Sangoma Talk mobile with PBXact Cloud

The following content only applies to FreePBX and PBXact platforms

Sangoma Talk mobile with PBXact Cloud

Creating this document to give an idea about how to configure the Sangoma connect on the freshly installed FreePBX/PBXact Cloud.

  1. Make sure the Sangoma connect module is installed on your PBX , if module not installed then refer the below link and install the module.

  1. Run Register Domain.

Navigate to Admin ==> Sangoma Connect==> Run Domain Action ==>Register domain.

  1. Run Update certificates.

    1. Go to Run Domain Action and update the certificates

  1. Press Enable Sangomaconnect to start the sangoma connect service.

  1. Enable Sangoma connect for the users.

    1. Refer the below link to enable Sangoma connect for users.



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