Open Source - Introduction to Digium Asterisk Module Licensing

Open Source - Introduction to Digium Asterisk Module Licensing



  • G.729

  • HPEC

  • S4A  (Skype for Asterisk)


All Digium software products which require a license key use the same basic process for registering the licenses.  The register utility (available at Index of /pub/register/ ) must be executed on the target system for every key you wish to register.  During the registration process, the target host is examined, and a host ID is computed (primarily from the Ethernet devices available on the system).  Once the registration process is complete, this host ID is stored in Digium's activation database, and the license file for that key  with host ID is written to /var/lib/asterisk/licenses or /var/lib/digium/licenses.  After the license file has been written, the given Asterisk module can be reloaded (or Asterisk restarted) to use the channels provided by the new license.  See the README accompanying each individual software product for installation and registration details.


The licensing scheme contains provisions for extending the number of channels available for a given software product. Simply register any new license keys on the system, reload the requisite module, and the new channels should be immediately available.  For instance, if your system has a G.729 key with ten (10) channels, you may add another key with five (5) channels, reload codec_g729a.so, and the total number of G.729 channels available should be fifteen (15).  For this example, you may confirm this by executing the Asterisk CLI command "g729 show licenses".


In general, the host ID is not allowed to change on a given host.  Since the host ID is based on hardware fingerprinting, Digium acknowledges that sometimes hardware and systems fail, so it is necessary to move the keys to new hardware. The licensing scheme has allowances built into it for this purpose.  With the exception of Free Fax for Asterisk (FFA), all license keys have a limit of three (3) unique host IDs allowed in the activation database.  FFA keys can only have one host ID;  if you require further activations for FFA, simply apply for a new FFA license key.  Only one FFA key can be used at a time on a given target host.  Please see the appropriate software product policies for more details:



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