IP Phones do not auto-dial

IP Phones do not auto-dial

If you are using an Aastra or Polycom phone and the dialing behavior of these devices has changed recently, you most likely need to re-download the configuration files into the phone.

Normal dialing behavior should be dialing 4-digits for an extension in your office and then the phone initiating the call automatically - without having to press the dial button or send button (depending on your model of IP Phone).

When this auto-dial behavior stops working, it's very likely that your phone has lost its internal Dial Plan which keeps a list of the types of digits it will accept before automatically initiating a call.

To re-download the configuration files for your phones, please do the following:

  1. Login to your Admin Panel

  2. Click on Extensions

  3. Click on the extension that is having trouble auto-dialing

  4. The extension-specific configuration screen opens.  On the left-hand side you will see the Devices setting.  This field matches the phone's MAC address to an extension.  Make a note of the current MAC address listed in this field

  5. Change the device to voicemail-only

  6. Click Apply All Changes

  7. You are re-directed to the Extensions page.  Click the same extension again

  8. You are once again directed to the extension-specific configuration screen.  From the Devices drop-down, choose the MAC address you previously noted from Step 4

  9. Click Apply All Changes again

  10. Now within this Knowledge Base, select the Flash instructions for your model of phone.  You can quickly locate the instructions for your phone by using the search bar at top.  Type in Polycom 550 Flash if you have a Polycom SoundPoint IP 550 and you need the Flash instructions for example.

Explanation of what you've accomplished - When you set the device for an extension to voicemail-only, you are telling the system to remove the configuration file for the phone from the system.  Then when you set the device back to the MAC address, you're telling the system to download the newly created configuration file from Fonality's Data Cluster where all configuration files are backed up via our Hybrid-Hosted technology.  This newly-downloaded configuration file should contain the correct dial plan for the phone (the one that auto-dials the extension).  Once you flash the phone, you're telling the phone to re-download it's configuration files, apply the correct dial string, and the phone's dialing behavior should return to normal as a result.

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