Release 2.3.1 - An Overview of Features


FR-19790 - IPv6 Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) support for SIP

Brief Description:

The equivalent of IPv4 TOS settings in IPv6 is the Traffic Class. It is an 8 bits value, where the  6 most-significant bits hold the Differentiated Services.

Related Topics:   Type of Service (TOS) Settings

FR-19805 - Supports for different local SIP/IP interfaces to connect to the same remote SIP/IP end point for better routing capabilities

Brief Description:

The feature enables the configuration of multiple external gateways with the same IP address/port and have these external gateways be associated to different channel groups.

Related Topics:  SIP Signaling - SIP   

FR-19774 - Additional Radius VSA attributes to report SS7/IAM Location Number parameters used per call.

Brief Description:

Record all parameters included within the Location Number section of the ISUP IAM message. The new VSAs can be provided for Radius Authentication, Accounting-START and Accounting-STOP messages of the incoming call leg. The IMG 2020 product does not provide Radius Authentication messages for an outgoing call leg, so only Accounting-START and Accounting STOP messages will be updated with the new VSAs.
VSA tag used for Location Number is "158"

Related Topics: : RADIUS - Dialogic VSA's

FR-817443 - Additional SNMP statistics OIDs reporting the number of released calls that ended without a normal cause code (16 or 31).

Brief Description:

A new SNMP GCL statistic is added. The new statistic has OID where X is the channel group ID. This value is incremented when the GCL layer reports a released call that is not ended with a normal cause code (16 or 31).

Related Topics: SNMP - Private MIBs

FR-19622 - Support for SS7 CIC state like Remote Hardware Blocked, local Hardware Blocked, Remote Maintenance Blocked, Locally Maintenance Blocked, Transient State, Locally Unequipped State to be reported via SNMP

Brief Description:

SS7 CIC states can be queried using SNMP OIDs from to Please refer to section SNMP - Private MIBs for a full description.

Related Topics: SNMP - Private MIBs

FR-19422 - New SNMP traps supported to report SS7 CIC operation. (BLO, BLA, CGB, CGBA, UBL, UBA, CGU, CGUA)

Brief Description:

This event alarm is sent whenever a BLO, BLA, CGB, CGBA, UBL, UBA, CGU, CGUA SS7 message is received or sent. For single CIC operations, the event will show the CIC message, the direction, the stack id and the CIC number. For block operation, the number of CICs and the supervision type (Hardware or Maintenance) is added to the event description.

Related Topics: SNMP Active Alarms and SNMP - Private MIBs

FR-19750 - Support for A to Z and a to z characters in phone number prefix for additional routing capabilities.

Brief Description:

The feature adds a new option to the existing SIP SGP “Route by Prefix” to preserve and relay the prefix into the outgoing leg.

The prefix is added to the user part of the encoded URI in outgoing SIP messages. 

The feature is only applicable to a SIP-SIP call scenario.  If the outgoing leg is TDM (SS7, ISDN) the prefix is dropped and only the digits will be encoded in the outgoing signaling messages (IAM, Setup).

Related Topics: SIP Profile - Advanced Settings

FR-814056 - E911 use case. Special call flow which tears down the TDM side much faster than waiting for SIP session refresh or BYE retransmit call flow when external SIP endpoint is going down.

Brief Description:

Special SIP-TDM call flow that will release the TDM call leg much faster when the external SIP gateway or application server is down, and the system would normally go through the standard SIP call flow with respect to Session-Refresh (retries) or SIP BYE. The distressed patient could then be called back faster.

Related Topics: SIP Profile - Session Timer

FR-878004 - Support for NFS version 3.

Brief Description:

On Call Tracing configuration page, NFS v2 is enabled by default, we can enable NFS v3 from the Call tracing WebUI page

Related Topics: Call Tracing

FR-840849 - "Provision" privileged users can now activate/deactivate the ACL (Access Control List) for the Service IP when the ACL object property is set to  "Manual Activation".

Brief Description:

When Manual activation is selected, two buttons will appears in the Service IP panel to Activate/Deactivate the ACL. "Provision" privileged users have the right to control it.

Related Topics: Configure Provisional ACL

FR-878022 DSP graceful out of service before auto-reset.

Brief Description:

Upon auto-reset, the master DSP core will now wait until all serviced channels are cleared before launching the self auto-reset process. The feature is enabled by default with a maximum delay before forcing the reset configurable in the PacketFacilities panel.

Related Topics: Packet Facilities


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