Virtual Machine - Installation and Setup

Virtual Machine - Installation and Setup


To control Multiple IMG 2020 nodes through one single Web Browser, Sangoma has developed two applications that are to be installed and run on a separate server running virtualization software.

The first application, which is utilized for controlling multiple nodes, is a custom Virtual Machine (VM). The Virtual Machine is built using Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The Virtual Machine software creates a dialogic User Profile and is installed onto a server running virtualization software. The VM software is labeled Dialogic BDN EMS VM in the diagram below.

The second application is an Element Management System labeled as BDN EMS Software in the diagram below and is installed from the dialogic User profile of the Dialogic BDN EMS VM deployed. The BDN EMS software routes all messaging going  between each of the IMG 2020 nodes and all messaging going between the Web GUI browser and the IMG 2020 nodes.

To be able to run multiple nodes using a Virtual Machine, the Dialogic BDN EMS VM and the BDN EMS software must be installed into a customer’s server running the Virtualization software. As displayed in diagram below, the Dialogic BDN EMS VM and the BDN EMS software are only one of many VM’s and third party software applications that could be run on this server.  

Once installed, the EMS software can configure and control up to six IMG 2020 nodes. The nodes are all configured through a Web GUI application that is communicating with the EMS software. The procedures below describe the steps required to transfer and install both the Dialogic BDN EMS VM and the EMS Software so that multiple nodes can be controlled through a single Web GUI Browser.

Refer to the topic for package information that gets installed when the Virtual Machine image BDN 2.3.0.xxx Host Version xxx (xxx=build and version number) is loaded.


Diagram of Multi Node Network


Retrieve VM and EMS Software from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System)

The Dialogic BDN EMS VM and BDN EMS Software applications can both be downloaded from Dialogic Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System). Follow the instructions below to download these applications.

Obtain system software from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System)

  • Go to http://excelbbs.sangoma.com/

  • For login information, refer to the welcome letter e-mailed after purchase of product or contact Sangoma Support for information on getting a logon username and password.

  • Download the latest IMG 2020 software zip files. The software files required are within zip files on the Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System). The example below displays the format of each of the software files.

    • Virtual Machine Image - BDN 2.3.0.xxx Host Version xxx (xxx=build and version number)

    • System Software - bdn2020_ver230xxx.bin (xxx=build number)

    • EMS Software - bdn2020_host_ver230xxx.bin (xxx=build number)


Deploy/Import the Virtual Machine (Sangoma VM)

The procedures below describe how to create a Virtual Machine Profile using the VMware vSphere client software. Once the Virtual Machine is built on the server, the image that was created to run the MultiNode functionality can then be imported and installed. Follow the procedures below to create the Virtual Machine.

Note: The procedures below describes creating a VM using VMWare’s vSphere virtualization software. This is the virtualization software used during testing and development. However, other brands of virtualization software available can be used. It is up to the system administrator to know the procedures and processes required to create, run, and maintain the virtualization software.

Important Note: The procedure below describes deploying the VM using VMware. When deploying the VM using Virtual Box virtualization software, a problem in performance occurs because the serial port is by default, not enabled when first creating the VM. To alleviate the performance issues, click Enable Serial Port in the Serial Port Tab.

  1. Open the VMWare vSphere Client software and from the File menu select Deploy OVF template. File > Deploy OVF Template.

  2. In the Deploy OVF Template screen, browse to and select the file labeled BDN 2.3.0.xxx Host Version xxx.ovf (xx=latest build and latest version). This file is in the directory created when unzipping the BDN-VEC-2001.zip file downloaded from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System). This file is the VM software that will run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Click on Next>.

  3. Read any warnings on any pop up screens that may appear and accept as required.

  4. In the next screen that appears, verify the OVF Template Details are correct. Select Next>.

  5. In the Name field of the Name and Location screen, either accept the default which is BDN 2.3.0.xxx Host Version xxx or enter a distinct name that identifies the VM being created. In this procedure the default name was accepted. Select Next>.

  6. In the Datastore screen that appears, click on and highlight the required datastore selection. Select Next>.

  7. In the Ready to Complete screen, verify the Deployment Settings are correct. Click on Finish when satisfied that the settings are correct. The Virtual Machine BDN 2.3.0.xxx Host Version xxx will now get created. This will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

  8. Once completed, select the VM image labeled BDN 2.3.0.xxx Host Version xxx just created. This image can be selected from within the tree in the vSphere Client screen. Select the Getting Started tab.

  9. Within the Getting Started tab, click on Power on Virtual Machine to power up the VM just created.

  10. Click on the Console Tab, the Virtual Machine that just got created can now be viewed powering up.

    1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.2 will start. At the localhost login: screen, enter the following:

Dialogic User Login

  • User: dialogic

  • Password: Dial0gic (Capital D, Zero for o)

This will log you into the dialogic Profile located at /home/dialogic and an ftpBuilds directory will already be created within the dialogic directory.

Edit the Created Virtual Machine (VM)

After the VM has been created and logged on, there are a few modifications needed. The scripts that create the VM configures two ethernet adapters for the VM. Eth0 should be configured with a static IP address of and eth1 should be configured to get its IP address through dhcp. The ethernet adapters installed on the server that are running the VM already have a MAC address assigned to each adapter. However, the scripts that install the VM are trying to assign a different MAC address. The mismatch in MAC addresses cause ethernet adapter eth0 to not get the static address being assigned through the VM installation scripts. To correct this mismatch of MAC addresses, follow the instructions below.

  1. The first step is to take note of the network adapter's physical hardware MAC address. This is the MAC address assigned to the hardware. Enter the following commands and take note of the MAC addresses displayed. They will be used later in the procedure
    [dialogic@localhost dialogic]# ifconfig |grep HWaddr 

  2. Enter the grep command below. This command will display what the VM network scripts ifcfg\-eth0 and ifcfg\-eth1 are giving the network adapters for a MAC address.
    [root@localhost dialogic]# grep HWADDR /etc/sysconfig/network\-scripts/ifcfg\-eth*

  3. If the two MAC addresses from step 1 (VM script MAC's) and step 2 (Hardware MAC's) are the same, skip the next few steps and proceed to the next section to install the EMS software. If the MAC addresses are not similar the MAC addresses in the ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1 files in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory will need to be replaced with the Physical Hardware MAC addresses from step 1.

  4. Become a root user.
    [dialogic@localhost ~]$ su
    Password: Dial0gic (Capital D, zero for o)
    [root@localhost dialogic]#

  5. Using the vi editor or some other text editor, open the ifcfg-eth0 file and replace the MAC address in the HWADDR="  " line with the physical hardware MAC address displayed for eth0. This was displayed from step 1 above.

  6. Using the vi editor or some other text editor, open the ifcfg-eth1 file and replace the MAC address in the HWADDR="  " line with the physical hardware MAC address displayed for eth1. This was displayed from step 1 above.

  7. Once completed, the network services need to be restarted. See below.
    [root@localhost network\-scripts]# service network restart

  8. Verify the process worked. Enter the ifconfig command again for each adapter and verify the static IP address of is now assigned to eth0 and dhcp has given eth1 an IP address as well.
    [root@localhost network\-scripts]# ifconfig eth0

    [root@localhost network\-scripts]# ifconfig eth1

 Update System Software as Required

The procedure above installs the Virtual Machine application. Within the Virtual Machine just installed is the latest released version of EMS Software. If a newer version than the released version is required, a software upgrade must be performed. Refer to the Software Upgrade - EMS System topic to upgrade both the EMS Software running on the VM and the System Software running on the IMG 2020 nodes.

Note: The EMS software version running on the VM and the system software running on the IMG 2020 nodes must both match.

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