DNS Server

DNS Server

The IMG 2020 can be configured to execute DNS lookups and queries to multiple Domain Name System (DNS) Servers. To accomplish this, the IMG 2020 must know about all the individual DNS Servers that are in a specific domain. Use this object to notify the IMG 2020 which servers to communicate with for DNS related functionality. Information such as the DNS Servers name and IP address is entered into this object. To create the DNS Server object, right click on the DNS Servers and select New DNS Server.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > External Network Elements > DNS Servers > New DNS Server

Maximum Objects

Up to three individual DNS Server objects can be created under one DNS Servers object. However, this is a shared resource with ENUM Server Sets. The max for both objects total is 15.

Each DNS Client will allow only three DNS Servers to be configured. (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)

Related Topics and Dependencies

Once the DNS Servers and DNS Server objects have been configured, the IMG 2020 must be configured as a DNS Client to the DNS Servers created. To configure the IMG 2020 as a DNS Client refer to the DNS Client topic link below.

DNS Servers

DNS Client

Configure DNS

Field Descriptions


The DNS Server Id field is automatically populated with the next available ID. The ID's range from ID:1 to ID:15 and shares ID's with the  ENUM Server object. To manually change the ID, click in the DNS Server ID field and a drop down menu with all available ID's will be  displayed.


This field defaults to DNS_Server<x> where "x" is a numeral variable. The default name can be accepted or, a different name can be added by deleting the current name, clicking in the Name field, and modifying the existing name. When renaming, it is good practice to enter a name that identifies or describes this particular DNS Server.

IP Address Type

The IMG 2020 supports both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. Select from the drop down menu which Internet Protocol Version will be required.

IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) (Default) – When IPv4 is selected, the Internet Protocol Version 4 format will be utilized. All IP addresses and Network Prefix fields in this object will require entering values using IPV4.

IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) - When IPv6 is selected, the Internet Protocol Version 6 format will be utilized. All IP addresses and Network Prefix fields in this object will require entering values using IPv6.IPv6 is supported when configuring SIP Signaling and its accompanying RTP Media or Video packets. IPv6 is Not Supported when utilizing H.323 Signaling.

IP Address

Click in the DNS Server IP Address and enter the IP address of the individual DNS Server that is being configured to communicate with the IMG 2020. If the IP address is of the IPv4 type, enter a dot between the network groups. If IPv6 is selected, enter a colon ":" between the subnet groups. Refer to the IPv6 / IPv4 Overview topic for more information.

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