T1 Cfg

T1 Cfg

Possible E&M settings for Zapata.conf


featdmf_ta: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US)) through a Tandem Access point

fgccama: Feature Group C-CAMA (DP DNIS, MF ANI)

fgccamamf: Feature Group C-CAMA MF (MF DNIS, MF ANI)

featdmf: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US))

featb: Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US))

featdmf_ta: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US)) through a Tandem Access point

fgccama: Feature Group C-CAMA (DP DNIS, MF ANI)

fgccamamf: Feature Group C-CAMA MF (MF DNIS, MF ANI)

featdmf: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US))

featb: Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US))

em_rx: Receive audio/COR on an E&M interface (1-way)

em_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (1-way)

em_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (2-way)

em_rxtx: same as em_txrx (for our dyslexic friends)

em_w: wink start

sf_rx: Receive audio/COR on an SF interface (1-way)

sf_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an SF interface (1-way)

sf_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an SF interface (2-way)

sf_rxtx: same as sf_txrx (for our dyslexic friends)

prewink: Sets the pre-wink timing.

preflash: Sets the pre-flash timing.

wink: Sets the wink timing.

rxwink: Sets the receive wink timing.

rxflash: Sets the receive flash timing.

flash: Sets the flash timing.

start: Sets the start timing.

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