Switchboard Quick Dial Widget User Training

Switchboard Quick Dial Widget User Training

Quick Dial Widget

This article is a companion document for the Switchboard Quick Dial Widget video. This widget gives you easy and immediate access to dial and transfer to your most frequently used contacts. 

Quick Dial Widget

You can always find the actions for dial and transfer under a contact's Contact Card, but with the Quick Dial Widget, you have access to these options without going into a second menu. 

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From the Quick Dial Widget, you can quickly dial external phone numbers, Switchvox users, or other Switchvox extension types by clicking on the Dial button.

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Leaving a Voicemail

You can also quickly leave someone a voice message by clicking on their Voicemail button. 



You can transfer an existing call, without placing the call on hold, by clicking the Transfer button next to the person's name you wish you transfer the caller to. 


Sending a Call to a Contact's Voicemail

To send an active call directly to another contact's voicemail, click the Voicemail button next to the person's name.


Note: If you'd like to talk to your contact before sending your call over, use the standard transfer button in the My Calls widget.


This places the call on hold (and in transfer mode) allowing you to call your contact through your Quick Dial widget, and explain the call they're about to receive.


When your contact is ready to receive the call, click the Transfer button in the Quick Dial Widget.


If your contact is unavailable or unable to take the call, you can transfer the caller to their Voicemail.



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