Disable a phone - How do I?

Disable a phone - How do I?

If you ever need to disable a phone (particularly remote phones that you gave to an employee who has left the company or been let-go), you can quickly accomplish 'turning the phone off' by following these steps:

  1. Within your Admin Panel, click on Users/Extensions

  2. Click the extension or name you wish to disable

  3. The extension-specific configuration screen opens

  4. Under the Extension section at the bottom, assign the extension to a - virtual device -  or voicemail-only from the "Device:" drop-down

  5. Click Apply All Changes


What you accomplished:  Your PBXtra works by logically connecting an extension with the MAC address of a phone.  When you sever this connection, the phone is no longer able to place or receive calls because your PBXtra no longer recognizes it as a legitimate device.


To UNDO this process, go back to the extension, and choose the correct MAC address from the -available devices- portion of the Devices drop-down and click Apply All Changes.  Reset the phone and it should once again register with your PBXtra .

Caution: do not assign an extension to a phone that already has an extension listed after it.  Only one extension per phone device.



For PBX software running Web Admin Panel 2010.1.20 or later, you may also:

  1. Within your Admin Panel, click on Users/Extensions

  2. Click the extension or name you wish to disable

  3. The extension-specific configuration screen opens

  4. Under the Extension section at the bottom, click on "reset SIP password".

  5. Click Apply All Changes


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