Sending RAW API

Sending RAW API

API messaging can be sent to the IMG 2020 for functionality such as downloading new signaling variants created through use of the Dialogic® PPL (Programmable Protocol Language) or for Dialogic Support Personnel to send queries when troubleshooting an issue. The procedure below describes the procedures needed to download RAW API files.

Load API Files into the Web GUI

The first step is to load any API messaging files into the Web GUI. The first few steps below describe uploading the files to the Web GUI.

  • Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Files. The Files object is a container or parent object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the Files object and select New File. Within the Name field, click on the browse icon. This will open up a File Upload dialog box. Browse to the directory that has the API file needed. Refer to the object for more information on this object.

  • Click on the file and click on the Open button. This will put the file selected into the Name field. Commit this object by right clicking on the object and select Commit.

  • If the RAW API file is to be processed by a specific node, set the Node Name from the drop down list field. If the RAW API file is to be processed by all nodes, set the Node Name to "Unassigned" from the drop down list field.

  • Using the procedure above, upload any other files to be downloaded to the IMG 2020.

Download API Files to the IMG 2020

At this point, any files that are going to be downloaded should have been first uploaded to the Web GUI as described in the section above. The procedure below describes the steps needed to download the file to the IMG 2020.

  • Right click on the Files object (or any other object in the configuration tree) and select New RAW API Message.

  • In the RAW API Message object that appears, select the file to download from the download menu of the File field.

Refer to the RAW API Message topic for more information on this object.

  • Once file is selected, right click on the RAW API Message object again and select Commit. This will send the file to the IMG 2020.

  • Repeat the steps above for all files to be downloaded.

Send RAW API for a Specific Node

In a multi-node EMS environment, you may wish to send a RAW API for a specific node. If this is the case, the RAW API must be placed under the desired Node object.

If the RAW API is placed under a global object such as SS7, then all of the configured nodes will process the RAW API which may have undesired effects.


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