Route List Element

Route List Element



The Route List Element object is created under the Route List object. The Route List Element object adds a configured channel group to the Route List being created. The channel groups are added to each Route List by right clicking on the Route List object and selecting New Route List Element. Within the Route List Element object a channel group can be chosen by clicking in the Channel Group field and selecting a channel group from the list of channel groups displayed. This will be the channel group that this Route List Element will route the call to. The maximum number of Route List Elements that can be added to the Route List is 20. Refer to the information below. 

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Routing Configuration > Route Lists > Route List > New Route List Element

Maximum Objects

Up to 254 Route List objects can be created per Route Lists object and up to 20 Route List Element objects can be configured under each Route List object.

Related Topics and Dependencies

When creating a Route Lists object, first a few individual channel groups must be create to route the call to. Second, create a Route Lists object under the Routing Configuration object. The Route Lists object allows multiple Route List objects to be created under it. Under the Route Lists object, create a Route List object. The Route List object allows multiple Route List Elements to be created under it. Each Route List configured can have up to 20 individual Route List Elements added to it. Once the Route Lists, Route List, and Route List Elements have been configured, they can be used for routing. Create a Route Table and then a Route Table Entry object. Within the Route Table Entry object is a field labeled Route Action Type. This field has a drop down menu that includes Route List as one of its routing options. Select Route List from the drop down menu. Now select the Route List created above from the choices in the drop down menu of the Outgoing Route List field just below the Route Action field. A call that is routed to the Route Table created above will then be routed to the Route List displayed in the Outgoing Route List field and then eventually will be sent out one of the channel groups configured under the Route List Element object.

Route Lists

Route List

Route Table

Routing Overview

Field Descriptions

Channel Group Type (Incoming Calls Only)

When a call comes into the IMG 2020 a choice can be made whether to process the call normally or if all TDM circuits are being utilized in the IMG 2020, return a 302 (Moved Temporarily) response back to the originating gateway with information where to redirect the call to. This way the originating gateway can decide what to do with the call. Refer to the IMG 1010 - SIP Redirect IMG Initiated 302 topic for more information on this feature.

Redirect - In a SIP to TDM call if all TDM circuits are being utilized, send a 302 (Temporarily Moved) message back to the originating gateway with Redirect Information

Normal - In a SIP to TDM call, if all TDM Circuits are being utilized, release the call normally with a 486 Busy Here response.

Channel Group

Click in the Channel Group field and a drop down menu will display all the channel groups that can be added to the Route List Element being configured. Select one of the channel groups displayed.

Network Element

This field is used only when the Channel Group Type is configured as a Redirect channel group. The Network Element field is automatically populated with the IP Network Element of the channel group selected in the Channel Group Type field above. This occurs because the Redirect feature functions only when the incoming channel group is configured for IP such as a SIP channel group. When the Channel Group Type is configured as a Redirect channel group, the drop down menu of the Channel Group field will display only the IP channel groups configured. When one of the IP channel groups is selected in the Channel Group field, the Network Element field is automatically populated with the IP Network Element associated with that channel group.

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