forward No Answer is enabled. |
No Ans FWD Off Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when Call Forward No Answer is disabled. |
Transfer Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it transfers a call. |
B Transfer Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it performs a blind transfer. |
A Transfer Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it performs an attended transfer. |
Hold Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it places a call on hold. |
Unhold Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it takes a call off of hold. |
Mute Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when Mute is enabled. |
Unmute Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when Mute is disabled. |
Missed call Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it receives a new missed call. |
IP Change Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it changes IP addresses. |
Idle to Busy Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it transitions from the idle to the busy (in-use) state. |
Busy to Idle Url | String | Specifies the URL the phone should contact when it transitions from the busy (in-use) to the idle state. |
ATE ID | Unused | Unused |
All Pswd Encryption | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, passwords contained in exported phone configurations will be disguised. Defaults to 0. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Dial by Pound | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not allow the use of the # key to send a call upon completion of dialing. The sent number does not include the # DTMF. Defaults to 1. |
BTransfer by Pound | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, the phone will allow the use of the # key to blind transfer a call. Defaults to 1. |
Onhook to BXfer | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will allow the completion of a blind transfer by a cradling of the handset. Defaults to 0. |
Onhook to AXfer | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, the phone will allow the completion of an attended transfer by a cradling of the handset. Defaults to 1. |
Memory Key to BXfer | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, pressing a BLF after using the transfer hard key will affect a blind transfer. Defaults to 0. |
Xfer On Conf Onhook | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, going on-hook can complete a conference transfer. Defaults to 0. |
Dial Fixed Length | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will immediately dial the number that has been input according to a match of Fixed Length Nums. Defaults to 0. |
Fixed Length Nums | Integer, Defaults to 11 | Sets a number of digits that once entered, if Dial Fixed Length is enabled, will be immediately dialed. Defaults to 11. |
Dial by Timeout | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not initiate a dial once the timeout set by Dial Timeout value is reached. Defaults to 1. |
Dial Timeout value | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 5 | Sets the amount of time, in seconds, the phone will wait for additional digits before completing a dial. Defaults to 5 |
Dialpeer With Line | 0 | Defaults to 0. |
Accept Any Call | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not allow anonymous incoming calls. Defaults to 1. |
IP Dial Prefix | String, Defaults to . | Sets a dialing prefix to be prepended before making IP dialed calls. Defaults to . |
Auto Switch Call | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will switch and provide ringing indication for new incoming calls if a multicast call was already in progress. Defaults to 0. |
Transf SDial | DTMF | If defined, and if you have a speed dial set for this digit, the phone will, in the transfer state, use the speed dial assigned for this digit to affect the transfer. |
Enable Code Plan | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will automatically truncate incoming numbers using the country code as defined by Country Code, Area Code and Code Plan List. Defaults to 0. |
Country Code | String | Sets the country code to be truncated from incoming numbers. |
Area Code | String | Sets the area code to be truncated from incoming numbers. |
Transfer DTMF Code | DTMF string | If defined, sets digits that are sent to the server when a transfer is executed, in order to affect server-side transfer logic. |
Hold DTMF Code | DTMF string | If defined, sets digits that are sent to the server when a hold is executed, in order to affect server-side hold logic. |
Conf DTMF Code | DTMF string | If defined, sets digits that are sent to the server when a conference is executed, in order to affect server-side conference logic. |
Port Config and Port Config Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling phone calling behavior.
Child elements of Port Config and Port Config Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | P1 | Sets the port to which the config applies; always set to P1. |
Enable DND | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 0 | When set to 0, enabling DND from the phone will have not affect from any line. When set to 1, enabling DND from the phone will have affect from any line. When set to 2, DND enabling/disabling will follow line rules. |
DND Mode | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | Sets the DND mode for the phone. If set to 0, DND mode for the phone (Enable DND) will be used. If set to 1, DND will be obeyed per-line. Defaults to 0. |
Call Record Type | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | Sets the method of display within the Call Log. If set to 0, displays names. If set to 1, displays numbers. Defaults to 0. |
Enable Force Rin | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the mute and volume keys can prevent the phone from ringing audibly. If disabled, the mute and volume keys can be used to mute the ringing sound. Defaults to 0. |
Mute Ringing | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will not ring audibly, only visually, on incoming calls. Defaults to 0. |
CWaiting Tone | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not play a call waiting tone when an incoming call arrives while another call is in progress. Defaults to 1. |
Ban Dial Out | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will not be allowed to make outgoing calls, but can still receive incoming calls. If disabled, the phone can both make and receive calls. Defaults to 0. |
Ban Empty CID | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will reject any calls that arrive without Caller ID. Defaults to 0. |
Enable CLIP | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not display calling party identification on-screen for incoming calls. Defaults to 1. |
CallWaiting | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will reject additional incoming calls while one is already in progress. Defaults to 1. |
CallTransfer | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not be able to transfer calls. Defaults to 1. |
CallSemiXfer | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not be able to perform blond transfers. Defaults to 1. |
CallConference | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not be able to perform conference calls. Defaults to 1. |
AutoAnswer | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, and if the No Answer Time has elapsed, the phone will automatically answer an incoming call. Defaults to 0. |
No Answer Time | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 20 | Sets the amount of time, in seconds, the phone should wait on an incoming call before proceeding to AutoAnswer, if AutoAnswer is enabled. Defaults to 20. |
Warm Line Time | Integer, in seconds, 0-9, Defaults to 0. | Sets the amount of time the phone must remain off-hook before attempting to execute Hotline functionality. |
Hotline Num | String | Sets the number to be dialed when the off-hook time is greater than the Warm Line Time and Enable Hotline is enabled. |
Auto PickupNext | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, ending one call while another is ringing or in progress automatically picks up the ringing or other in-progress call. Defaults to 0. |
Busy No Line | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will play dialing tone when off-hook, only if off-hook on a registered SIP line. Defaults to 0. |
Auto Onhook | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, and the Auto Onhook Time has not been reached, the phone will remain off-hook after the conclusion of a handsfree call. Defaults to 1. |
Auto Onhook Time | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 3 | Sets the time at which the phone should remain off-hook before going on-hook if Auto Onhook is not disabled. Defaults to 3. |
DND Code | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 1 | Sets the SIP response code provided when the phone has DND enabled as follows: 404 (Not Found) - 0 Defaults to 1 |
Busy Code | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 2 | Sets the SIP response code provided when the phone is busy as follows: 404 (Not Found) - 0 Defaults to 2 |
Reject Code | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 3 | Sets the SIP response code provided when the phone rejects a call as follows: 404 (Not Found) - 0 Defaults to 3 |
Caller Name Type | Integer, 0-5, Defaults to 0 | Sets the priority of the caller name presentation: Phonebook, followed by LDAP, followed by SIP Display name - 0 |
Enable Intercom | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not go into Intercom mode when receiving an INVITE that should cause it to auto-answer, e.g. Alert-Info: info=alert-autoanswer; or Call-Info: answer-after=2. Defaults to 1. |
Intercom Mute | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone, when it goes into Intercom mode, will automatically mute the microphone. Defaults to 0. |
Intercom Tone | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not play back a tone before it begins an Intercom call. Defaults to 1. |
Intercom Barge | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not allow an Intercom call to barge in over an already-in-progress call. Defaults to 1. |
Use Auto Redial | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, when the user calls a busy number, the phone will offer a pop-up to continue dialing the destination according to AutoRedialDelay and AutoRedialTimes. Defaults to 0. |
AutoRedial Delay | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 10 | Sets the delay, in seconds, the phone should make between AutoRedialTimes if UseAutoRedial is enabled and has been called by the user. Defaults to 10. |
AutoRedial Times | Integer, Defaults to 10 | Sets the number of times the phone should attempt to automatically redial a busy number. Defaults to 10. |
Call Complete | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will, upon transitioning from having called a Busy party back to the idle state, provide a pop-up allowing the user to dial the busy party again, or cancel. Defaults to 0. |
Hide DTMF Type | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 0 | Sets the type of DTMF hiding on the onscreen display: Display all input - 0 |
Talk DTMF Tone | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, local DTMF playback of tones will not be heard while the phone is on a call. Defaults to 1. |
Dial DTMF Tone | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, local DTMF playback of tones will not be heard while the phone is dialing. Defaults to 1. |
Psw Dial Mode | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will disguise, on-screen, dialed DTMF using * characters. Defaults to 0. |
Psw Dial Length | Integer, Defaults to 0 | Sets the number of digits that should be disguised if PswDialMode is enabled. Digits entered after PswDialLength is reached in length will not be disguised. Defaults to 0. |
Psw Dial Prefix | String | Sets a dialing prefix that, if dialed, and if PswDialMode is enabled, will disguise, on-screen, dialed DTMF using * characters. |
Enable MultiLine | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, the phone will allow up to 10 incoming calls. If disabled, the phone will only allow up to 2 incoming calls. Defaults to 1. |
Allow IP Call | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not be able to perform direct IP dialing. Defaults to 1. |
CHolding Tone | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not play a periodic tone when a call has been left on hold for more than 30 seconds. Defaults to 1. |
Number Privacy | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, follows the defined Privacy Rule in order to disguise digits. Defaults to 0. |
Privacy Rule | String | Sets the privacy rule to apply to Number Privacy number disguising where: X defines the first number disguised
. defines the last number to be disguised |
Code Plan List and Code Plan List Entry Elements
This section contains child elements controlling display of incoming caller id.
Child elements of Code Plan List and Code Plan List Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | P[n] | The identifier for the rule |
rule | String | The code plan rule |
Digital List and Digital List Entry Elements
This section contains child elements controlling the phone's dialing plan.
Child elements of Digital List and Digital List Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | String | Identifier beginning with "Item1" and continuing with "Item2", "Item3" etc. |
rule | String | Defines the digit mapping string as per |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Signal Standard | Integer, Defaults to 11 | Sets the tone standard that the phone should apply as follows: Australia - 15 |
Enable MWI Tone | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not play back a tone when receiving a new message and activating MWI. Defaults to 1. |
Play Egress DTMF | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 2 | If set to 0, the phone will not play back local tones when tones are received from the remote party. If set to 1, the phone will play back the INFORM tone when any tone is received from the remote party. If set to 2, the phone will play back the corresponding DTMF tone as received from the remote party. Defaults to 2. |
Onhook Time | Time in milliseconds, Defaults to 120 | Sets the on-hook debounce timer. Defaults to 120. |
G729 Payload Len | Integer, 0-5, Defaults to 1 | Sets the G.729 payload length as follows: 10ms - 0 Defaults to 1 |
G723 Bit Rate | Integer, Defaults to 1 | Sets the bitrate type to be used for G.723.1 voice codec encoding. 0 sets encoding to 5.3kbit/s. 1 sets encoding to 6.3kbit/s. Defaults to 1 |
G722 Timestamps | Integer, Defaults to 0 | Sets the timestamp difference between G.722 packets. If set to 0, voice packets are sent every 20ms and the time-stamp increases 160 between each packet. If set to 1, voice packets are sent every 20s and the time-stamp increases 320 between each packet. |
VAD | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, while the phone is using PCMU or PCMA coding, provide a prompt over the handset after a quiet period, to indicate that the call is ongoing. |
Ring Type | Integer, 1-9, Defaults to 2. | Sets the ringing type of the phone from 1-9. Defaults to 2. |
Dtmf Payload Type | Integer, 96-127. Defaults to 101 | Sets the RTP payload type to be used for RFC2833 DTMF events. Defaults to 101. |
TX AGC | Integer, Defaults to 0 | Sets the transmit analog gain. Defaults to 0. |
RX AGC | Integer, Defaults to 0 | Sets the receive analog gain. Defaults to 0. |
Headset MIC offset | Integer, 1-8. Defaults to 3 | Sets the headset microphone gain offset as follows: -12dB, 1 Defaults to 3. |
Headset spkr offset | Integer, 1-8, Defaults to 7 | Sets the headset receiver volume offset as follows: -12dB, 1 Defaults to 7. |
Sidetone GAIN | Integer, 0-9, Defaults to 1 | If set to 0, eliminates sidetone. Higher values provider higher levels of sidetone. Defaults to 1. |
EHS Type | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | If set to 0, no EHS is enabled. If set to 1, EHS type for Plantronics is enabled. |
RTP Keep Alive | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will send periodic RTP keep alive packets. Defaults to 0. |
Session Report | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will send RTCP-XR Session Reports. |
Interval Report | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will send RTCP-XR Interval Reports. |
Interval Period | Integer, in seconds, 5-99, Defaults to 60 | Sets the interval period at which the phone sends RTCP-XR reports. Defaults to 60. |
MOS-LQ Warning | Integer, 15-40, Defaults to 40 | Sets the warning threshold for MOS-LQ |
MOS-LQ Critical | Integer, 15-40, Defaults to 25 | Sets the critical threshold for MOS-LQ |
Delay Warning | Integer, in milliseconds, 10-2000, Defaults to 150 | Sets the warning threshold for Delay. Defaults to 150. |
Delay Critical | Integer, in milliseconds, 10-2000, Defaults to 200 | Sets the critical threshold for Delay. Defaults to 200. |
Phone Report | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, displays reports on the phone. |
WEB Report | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, displays reports in the phone's web interface. |
Port Config and Port Config Entry Elements
This section contains child elements controlling the phone's handling of volumes and codecs..
Child elements of Port Config and Port Config Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | P1 | Sets the port to which the config applies; always set to P1. |
General Spk Vol | Integer, 1-9, Defaults to 5 | Sets the default call volume. Defaults to 5. |
General Mic Vol | Integer, 1-9, Defaults to 3 | Sets the default microphone volume. Defaults to 3. |
Headset Vol | Integer, 1-9, Defaults to 5 | Sets the default headset volume. Defaults to 5. |
Ring in Headset | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, play ringing tone out the headset port instead of the loudspeaker. Defaults to 0. |
Auto Headset | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, answered calls will answer to the headset, not to the handset (unless lifted) or loudspeaker. Defaults to 0. |
Headset Ring Vol | Integer, 1-9, Defaults to 5 | Sets the default headset ringing volume. Defaults to 5. |
HandFree Vol | Integer, 1-9, Defaults to 5 | Sets the default handsfree / speakerphone volume. Defaults to 5. |
RingTone Vol | Integer, 0-9, Defaults to 5 | Sets the default ringing volume. Defaults to 4. |
Voice Codec1 | G722/8000, PCMA/8000, PCMU/8000, G729/8000, G723/8000, G726/8000 | Sets the first-offered codec. Defaults to G722/8000. |
Voice Codec2 | G722/8000, PCMA/8000, PCMU/8000, G729/8000, G723/8000, G726/8000 | Sets the second-offered codec. Defaults to PCMA/8000. |
Voice Codec3 | G722/8000, PCMA/8000, PCMU/8000, G729/8000, G723/8000, G726/8000 | Sets the third-offered codec. Defaults to PCMU/8000. |
Voice Codec4 | G722/8000, PCMA/8000, PCMU/8000, G729/8000, G723/8000, G726/8000 | Sets the fourth-offered codec. Defaults to G729/8000. |
Voice Codec5 | G722/8000, PCMA/8000, PCMU/8000, G729/8000, G723/8000, G726/8000 | Sets the fifth-offered codec. |
Voice Codec6 | G722/8000, PCMA/8000, PCMU/8000, G729/8000, G723/8000, G726/8000 | Sets the sixth-offered codec. |
Alert Info Ring and Alert Info Ring Entry Elements
This section contains child elements controlling the phone's alert info ringing.
Child elements of Alert Info Ring and Alert Info Ring Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | Alert[n] where n=1-10 | Sets an identifier for the Alert. Up to 10 Alerts may be defined. |
Text | String | Specifies the text of the Alert-Info header that should be acted on for this alert. |
Ring Type | Integer, 1-9 | Specifies the phone ringing type to apply for this Alert. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
SIP Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 5060 | Sets the local SIP signaling port used by the phone. Defaults to 5060 |
STUN Server | IPv4 Address or Hostname | Sets the IPv4 Address or Hostname of the STUN server. |
STUN Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 3478 | Sets the port of the STUN server. Defaults to 3478. |
STUN Refresh Time | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 50 | Sets the STUN server refresh time, at which the phone will send a binding request period. Defaults to 50. |
SIP Wait Stun Time | Integer, in milliseconds, Defaults to 800 | Sets the amount of the, in milliseconds, the phone should wait for the STUN server to respond before continuing. Defaults to 800. |
Extern NAT Addrs | IPv4 Address | If the phone is configured to use STUN, the SIP Contact address will be set according to this option. |
Reg Fail Interval | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 32. | Sets the time, after a failed registration, after reaching the halfway point of this interval time, at which the phone will attempt registration again. Defaults to 32. |
SIP Pswd Encryption | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone's configuration file will be encrypted. Defaults to 0. |
Strict BranchPrefix | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, when the phone receives a SIP message with a branch field that does not begin with z9hG4bk, the phone will return a 4xx message. Defaults to 0 |
Enable Group Backup | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, and the phone has both regular and backup registrars configured, the phone will, upon a failure to register with either of the registrars, unregister from both. If disabled, the phone will attempt to register with both, and the registration of one will not affect the registration with another. Defaults to 0. |
Enable RFC4475 | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, and the phone receives a SIP message with a From or To field containing a blank space, quotation marks, or both, the phone will reject the message. Defaults to 1. |
SIP invite strict | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will allow SIP requests from servers to which it is not registered. Defaults to 1. |
Notify Reboot | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If disabled, the phone will not reboot when receiving a check-sync NOTIFY. Defaults to 0. |
SMS direct Enabled | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will display the details of a text message when a new message is received. |
SMS Save Enabled | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not save received text message. |
SMB Ring Enabled | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not play a ringing tone when receiving an incoming text message. |
CSTA Enable | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will be controllable using uaCSTA. Defaults to 0. |
SIP Line List and SIP Line List Entry Elements
This section contains child elements controlling SIP Line configuration.
Child elements of SIP Line List and SIP Line List Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | SIP1, SIP2 | Sets the SIP line (1-4) to which the configuration settings should be applied. |
Phone Number | String | Sets the identifier used for the user part of the From and To lines in the phone's SIP messaging. |
Display Name | String | Sets the quoted string name identifier used in the From and To (REGISTER only) in the phone's SIP messaging. |
Sip Name | String | Sets a name for the SIP line, visible within the web admin UI of the phone. |
Register Addr | IPv4 Address or Hostname | Sets the IPv4 address or hostname of the SIP Registrar. |
Register Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 5060 | Sets the port used to contact the SIP Registrar. Defaults to 5060 |
Register User | String | Sets the SIP authentication user. |
Register Pswd | String | Sets the SIP authentication password. |
Register TTL | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 3600 | Sets the default Expires timer for SIP registration. Defaults to 3600. |
Enable Reg | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Enables or disables SIP registration for this line. |
Proxy Addr | IPv4 Address or Hostname | Sets the IPv4 address or hostname for the SIP proxy. Defaults to none. |
Proxy Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 5060 | Sets the port used to contact the SIP Proxy. Defaults to 5060. |
Proxy User | String | Sets the SIP proxy authentication user. |
Proxy Pswd | String | Sets the SIP proxy authentication password. |
BakProxy Addr | IPv4 Address or Hostname | Sets the IPv4 address or hostname for the backup SIP Proxy. Defaults to none. |
BakProxy Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 5060 | Sets the port used to contact the backup SIP Proxy. Defaults to 5060. |
Enable Failbac | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Sets whether the phone, whereby it is configured with both a primary and a backup proxy, should, whereupon detection that the primary proxy is operational again after having previously failed, resume sending calls to the primary server. If enabled, the phone will switch back to the primary proxy. If disabled, the phone will continue to send calls to the backup. Defaults to 0. |
Signal Crypto | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, causes the phone to encrypt SIP signaling. Defaults to 0. |
SigCrypto Key | String | Sets the key used to encrypt SIP signaling. |
Media Crypto | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, causes the phone to encrypt RTP media. Defaults to 0. |
MedCrypto Key | String | Sets the key used to encrypt RTP media. |
SRTP Auth-Tag | Integer, Defaults to 0 | If set to 0, the phone will utilizes 80 byte SRTP tags, encrypting RTP using AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA_80. If set to 1, the phone will utilize 32 byte SRTP tags, encrypting RTP using AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA_32. Defaults to 0. |
Local Domain | String | Sets the domain name used in SIP registration. |
Always FWD | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will unconditionally forward calls. Defaults to 0. |
Busy FWD | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will forward calls whenever it is busy. Defaults to 0. |
No Answer FWD | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will forward calls that are not answered. Defaults to 0. |
Always FWD Num | String | Sets the forwarding number used in conjunction with the Always FWD option. |
Busy FWD Num | String | Sets the forwarding number used in conjunction with the Busy FWD option. |
NoAnswer FWD N | String | Sets the forwarding number used in conjunction with the No Answer FWD option. |
FWD Timer | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 5 | Sets the time, in seconds, applied to the No Answer FWD option. Defaults to 5. |
Ring Type | Integer, 0-9, Defaults to 0 | Sets the ring type. If 0, use the default ring type. Otherwise, use the assigned ringing type tones. Defaults to 0. |
Hotline Num | String | Sets the number to be dialed when the off-hook time is greater than the WarmLine Time and Enable Hotline is enabled. |
Enable Hotline | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, and the phone has been off-hook longer than the WarmLine_Time, the phone will automatically dial the number defined by Hotline Num. |
WarmLine Time | Integer, in seconds, 0-9, Defaults to 0 | Sets the amount of time the phone must remain off-hook before attempting to execute Hotline functionality. |
Pickup Num | String | Sets the dialing prefix applied to calls that are picked up using function keys configured for Pickup functionality. |
Join Num | String | Sets the dialing prefix applied to calls that are joined using function keys configured for Join functionality. |
NAT UDPUpdate | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 2 | If set to 1, the phone will send SIP OPTION packets to the server after each UDPUpdate TTL time. If set to 2, the phone will send a CRLF to the server after each UDPUpdate TTL time. If set to 0, the phone will send nothing. Defaults to 2. |
UDPUpdate TTL | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 30 | Sets the timer used by the NAT UDPUpdate option. |
Server Type | 0, 1, 6, 14, 17, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33. Defaults to 0 | Sets special compatibility settings required for specific server types. The following types are supported: 3CX - 31 Defaults to 0. |
User Agent | String | Sets the SIP User-Agent passed by the phone when communicating. |
PRACK | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | Enables or disables SIP PRACK functionality within the phone. Defaults to 1. |
Keep AUTH | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will, on SIP re-registration, send authentication in the initial REGISTER rather than waiting to send it after receiving a 401 Unauthorized message. Defaults to 0. |
Session Timer | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will send SIP session timers throughout the call, ending the call when there is no reply. Defaults to 0. |
S.Timer Expire | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 0 | Sets the SIP Session timer timeout value in seconds. Defaults to 0 |
Enable GRUU | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will append GRUU information to the Contact header of INVITEs. Defaults to 0. |
DTMF Mode | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 3 | Sets the DTMF method to be used by the phone, as follows: Inband - 0 Defaults to 3. |
DTMF Info Mode | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | If set to 1, and the phone is configured for SIP INFO DTMF, the * and # keypresses will send "*" and "#" respectively. If set to 0, and the phone is configured for SIP INFO DTMF, the * and # keypresses will send as 10 and 11 respectively. Defaults to 0. |
NAT Type | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, STUN will be used. Defaults to 0. |
Enable Rport | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not send rport to assist with NAT traversal as per RFC3581. Defaults to 1. |
Subscribe | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will subscribe for Message Waiting Indicator (MWI). Defaults to 0. |
Sub Expire | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 3600 | The timer at half-of-which, the phone will re-subscribe. Defaults to 3600. |
Single Codec | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will respond to SIP messages with only one codec, rather than with all codec capabilities. Defaults to 0. |
CLIR | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 0 | Specifies the method of anonymous calling to use. When set to 0, the phone calls normally. When set to 1, the phone calls anonymously according to RFC3323. When set to 2, the phone calls anonymously according to RFC3325. |
Strict Proxy | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | When enabled, respond using the source address, not the Via address. Defaults to 0. |
Direct Contact | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | When enabled, attempt to directly communicate with the called party, not using the intermediary proxy or UA. Defaults to 0. |
History Info | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | When enabled, call history information for the line will be provided. Defaults to 0. This configuration item is currently unused. |
DNS SRV | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will perform DNS SRV resolution for outgoing requests. Defaults to 0. |
DNS Mode | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 0 | Sets the type of host resolution to perform. When set to 0, the phone will use A records. When set to 1, the phone will use SRV records. When set to 2, the phone will use NAPTR records. |
XFER Expire | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 0 | Specifies the time, in seconds, after which the phone will send a BYE following attended transfer hang up. |
Ban Anonymous | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | When enabled, the phone will reject anonymous calls. Defaults to 0. |
Dial Off Line | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will attempt to place outgoing calls, even when it is unregistered. If disabled, the phone will not be able to place outgoing calls when it is unregistered. Defaults to 0. |
Quota Name | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will encapsulate the Display Name that it sends in SIP signaling inside of quotation marks. Defaults to 0. |
Presence Mode | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | When enabled, the phone utilizes special presence handling for Wuchuan servers. Defaults to 0. |
RFC Ver | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 1 | Specifies the SIP signaling RFC standard to utilize. When set to 0, the phone will communicate using RFC2543 compliant signaling. When set to 1, the phone will communicate using RFC3261 compliant signaling. Defaults to 1. |
Signal Port | Integer, Defaults to 5060 | Sets the phone's local SIP signaling port. Defaults to 5060. |
Transport | Integer, 0, 1, 3, Defaults to 0 | Sets the transport type for SIP signaling. |
Enable ChgPort | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, the phone will attempt to dynamically change its local SIP port in order to work around SIP Router ALG issues. Defaults to 1. |
TLS Version | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 0 | Sets the type of TLS protocol version to be used: TLS 1.0 - 0 Defaults to 0. |
Use SRV Mixer | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | When enabled, the phone utilizes server-side conferencing support. Defaults to 0. |
SRV Mixer Uri | String | Sets the URI to be used for server-side conferencing when the Use SRV Mixer option is enabled. |
Long Contact | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, allows the phone to process long Contact fields. Defaults to 0. |
Auto TCP | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | When enabled, if the packet size of a UDP signaling packet is to exceed 1300 bytes, automatically use TCP transport. Defaults to 0. |
Uri Escaped | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not escape # characters into "%23" when creating URIs. While this option is enabled, the rule to send numbers when pressing the # key should be disabled. |
Click to Talk | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone can make a call by itself receiving an incoming REFER message. Defaults to 0. |
MWI Num | String | Sets the number to dial for voicemail. |
CallPark Num | String | Sets the number to dial for call parking. |
Retrieve Num | String | Sets the number to dial for call retrieval for Broadsoft environments. |
MSRPHelp Num | String | For MS_RP_BU servers, sets a number to be called after a successful transfer. |
User Is Phone | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not append the ";user=phone" parameter to SIP messages. |
Auto Answer | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, and if the NoAnswerTime has elapsed, the phone will automatically answer an incoming call. Defaults to 0. |
NoAnswerTime | Integer, in seconds, defaults to 5 | Sets the amount of time, in seconds, the phone should wait on an incoming call before proceeding to Auto Answer, if Auto Answer is enabled. Defaults to 5. |
MissedCallLog | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not record call logs. Defaults to 1. |
SvcCode Mode | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will allow the sending of service codes (numbers) to the SIP server, depending on the enabling/disabling of certain functions on the phone. Defaults to 0. |
DNDOn SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when DND is enabled on the phone. |
DNDOff SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when DND is disabled on the phone. |
CFUOn SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Call Forward Unconditional is enabled on the phone. |
CFUOff SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Call Forward Unconditional is disabled on the phone. |
CFBOn SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Call Forward Busy is enabled on the phone. |
CFBOff SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Call Forward Busy is disabled on the phone. |
CFNOn SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Call Forward on No Answer is enabled on the phone. |
CFNOff SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Call Forward on No Answer is disabled on the phone. |
ANCOn SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Anonymous Call Banning is enabled on the phone. |
ANCOff SvcCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Anonymous Call Banning is disabled on the phone. |
Send ANOn Code | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Anonymous Calling is enabled on the phone. |
Send ANOffCode | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Anonymous Calling is disabled on the phone. |
CW On Code | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Call Waiting is enabled on the phone. |
CW Off Code | String | Sets the number to send to the server when Call Waiting is disabled on the phone. |
VoiceCodecMap | Comma-separated list of: | Sets the voice codecs used for this line. |
BLFList Uri | String | Specifies the BLF Resource List to which the phone should subscribe. Multiple lists are supported, separated by commas. |
BLF Server | IPv4 Address or Hostname | If the server to which the phone is registered does not support BLF Resource List subscription package, sets the address of the BLF Resource List server. |
Respond 182 | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will, when it's already on call and an additional call comes in, send a 182 Queued SIP message to the SIP server. If disabled, the phone sends a 180. Defaults to 0. |
Enable BLFList | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will subscribe for BLF Resource List. |
Caller Id Type | Integer, 1-5, Defaults to 4 | Sets the priority of the incoming Caller ID: |
Syn Clock Time | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will set its clock according to the Date field in the 200 OK following a successful REGISTER. Defaults to 0. |
Use VPN | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, and the phone is connected to a VPN, the phone will not initiate REGISTER using the VPN IP address. If enabled, the phone will, when connected to a VPN, use the VPN IP address to initiate the REGISTER. Defaults to 1. |
Enable DND | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will not accept incoming calls from this SIP line. Defaults to 0. |
Update Reg Exp | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not update its registration expiration with the Expires value from the 200 OK that the server sends in response to a successful registration. Defaults to 1. |
Inactive Hold | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will send "a=inactive" in the INVITE sent after a call is placed on hold. If disabled, the phone will send "a=sendonly" in the INVITE sent after a call is placed on hold. Defaults to 0. |
Enable SCA | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Enables support for the Broadsoft SCA feature. Defaults to 0. |
Sub CallPark | String, Defaults to 0 | Sets the Call Parking subscribed number for Broadsoft servers. Defaults to 0. |
Hoteling Event | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, subscribes for Broadsoft Hotel agent service. Defaults to 0. |
Sub CC Status | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, subscribes to the Broadsoft call center service. Defaults to 0. |
CSTA Number | String | Sets the number/URI for the uaCSTA server. |
Feature Sync | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Enables support for Broadsoft Feature Sync. Defaults to 0. |
Req With Port | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, do not send port in SIP messages to the server. Defaults to 1. |
Enable Mute | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, mutes the phone during intercom calls. Defaults to 0. |
VQ Name | String | Sets an identifier for the voice quality server. |
VQ Server | IPv4 Address or Hostname | Sets the IPv4 Address or hostname of the voice quality server. |
VQ Server Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 5060 | Sets the port used by the voice quality server. |
VQ HTTP Server | URL | Sets the HTTP URL of the voice quality server. |
Unreg Reboot | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will send unregisters to any registered servers after it reboots, before it attempts to register. Defaults to 0. |
Flash Mode | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | If set to 0, flash is handled locally on the phone. If set to 1, the phone will send a SIP INFO message indicating the flash event to the server, with data defined by Content Type and Content Body |
Use Tel Call | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will replace "sip" in its URIs with "tel" |
Content Type | String | Sets the content type data used when the phone sends SIP INFO flash messages to the server. |
Content Body | String | Sets the body of the data used when the phone sends SIP INFO flash messages to the server. |
Deal 180 | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If disabled, the phone will not generate local ringback on 180, instead depending on inband RTP ringback provided by the remote party. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Priority | Integer, 0-10, Defaults to 0 | Sets the priority value at which normal calls should take precedence over multicasted audio calls. At 0, normal calls will take priority over any multicasted calls. At 1, normal calls are lower priority than multicast priority 1 calls, but higher priority than any other multicast priority levels. Additional values follow the same logic. Defaults to 0. |
Enable Priority | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will sort multicast audio by priority, allowing one multicast audio stream to take precedence over another multicast audio stream. Defaults to 0. |
Mcast Addr and Mcast Addr Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling multicast audio playback behavior.
Child elements of Mcast Addr and Mcast Addr Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | MCAST[n], where n=1-10 | Sets an identifier for the Multicast listener. Up to 10 are supported. |
Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 0 | Sets the port for this multicast listener. |
Name | String | Sets the name to be displayed on the phone's screen when audio from this multicast listener is played back. |
Host | IPv4 Multicast address | Sets the IPv4 multicast address for this listener. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
PPPoE User | String | If the phone is to use PPPoE authentication, sets the PPPoE authentication username. |
PPPoE Password | String | If the phone is to use PPPoE authentication, sets the PPPoE authentication password. |
PPPoE Svc Name | String, Defaults to ANY | Sets the PPPoE server name. Defaults to ANY. |
PPPoE IP Address | IPv4 Address | Sets the IPv4 Address of the PPPoE server. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Web Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 80 | Sets the port for the phone's built-in web server. Defaults to 80. |
Web Server Type | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | If set to 1, the phone will permit access to its configuration web pages using HTTPs, instead of HTTP. Defaults to 0. |
Https Web Port | Integer, 1-65535, Defaults to 443 | Sets the port for the phone's rebuilt in HTTPs web server. Defaults to 443. |
Enable MMI Filter | String | If enabled the phone will not permit web configuration from any device not in the filter list. The filter list is a |
Web Authentication | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | If set to 1, the phone utilizes basic auth instead of digest auth. Defaults to 0. |
Default Web User | Integer 0-2, Defaults to 0 | Sets the default web user login type as follows: None - 0 Defaults to 0 |
MMI Filter and MMI Filter Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling the behavior of the phone's web configuration UI.
Child elements of MMI Filter and MMI Filter Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | Item[n] | Sets an identifier for the filter |
First IP | IPv4 Address | Sets the first IP address to which this filter applies. |
End IP | IPv4 Address | Sets the last IP address to which this filter applies. |
MMI Account and MMI Account Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling the behavior of the phone's web configuration UI.
Child elements of MMI Account and MMI Account Entry Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | Account[n] | Sets an identifier for the web account. |
Name | String | Sets the username for this account. |
Password | String | Sets the password for this account. |
Level | Integer, 5, 10 | Sets the access level for this account. 5 for users, 10 for administrators. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Enable VLAN | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will perform VLAN assignment of itself and its PC port.. Defaults to 0. |
Enable diffServ | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, the phone will perform DSCP tagging. Defaults to 1. |
LLDP Transmit | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not transmit LLDP packets to the switch. Defaults to 1. |
LLDP Refresh Time | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 60 | Sets the interval, in seconds, at which the phone will transmit LLDP packets. Defaults to 60. |
LLDP Learn Policy | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not learn its VLAN settings using LLDP-MED TLV. Defaults to 1. |
CDP Enabled | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will send CDP packets. Defaults to 0. |
CDP Refresh Time | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 60 | Sets the period at which CDP packets will be sent from the phone. |
Singalling DSCP | Defaults to -1 | Sets the DSCP value for SIP signaling. Defaults to -1. |
Voice DSCP | Integer, Defaults to 46 | Sets the DSCP value for RTP media. Defaults to 46. |
VLAN ID | Integer, 0-4095, Defaults to 256 | Sets the VLAN ID to which the phone should bind itself. Defaults to 256. |
Signalling Priority | Integer, 0-7. Defaults to 0. | Sets the 802.1p COS bit for SIP Signaling. Defaults to 0. |
Voice Priority | Integer, 0-7. Defaults to 0. | Sets the 802.1p COS bit for RTP Media. Defaults to 0. |
VLAN Recv Check | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, the phone will compare the VLAN ID of LAN port packets and will not process them if they match the PC port packets. Defaults to 1. |
Enable PVID | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If enabled, the phone will tag the PC port with the VLAN assigned by PVID Value. Defaults to 1. |
PVID Value | Integer, 0-4095. Defaults to 254. | Sets the PC port VLAN ID. Defaults to 254. |
DHCP Option Vlan | Integer, Defaults to 0 | If set to 0, the phone will not retrieve its VLAN from DHCP. If set to an option, 128-254, the phone will respond to the named DHCP Option. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
MGR Trace Level | Defaults to 0 | Sets the MGR trace level. Defaults to 0. |
SIP Trace Level | Defaults to 0 | Sets the SIP trace level. Defaults to 0. |
Trace File Info | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Displays line numbers in the trace file. Defaults to 0. |
Enable Watch Dog | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not restart if it experiences an application crash. Defaults to 1. |
Enable Memory Info | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will report memory status to look for leaks. Defaults to 0. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Enable Syslog | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, will output debug information to a remote syslog server defined by Syslog address and Syslog port |
Syslog address | IPv4 Address | Specifies the IPv4 address of a remote syslog server. |
Syslog port | Integer, 0-4095, Defaults to 514 | Specifies the port of the remote syslog server. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Enable In Access | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, remoter servers cannot access the phone, but the phone can contact them. Defaults to 0. |
Enable Out Access | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone cannot access remote servers, but can be contacted by them. Defaults to 0. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Menu Password | Integer, Defaults to 789 | Sets the password used to access the phone's password-protected advanced menu setting. Defaults to 789. |
KeyLock Password | Integer, Defaults to 123 | Sets the password used to unlock the phone when key lock has been engaged |
Fast Keylock Code | Integer | Sets a key sequence that, when entered, immediately locks the phone. |
Enable KeyLock | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, allows locking of the phone. Defaults to 0. |
KeyLock Status | 0, 1 | Displays the phone's locked status. 0 for unlocked, 1 for locked. |
Emergency Call | String | Sets a number the phone is allowed to call, even while locked. |
LCD Title | String, Defaults to Asterisk | Sets the text displayed in the idle screen status bar. Defaults to Asterisk |
LCD Constrast | Integer, 1-10, Defaults to 5 | Sets the display's contrast level. Obsolete. |
LCD Luminance | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone's backlight will not be list. Defaults to 1. |
Backlight Off Time | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 30 | Sets the time, in seconds, at which the phone will turn its backlight off. Defaults to 30. SUGGEST A LONGER TIME, E.G. 15 MINUTES |
ScrnSaver Wait Time | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 0 | Sets the time, zero is off, at which the screensaver will engage. Defaults to 0. |
KeyLock Timeout | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 0 | If greater than 1, sets a timer that, when reached, causes the phone to automatically lock its keypad. |
Enable Power Led | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the MWI LED will turn on when idle, flash red on incoming calls, and flash slowly on missed calls / waiting messages. Defaults to 0. |
SMS MWI Power Led | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the MWI LED will turn on when a new MESSAGE has been received. Defaults to 0. |
Miss Call Power Led | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the MWI LED will turn on when a missed call is received. Defaults to 0. |
Talk Dial Power Led | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the MWI LED will turn on when the phone is on a call. Defaults to 0. |
Ringing Power Led | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the MWI LED will turn on when the phone is ringing. Defaults to 0. |
Mute Call Power Led | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the MWI LED will turn on when the phone is muted. Defaults to 0. |
Hold Power Led | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the MWI LED will turn on when a caller is placed on hold. Defaults to 0. |
Time Display Style | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | When 0, display time in 24-hour format. When 1, display time in 12-hour format. Defaults to 0. SUGGEST DEFAULTING TO 12-HOUR |
Phone Model | String, Defaults to A20, A22 or A25 | Shows the phone model. Defaults to A20, A22 or A25 |
FuncKey Page Num | Integer, Defaults to 1 | Specifies the number of pages of BLF keys that the phone is to display. Defaults to 1. |
Blf Default type | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 0 | Sets the default transfer function of the BLF keys: None - 0 |
Alarm Clock | 0,,1 | Enables the alarm clock. The default value is 0,,1 |
Disable CHN IME | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | Enables preventing Chinese Input methods. Defaults to 0. |
Disable Dial Search | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, prevents searching and number matching during dialing. Defaults to 0. |
Redial Enter Clog | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 1 | If set to 0, the redial button will dial the last number dialed. If set to 1, the phone will enter the call log and display recently dialed numbers. Defaults to 1. |
Date Display Style | Integer, 0-13, Defaults to 0 | Sets the date display formatting that should be used by the phone as follows: 1 JAN MON - 0 |
Date Separator | Integer 0-3, Defaults to 0 | Sets the date display separator that should be used by the phone as follows: /, 0 |
Enable Pre-Dial | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will go off-hook as soon as DTMF is entered, and off-hook dialing rules will be active. Defaults to 1. |
Default Line | Integer, 0-1 or 0-3 (A25), Defaults to 0. | Sets the line which the phone will, by default, use for outbound calling. Defaults to 1. |
Enable Default Line | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, show, while the phone is idle, in the phone's greeting / status bar, the default line that will be used. Defaults to 0. |
Enable Auto SelLine | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, do not automatically switch from an unregistered default line to a registered other line for outgoing calls. Defaults to 1. |
Agent Username | String | Sets the Broadsoft agent username. |
Agent Password | String | Sets the Broadsoft agent password. |
Agent Number | String | Sets the Broadsoft agent number. |
Agent Sipline | Integer, 0-1 or 0-4 (A25), Defaults to 0 | Sets the SIP line for Broadsoft agent login. |
Agent Status | Integer, 0-4, Defaults to 0 | Sets the Broadsoft agent status as follows: LOGON - 0 |
Agent Status Reason | String | Sets the Broadsoft agent status reason code. |
Phonebook Groups | String where GroupName;0,OtherGroupName;0 | Contains a comma separated list of contact group names. |
Ui font Color | Defaults to 0xFFFFFF$0x444343 | Sets the default UI color. |
Ui Title Color | Defaults to 0x000026$0x4f79a7 | Sets the color of UI titles. |
Ui Softkey Color | Defaults to up:0x5e6f85$0x485972@ down:0x00$0xffc83b | Sets the color of unpressed and pressed soft keys. |
Ui List Color | Defaults to 0x00$0xa9c1c9 | Sets the color of UI lists. |
Ui Balloon Color | Defaults to 0x00$0x6c7b8d | Sets the color of UI balloons. |
Ui Second Color | Defaults to odd:0xc9d9eb$0x9fc0e3@ even:0x356291$0x7296bb@ select:0x34373c$0xe2a917@ interval:0x4478ae@ LSKbgc:0x6b84aa | Sets the color of rows in the UI. |
Ui ScrnSaver Color | Defaults to 0x00$0x808080 | Sets the color of the screensaver in the UI. |
Vqm Display Order | Semi-colon separated list of integers from 1-20 | Sets the ordering of the displayed voice quality metrics within the UI as follows: Start time - 1 |
DSS Home Page | Integer, Defaults to 0 | Sets the home page of any BLF keys. Defaults to 0. |
BW Calllogs Conf and BW Calllogs Conf Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling the behavior of the phone's Broadsoft Call Logs.
Child elements of BW Calllogs Conf and BW Calllogs Conf Entry Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | BWCLog[n] | Sets an identifier for the Broadsoft call log where n is from 1-2. |
Title | String | Sets the displayed title of the remote Broadsoft call log. |
URL | String | Sets the URL of the remote Broadsoft call log. |
Username | String | Sets the username used to retrieve the remote Broadsoft call log. |
Password | String | Sets the password used to retrieve the remote Broadsoft call log. |
SIPLine | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 0 | Sets the SIP line with which to associate the remote Broadsoft call log. |
BW Directory Conf and BW Directory Conf Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling the behavior of the phone's Broadsoft directory.
Child elements of BW Directory Conf and BW Directory Conf Entry Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | BWDir[n] | Sets an identifier for the Broadsoft directory where n is from 1-6. |
Title | String | Sets the displayed title of the remote Broadsoft directory. |
URL | String | Sets the URL of the remote Broadsoft directory. |
Username | String | Sets the username used to retrieve the remote Broadsoft directory. |
Password | String | Sets the password used to retrieve the remote Broadsoft directory. |
SIPLine | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 0 | Sets the SIP line with which to associate the remote Broadsoft directory. |
LDAP Config and LDAP Config Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling the behavior of the phone's LDAP directory.
Child elements of LDAP Config and LDAP Config Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | LDAP[n] | Sets an identifier for the LDAP phonebook where n is from 1-4. |
Title | String | Sets the displayed title of the remote LDAP phonebook. |
Server | IPv4 Address or Hostname | Sets the IPv4 address or hostname of the LDAP server. |
Port | Integer, 0-4095, Defaults to 389 | Sets the port for contacting the LDAP server. Defaults to 389. |
Authenticate | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 3 | Specifies the method of authentication to be used against the LDAP server as follows: None - 0 Defaults to 3. |
Version | Integer, 2-3, Defaults to 3 | Sets the LDAP protocol version to use when communication to the server. Defaults to 3. |
Calling Line | Integer, 0-2 or 0-4 (A25), Defaults to 0 | If 0, creating calls through the LDAP phonebook will be done via the current line. If the value is 1-4, use the corresponding SIP line to place the calls. Defaults to 0. |
Enable Search | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | When enabled, query the LDAP server when outbound calls or made, or inbound calls are received. The contacts name will be searched against the LDAP server. The priority is the Local phonebook, followed by the LDAP phonebook, followed by the Display Name of the SIP endpoint. Defaults to 0. |
Base | String | Sets the LDAP search root / base for queries. |
Username | String | Sets the LDAP server authentication username. |
Password | String | Sets the LDAP server authentication password. |
Tel Attr | String, defaults to telephoneNumber | Sets the LDAP attribute name to search for telephone numbers. |
Mobile Attr | String, defaults to mobile | Sets the LDAP attribute name to search for mobile numbers. |
Other Attr | String | Sets an additional LDAP attribute name that can be searched for other numbers. |
Displayname | String | Sets the name attribute that should be displayed on the phone. |
Filter Name | String | Sets the LDAP search results filter for name filtering. A good example is (|(cn=%)(sn=%)) |
Filter number | String | Sets the LDAP search results filter for number filtering. A good example is (|(telephoneNumber=%)(mobile=%)(other=%)) |
Xml PhoneBook and Xml PhoneBook Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling the behavior of the phone's XML directory.
Child elements of Xml PhoneBook and Xml PhoneBook Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | XML-PBook[n] | Sets an identifier for the XML phonebook where n is from 1-8. |
Name | String | Sets the displayed name of the remote phonebook. |
Addr | URL as string | Sets the address of the remote phonebook. |
Auth | String | Sets the username and password for retrieving the phonebook. |
Policy | Integer, 0, 1, 2, 4, Defaults to 0 | Sets the type of authentication used to retrieve the phonebook as follows: Anonymous - 0 Defaults to 0 |
Sipline | Integer, 0-2 or 0-4 (A25) | Sets the SIP line with which to associate the remote phonebook. If set to 0, use the current line. Otherwise, use the specified SIP line, from 1-4. |
Function Key and Function Key Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling the behavior of the phone's function keys.
Child elements of Function Key and Function Key Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | Fkey[n] | Sets an identifier for the key, where n is an integer 1-11 (A20, A22) or 1-39 (A25) |
Type | Integer | Sets the function type of the key as follows: None - 0 |
Value | String | Value is composed of a complex string assembled as follows: For Memory Key type keys: For Line Key type keys: For Key Event types as follows: MWI - F_MWI For DTMF types as the DTMF keys to be transmitted. For URL types as the URL to be queried. For Multicast types as [IP:Port]/Codec where codec is one of: PCMU, PCMA,G726-32,G729,G723,iLBC,AMR, AMR-WB, G722 Where pickup number reflects the extension that will be dialed if the watched party is in the ringing state. Otherwise the number will be dialed |
Title | String | Sets the visible, on-screen name of the key. |
Soft Dss Key and Soft Dss Key Entry Element
This section contains child elements controlling the behavior of the phone's function keys.
Child elements of Soft Dss Key and Soft Dss Key Entry
Option | Values | Description |
ID | ???? | ???? |
Type | ???? | ???? |
Value | ???? | ???? |
Title | ???? | ???? |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Desktop Softkey | Defaults to: history;contact;dnd;menu; | Sets the soft key mapping for the idle screen |
Talking Softkey | Defaults to: hold;xfer;conf;end; | Sets the soft key mapping for the on-call screen. |
Ringing Softkey | Defaults to: accept;none;cfwd;reject; | Sets the soft key mapping for the ringing (incoming call) screen. |
Alerting Softkey | Defaults to: none;none;none;end; | Sets the soft key mapping for the alerting screen. |
XAlerting Softkey | Defaults to: xfer;none;none;end; | Sets the soft key mapping for the transfer alerting screen. |
Conference Softkey | Defaults to: hold;none;split;end; | Sets the soft key mapping for the conference screen. |
Waiting Softkey | Defaults to: hold;xfer;conf;end; | Sets the soft key mapping for the waiting screen. |
Ending Softkey | Defaults to: repeat;none;none;end; | Sets the soft key mapping for the ending (far-end has disconnected) screen. |
DialerPre Softkey | Defaults to: delete;save;send;exit; | Sets the soft key mapping for the on-hook dialing screen. |
DialerCall Softkey | Defaults to: delete;history;send;exit; | Sets the soft key mapping for the on-hook dialing screen, having already entered a digit. |
DialerXfer Softkey | Defaults to: delete;xfer;send;exit; | Sets the soft key mapping for the transfer screen. |
DialerCfwd Softkey | Defaults to: delete;none;cfwd;exit; | Sets the soft key mapping for the call forwarding screen. |
Desktop Click | Defaults to: history;status;paccout;naccout;menu; | Sets the key mapping for the directional and check keys (up key, down key, left key, right key, check key) for the Idle state. |
Dailer Click | Defaults to: pline;nline;none;none;none; | Sets the key mapping for the directional and check keys (up key, down key, left key, right key, check key) for the Dialing state. |
Call Click | Defaults to: pcall;ncall;voldown;volup;none; | Sets the key mapping for the directional and check keys (up key, down key, left key, right key, check key) for the on-call state. |
Desktop Long Press | Defaults to: status;none;none;sdial;none; | Sets the key mapping for the directional and check keys (up key, down key, left key, right key, check key) when they are long-pressed. |
Softkey Mode | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 1. | If set to 0, custom soft keys are disabled. If set to 1, the More softkey is enabled for keys exceeding four. If set etc 2, the Arrow soft key is used for keys exceeding four. Currently hard-coded to 1. |
Softkey Exit Style | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 1 | If set to 0, the exiting soft key will be the left-most key. If set to 1, the exiting soft key will be the right-most key. |
RECORD CONFIG MODULE Elements (currently unused)
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Enabled | n/a | Currently unused |
Voice Codec | n/a | Currently unused |
Enable Server Rec | n/a | Currently unused |
Enable PBX Rec | n/a | Currently unused |
Server Addr | n/a | Currently unused |
Server Port | n/a | Currently unused |
Type | n/a | Currently unused |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Download Username | String | Sets the optional password that will be passed in when performing retrievals of provisioning files. |
Download Password | String | Sets the optional password that will be passed in when performing retrievals of provisioning files. |
AP Pswd Encryption | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will disguise Auto Update module password. Defaults to 0. |
FDPS Enable | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, does not contact FDPS server on-boot. Defaults to 1. |
Config File Name | null, $mac.cfg, $input.cfg | If null, the phone will retrieve a file as <mac>.cfg. If set to $mac, the phone will also retrieve a file as <mac>.cfg. If set to $input.cfg, the phone will prompt the user on the screen to input the file name during boot. |
Config File Key | String | Specifies an AES key that must be used to decrypt the device configuration file. |
Common Cfg File Key | String | Specifies an AES key that must be used to decrypt the common configuration file. NEED TO GET LIST OF COMMON FILES |
Download Server IP | IPv4 Address or Hostname | Specifies the server address for retrieving configuration files. |
Download Protocol | Integer, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, Defaults to 0 | Sets the protocol used to contact the provisioning server as follows: Disabled - 0 Defaults to 0 |
Download Mode | Integer, 0-2, Defaults to 0 | Sets the provisioning upgrade type as follows: Do not download the specified config file - 0 |
Download Interval | Integer, in hours, Defaults to 1 | Sets the interval, in hours, at which the phone will download the configuration file if so-specified by Download Mode. Defaults to 1. |
DHCP Option | Integer | Sets the method of DHCP option response as follows: Disable DHCP option downloading - 0 Defaults to 66 |
Save DHCP Opion | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will store the DHCP-specified configuration. Defaults to 0. |
DHCP Option 120 | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will retrieve the SIP server address using DHCP Option 120. Defaults to 0. |
PNP Enable | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not attempt SIP uPNP for provisioning. |
PNP IP | IPv4 multicast address, Defaults to | Specifies the IPv4 multicast address to which the phone should broadcast its SIP uPNP information. |
PNP Port | Integer, Defaults to 5060 | Specifies the port to which the phone should broadcast its SIP uPNP information. |
PNP Transport | Integer, Defaults to 0 | If 0, broadcast using UDP. If 1, broadcast using TCP. |
PNP Interval | Integer, 1-99, in hours, Defaults to 1 | Specifies the interval at which the phone should broadcast its SIP uPNP information. |
Save Provision Info | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will save the auto provisioning information and re-use it after retrieving a new configuration. Defaults to 0. |
Download CommonConf | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will only download its own configuration file, and not also attempt to download the common configuration file. Defaults to 1. |
Download DeviceConf | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will only download the common configuration file, and not also attempt to download its device configuration file. Defaults to 1. |
Check FailTimes | Integer, Defaults to 5 | Specifies the number of time the phone will attempt to retrieve the provisioning information after failure before attempting to continue. Defaults to 5. |
update PB Interval | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 720 | Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which to update phonebooks. Defaults to 720. |
Clr PB B4 Import | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 0 | If set to 1, remove all contacts when downloading a phonebook from the provisioning server. Defaults to 0. |
Trust Certification | Integer, 0-3, Defaults to 0. | Verify server-supplied SSL according to: Do not verify - 0 |
Enable Auto Upgrade | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will automatically upgrade to new firmware if provided |
Upgrade Server 1 | String | Specifies the location of the first firmware server. |
Upgrade Server 2 | String | Specifies the location of the second (backup) firmware server. |
Auto Upgrade intval | Integer, in hours, Defaults to 24 | If Enable Auto Upgrade is enabled, the phone will perform the upgrade at the interval, in hours, defined by this option. Defaults to 24. |
Auto etc Url | String | Specifies the location of OpenVPN configuration files the phone should download. |
Auto Image Url | String | Specifies the location of a firmware file that the phone should download. |
Auto Pbook Url | String | Specifies the location of an XML phonebook the phone should download. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
VPN mode | Integer 0-2, Defaults to 2 | When set to 0, UDP mode is used, When set to 1, L2TP mode is enabled. When set to 2, OpenVPN mode is enabled. |
L2TP LNS IP | IPv4 Address or Hostname | Specifies the address of the L2TP server. |
L2TP User Name | String | Sets the L2TP authentication user name. |
L2TP Password | String | Sets the L2TP authentication password. |
L2TP Negotiate DNS | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the L2TP server must assign the DNS server. Defaults to 0. |
Enable VPN Tunnel | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, and if all required VPN configuration is present, instruct the phone to connect to the VPN. |
VPN Server IP | IPv4 Address | Sets the UDP tunnel server IP address. |
VPN Server Port | Integer, Defaults to 80 | Specifies the UDP tunnel server port. |
Server Group ID | String | Sets the VPN server group ID. Obsolete. |
Server Area Code | String | Sets the VPN server area code. Obsolete. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
Xsup User | String | Sets the 802.1X authentication user name. |
Xsup Password | String | Sets the 802.X authentication password. |
Xsup Enable | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will perform 802.1X authentication. Defaults to 0. |
Xsup AuthMac | MAC address | Specifies a MAC address to be passed to the 802.1X server. |
Xsup UseDefaultMac | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not pass its MAC address to the 802.1X server in the authentication sequence. |
Each element is populated with a value.
Option | Values | Description |
ACS Server Type | Integer, 0-1, Defaults to 1 | When set to 1, the phone is compatible with Common ACS servers. When set to 0, the phone is compatible with Telecom (CTC) ACS servers. Defaults to 1. |
ACS URL | String | Sets the address of the ACS server. |
ACS UserName | String | Sets the username used to authenticate against the ACS server. |
ACS Password | String | Sets the password used to authenticate against the ACS server. |
CPE UserName | String | Sets the CPE username used to authenticate against the ACS server. |
CPE Password | String | Sets the CPU password used to authenticate against the ACS server. |
CPE SerialNumber | String | Displays the equipment serial number. Not user-configurable. |
TR069 Auto Login | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will connect to the ACS server after reboot and launch a certification request. Defaults to 0. |
TR069 Tone | Boolean, Defaults to 1 | If disabled, the phone will not play a prompt tone after a successful TR069 connection. Defaults to 1. |
Enable TR069 | Boolean, Defaults to 0 | If enabled, the phone will, on boot, send an authentication message to the ACS server. Defaults to 0. |
Periodix Interval | Integer, in seconds, Defaults to 3600 | Sets the CPE packet interval time. Defaults to 3600. |
Area Code | Integer, Defaults to 020 | Sets the ACS server area code. Defaults to 020. |
TLS Version | Integer 0-2, Defaults to 0 | Sets the TLS protocol version to use when communicating against the ACS server as follows: TLS 1.0 - 0 Defaults to 0. |